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:.  c  b  gre  g*.  fcioi*»l  Meeting 
Jaimaacy  17,  1970 

[~.:-.  Uaiazl  CD^^rewfciio.'ial  ifesUng  ef  ursimis  Unite!  Glauroh  of  ChriBt 
was  held  fellotdng  it  oelicious  covered  dish  supper,    UVenty-flve  (2J?) 
members,  plus  children  attended. 

John  Holshouser,    president  for  the  coming  year,  presented  the  annual 
report*    He  mentioned  that  the  pulpit  committee  has  considered  fourteen 
men  as  prospective  ministers  and  that  eight  have  been  contacted.  There 
are  two  or  three  new  prospects  m  the  horizon-  Mr.  Bellinger,  currently 
«px>plying  in  Lexington  and  Mr.  James  Peeler,  Lexington.    J4r.  Porter 
Sex veil  will  continue  to  supply  our  pulpit  until  we  can  secure  a 
permanent  minister* 

50he  response  for  building  program  Suuda  lias  been  good  and  a  report  will 
be  printed  in  the  bulletin  soou. 

Consistory  will  meet  on  January  25th,  at  the  Church.    Officers  for  1970^ 

are  as  follows  j 

President-  Mr.  John  L.  Eolshouser,  Jr. 

Vice  President-  Mr.  Bobby  J.  Beaver 
Beoording  Secretary-  Mrs.  J.  Siatler  Miller 
Hnaiicial  Secretary-  Hr.  ban  Lowery 
treasurer-  !!r.  Marvin  Kail 

Mrs.  Clyde  Barrier  asked  about  carpet  and  Trustee,  ?I,Q.  Itoyal  said 
estimate  was  made  for  carpet  all  over  the  ohuroh  with  ruaaers  in  the 
Educational  Building* 

Mrs*  Virginia  Eolshouser  has  agreed  to  coordinate  draperies  and  wall 
colors  for  parsonage  when  a  minister  is  secured. 

The  meeting'  was  adjourned  following  a  motion  made  by  Harold  Seo.n2i1a.rdt 
and  seconded  by  Hugh  Boat* 

Respectfully  submitted, 

Mrs.  J.  Statler  Miller 
Recording  Secretary 






■  ■ 



3oaeie*e>23  ?<•.••-•••  fcing 
jaauaxy  2£t  1970 

m  tlx  si  Gomistoiy  ffeetiag  of  1?7'  «s  heli  in  the  Church  Sd  Lcatloasl 
Baildiag  with  all  BMsabes^  present  except  L.  C.  TJolehouaer,  who  was  scut 
of  town.    True tees  M.C,  Royal,  R.W.  Brown,  and  Wade  Piaher  were  also 
present; . 

John  L*  Holsheuser  opened  the  meeting  with  prayer  and  the  minutes  from  the 
previous  meeting  and  annual  eoh|sregati©na3  meeting  were  read  and  approved, 

1.  Bill  Hall  contacted  Don  Lyerly  as  a  prospective  mirdster  and 
reported  that  he  van  tod  to  know  what  the  president  of  our  conference 
Ihinfcs  * 

2.  Harold  S&rnliardt  had  not  seen  Jaaea  Peeler,  but  will  do  so  right  away. 

3.  John  Eolshouaer  reported  that  Hr.  Dellinger  is  reafy  tc-  take  on 
a  full  charge  and  that  he  will  get  in  touch  with  him  soon. 

Inhere  was  no  Treasurer's  report  since  it  had  just  appeared  in  the  Annual 

Dan  Lovexy,  financial  secretary,  said  he  deposited  1210.00  to  the  Building 

lund  and  fthat  $2#0OQ«OO  had  been  received  in  pledgee.  Btdlding  $und  erwelopes 
will  he  put  in  each  pew  aa  soon  as  they  can  be  secured. 


1.    H.  W.  Brown  gave  the  lEruetee'a  Eepmrt, 

'Oii-caf.tilon  on  wbother  or  not  to  pay  aa  organist,  offer  aoney 

toward  or^an  lessons,  give  a  contribution,  etc.  was  deferred 

until  Itebrusasy  meeting, 
3.    Jackie  Taylor  says  pianos  seed  to  he  tuned,    fJancy  Miller  agreed 

to  check  on  this, 

U,    The  Gonsistorj  approved  Gayle  Hall1 3  request  that  "Lara's  Theme" 
and  the  "Theme  from  Homeo  &  Juliet"  he  played  at  her  wedding  on 
June  1970. 

a      5,    It  was  moved  and  seconded  that  the  American  Ssd  Cross-  could  give 
their  Htaiidarfi  First  Aid  Course  in  the  clmrch  basement  on  five 
successive  Mondays  from  7*00-9*00  beginning  February  2nd. 
6«    liarold  rainier  will  take  over  printing  of  Bulletins  beginning 
Stebruaaey  3  th. 

7.  H.O.  itogpl  asked  about  eoBonuiion  for  shut  Ins.    An  annouooement  will  be 
made  in  the  bulletin  asking  those  who  desire  ccssaaaica  to  get  in 
touch  with  John  Eclshouser.    Ke  plans  to  make  arrangements  with 

Dr.  Peck  "who  has  expressed  desire  to  give  such  service, 

8.  Trus  bee  £«  W#  Bromt  will  aafce  a  recommendation  at  our  yebmaiy 
meeting  concerning  a  means  of  enabling  disabled  members  to  enter 
oaer  church. 

9.  Dan.  Lowery  made  the  motion,  seconded  by  Bob  Heaver,  that  the  Trustees 
go  ahead  with  plans  to  renovate  the  church  as  voted  on  at  our 
December  Congregational  Meeting, 

The  meeting  was  adjourned  at  8? 30  p,m« 

Hespeotfully  submi  feted. 

Mrs.  Nancy  Miller 
Recording  Secretary 



Coneisto  cy  Keating 
^sbruary  I1-,  1970 

2h®  meeting  was  called  to  02  *2c  r  »nd  opened  Hfch  5.  prayer  b„    ur  2  aidant, 
John,!',  Eblshtmser,    The  miroites  were  read  end  approved. 

SSc©a»a»6if*e  import-  A  action  was  made  and  passed  stating  that  the  Hayes 
Estate  and  Building  ftand  he  combined  in  future  reports .  E«C«C«H«  id.ll  be 
paid  nnarterly. 

Old  Business- 

A,    Seeming  a  Pastor 

1,    Letter  has  been  mailed  to  Mr,  Dillin^er,  aafeing  that  he  come 

to  our  church  sad  visit  the  church,  and  people, 
S«         Lss  Belshouser  reported  that  he  talked  with  Br.  Fespexman 

about  helping'  us  get  a  pastor, 
:>,    John  raontionod  that  he  had  •written  to  Way&e  Sardaaer  and  received 

a  reply  that  he  wasn't  interested. 
U,    Ho  report  on  Jsmes  Peeler. 
"5,    Envelopes  for  the  Building  Fund  are  to  be  purchased,  rubber  stamped 

and  In  the  pews  by  Feb.  22, 
C,    John  checked  with  our  interim  organist  and  she  will  accept  a 

contribution  toward  fathering  her  awsic  education  following  her  supply. 

Trustees  Report  v&s  given  by  2!.  0.  Hoyal« 

X*    She  floor  oovering;  man  is  ready  when  ve  are, 

2,  The  tile  work  has  been  completed  ai  the  parsonage. 

3,  Eepair  work  vill  be  started  in  the  church  buil&i  ^  in  g~3  w^eko. 

Hew  Business- 

1,  Fred  Fddanbeur  will  check  on  who  hes  Easter  sunrise  service 
this  year* 

2,  It  vac  decided  thi  t  we  activate  the  old  painting  oc-fi&iit&ee  under 
the  direction  of  Fred  Hidenhour  and  to  paint  the  nursery. 

3,  Bill  Hall  said  he  would  Formica  the  cabinet  tops  in  the  parsonage 
when  Hugh  7>ost  brings  him  the  color  samples, 

The  meeting  was  adjourned  fell  owing  a  action  by  Dan  bowery, 

Respectfully  subaitted, 

Hancy  I,  Miller 
KeoorJlng.  Sec  cetary 

3ousie"cory  Meeting 
March  15,  1970 

John  L.  hoisfioussr,  president,  opened  the  consistory  soeeting  wish  a  prefer. 

The  lainutas  of  the  previous  meeting  vers  read  and  approved,    'ine  troasurer '  s 
report  was  a&cte  by  Mil  Hall. 

OLSj  35Sil3E3S» 

1.  Harold  Earnhardt  reported  that  he  haa  spoken  to  fae  Bev.  Mr. 

J  asses  Peeler,  Maui's  Chapel,  Lexington  conoernxng  the  possibility  of 
his  beoonin&  our  pastor.    Mr.  Peeler  said  he  would  let  us  know  if 
he  was  interested. 

2.  Mr.  jjxlliis^r  sas  to  ooms  for  a  visit  on  Sebruaxy  2o,  but  it  had 
to  OS  postponed,    he  indicated  that  he  was  not  interested  in 
becoming  peator  of  Ur sinus.    Mr.  Alcorn  will  be  contacted  for 
further  leads. 

3.  She  aaatter  of  the  stained  glass  windows  was  brou^.ii»  up  a^d  it  waj 
decisied  that  xkey  would  be  fixed  when  necessary. 


1.    h& tters  for  transfer  were  received  from 
Mr.  and  Mrs.  J. a.  Sachs 
Christ  d.O.O. 
MLoomlXi^iim,  Indiana 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  David  Garner 
Memorial  ¥.0.0. 
nexin*?touf  *».*J. 

2«    'ine  motion  wus  aaae  and  pasaeu  tnat  aits,  hay  /eaxax  sort  out 

ana  purcnase  new  coya  for  tne  aiursery. 
3*    It  was  brought  out  that  some  vana&Iism  is  taking  place  in  the 

Muucatibonai  JMilding.    A  close  check  'will  be  kept. 

Ihere  was  no  itiore  business  so  tne  meeting  was  adjourneu. 

Respect  fully  submitted, 

Hanoy  E«  Miller, 
Recording  Secretary 



*  -  o 


Co  eii  ";o~  '  Meeting 
Arril  19  / 1970 

president  Ifofr:  Itol  jhouser  called  the  meeting  to  order  vf.fch  prefer.  She 
minutes  -re      sead  aad  approved.    Bill  Sail,  treasurer,  &ave  his  report. 

1.  John  reported  that  he  had  two  conferences  with  Kr«  Alcorn  concerning 

Dillinger  and  that  he's  definitely  not  interested. 

2,  Farold  Earnhardt  vent  to  sea  James  Peeler  and  he  is  not  interested 
in  making  a  charge  at  this  time.    He  will  get  in  touch  with  us 

If  and  when  he*  3  ready  to  make  a  move. 


1.  Jaakie  Utejylda?,  chairman  Kindergarten  Committer,  made  a  report  to 
the  Consistory  and  asked  for  our  approval  to  continue  with  the 
program  another  year.    Bill  Hall  made  the  motion  wfcieh  nas  passed 
unanimously  that  the  program  continue.    Jackie  said  they  have  21 
registered  for  the  fall  term  and  that  the  fee  will  ho  raised  to 
*-2C  per  month. 

2.  E,  W.  Brown  reported  for  the  trustees.    A  motion  w  made  and 
passed  to  accept  report  on  chancel  furniture  made  the  the  Ifege 
Church  $tai£turs  Co.  in  Hbemarle,    'The  furniture  will  cost  $2,723 
s&d  will  he  ready  in  ?0  days, 

Semolelinr  has  been  hell  up  doe  to  a  delay  in  receiving  carpet. 
M  soon  as  carpet  arrives,  the  painters  will  resume  voxk  and  the 
carpet  will  he  laid. 

A  motion  was  passed  fleuthorissing  the  Hftrustees  to  borrow  up 
to  |£9000  if  needed  in  order  to  pay  hills  ttpon  oompletlcr;  of  work. 
r"3ti:j'ate.l  ~or»t  iss    $2823    chancel  furniture 

1^68  carpentry 
3000  carpet 

painting  parsonage  and  ofoxtroh 
Tr»  hv&X&ZnQ  fun:!  will  take  oars  of  snae  it  this  hut  15000  is  -needed 
tc  Oemptete  payments,    A  notice  will  be  put  in  the  bulletin  asking 
for  these  .funds  from  the  congregation  sic  we  won't  have  to  "borrow. 
3„    Iftnisters-  Jehu  reported  that  Kbf,  Oelwell  will  not  ho  available 
during        due  to  increased  activities  at  the  college.  Supply 
ministers  will  Vie  secured, 

John  will  get  in  touch  wish  Thomas  Madriu,  a  minister  outside 
of  Leriafftor,  and  Guy  Slsher  of  Peaohland,  Harold  Sbalts* 

Pratta^ille,  /,1a,  is  interested  in  moving  hut  no  plana  were 
to  contact  him* 

k*   Kary  Peeler  has  submitted  rasignation  as  organist,    /lice  Linker 
will  he  asked  to  assume  the  responsibilities  of  organii&t. 

5.    M.  0,  Royal  has  submitted  that  Ralph  Brown  has  been  tailing  care 
of  the  aesaetcey  and  has  asked  for  permission  to  pour  cement  around 
the  old  stones  so  that  mowing  will  he  possible.    Permission  ws.s 
tc  he  given  by  the  Sruetees, 

The  meeting  was  adjourned  until  the  third  Sunday  ni^it  in  May. 

Respectfully  submitted, 

Nancy  H.  Miller, 

Recording  Secretary 



1- r,  to:  „  V.v  .king 

".17,  1970 

She  meeting  was  celled  to  order  by  the  pre&ldent,  John  L,  I  - "    .  .  . 
Minutes  f;-- the  pSBthrioug  meeting  t*er«  reed  and  approved.   3111  2all  made 
the  treasurer's  report. 


1.  letters  vera  witter,  to  *tr.  3^&xi»  and  Mr,  Guy  31ahex  concerning 

a  new  minister  .few  Primus*         Filter  visited  with  the  Consistory 
and  interested  members  of  the  congregation  one  Monday  evening  in 
Ipril  and  wiH  3et  us  know  in  the  next  few  voefca  if  he  is  interested 
in  occiiiig  to    If  he  decides  to  coue,  the  whole  congregation 
will  be  notified  by  mail  :>f  the  date  when  he  will  preach  a  trial  sermon. 

t*    Ajsy  Hdenheux  and  Ohexyl  Peeler  «>xe  te&iag  organ  ieafione  at  Pfeiffex 
College  arid  have  asked  for  permission  to  practice  on  the  church 
organ.    4,  t-otion  was  made  t©  that  affect  and  passed  ur^d^ously. 

2.  33be  typewri'tet  in  the  office  needs  servicing.    John  will  see  that 
this  aj&ttex  ie  taken  eaae  of. 

3.  S&MU  Linker  will  play  the  organ  hut  will  not  direct.    Ye  will 
aJtek  Mrg  •  Haxguexite  Hlsenheiiaex  bo  help  out. 

!{«    The  oarpet-  in  &he  nursery  will  "be  straightened  out  when  the  rug 

man  COmSS. 

-  snpply  minister  will  he  secured  fox  *lay  31,  since  te#  Seiwell 
and  Dr.  Peek  will  not  ee  available. 

Ilr.  S *  ¥•  hrown  reported  that  the  Boats  (6.4.,  Eogh,  and  Spencer)  will 
pay  for  the  ohancel  furniture. 

Tlw  painters  have  finished  the  painting  on  the  outside  of  the  church. 
!3Jbe  paxeonage  needs  to  'bo  completed.    $15>00  is  i-jeeded  to  complete  all 

She  meeting  was  ad;$ouxne&# 

Heapocit folly  submitted, 

Saaoy  E«  Miller, 
Seeox&lng  Seoxetaxy 

IIOfEis    the  ainutee  from  the  Consistory  meetings  of  June,  July,  and 
Aiagast  are  missing  • 

wOnsiia  uO^-'j  ..IGvtiUJ^J 

er  tmbev  80,  1970 

Tho  regular  aaetintf  of  the  Coaaiatoxy  of  teiflUe  C:i5ted  Shwcca  of  Christ 
was  celled  to  order  I©  tbA  president*  John  Eolshouser*    A  prayer  was  said 
by  oi33?  new  pastor,  Guy  $•»  Usher. 

!£her<2  were  no  Binutes  road.    Bill  Hall  gave  the  treasurer's  ^oport. 

1.  A  thank  you  was  reoe i Ted  from  Catawba  College  for  our  contribution 

Sjo  the  Catawba  Chapel  in  the  amount  of  £250. 

2,  V/fi  received  a  letter  from  Sast  rowan  Hi(£h  School  eonoer-alus  our 
payment  $owaa?d  the  bible  instructor.    S5.ll  It&ll  said  he  would 

try  W  attend  the  meeting  taesiay  nigjht  to  get  the  matter  straitened 

3«    fir*  Slsher  reported  on  the  Stewardship  workshop  wh'ab  h4j  and  Dan 
Lowexy  attended  in  Knnnapolis .    SEhay  stressed  that  a  year  around 
e^h&sis  should  be  pat  on  atefwardahip  instead  of  a  eetteonal  one. 
Tin  Board  of  Deacons  will,  meet  September  30  at  7O0         at  the 
hoasi  of  ^ohn  E&lshouser  to  disausa  SteWwds&ip  and  tLw  budget  far 
the  coaiv  year. 

li.    in  lasteHatiflsa  service  for  tir*  Fisher- will  be  helcJ  o  Sunday, 
ITovenibe-;  1,    Hie  Ssv,  Ifc.  Edward  Hcom  and  tlx*  Li^itboarne  will 

$m    lvr.  L.  3*  Kclshouser  will  accompany  llx.  Pisher  as  a  aelo&ute  to 
the  third  annual  Western  Asaoioatlon  Conference  meeting  fee  be 
held  cn  October  13  uL  frinity  Oiruroh  in  Ccnever, 

6.  linber  vili  order  xu&ierials  for  the  oonfix'ifiation  olass  w&Ub. 
will  be  ar^aiasd  in  the  near  future. 

7.  the"  old  altar  furniture  is  not;  for  sale  and  will  be  stored,  since 
it  W8I3  ssllds  by  former  parishioners * 

c»    L  f oifu.. J.  reoep  6">.on  will  uo  held  fox*  uh€  fisnsr  fsa&Jly  in  the 
ohuroh  baseaii&&t  on  Sunday  ni$hi#  October  n#  ly70  at  $100  p.m. 


lis-.  1«  ¥.  brown  gB*t  the  trustees  report,    fhsjy  m®.  v&itlaf  for  the 
painter  So  cone  and  do  the  outside  of  the  church  ml  parso2|a^e»  The 
choir  chairs  are  to  arrive  this  aaonth  and  will  cost  an  additional  ,^>00» 
SSbey  tlitiilc  the.;  have  this  taken  care  of. 

It  was  suggested  fee  the  'trustees  that  .•:.•:»  aey  for  robe  ©lea&ing*  choir 
refresViOiiiiljnt-3,  etc.  be  taken  oar©  of  by  the  Masio  l&saorial  Fond. 

fhe  iiee sin_  mi  MjflNonod  ontil  October  18 « 

Oeapeotfally  tfabsaitsed, 

Ka&ey  St.  Miller, 
Ooooraing  Secretary 

Consistory  i-ieeting 
October  IS,  V)JO 

Ins  meeting1  was  called  to  order  and  sit©  atomies  from  the  last  meeting1 
were  read  and  npproved.    Bill  Hell  gave  the  treasurer' s  report* 

1.  Th&  Deacons  met  to  discuss  she  stewardship  program  for  the  coming 
..rear.    Stewardship  will  be  emphasised  each  2  aontns  using  a 
stewardship  cidendar  which  mil  be  distributed  to  each  family 

in  the  congregation,  posters,  bulletin  inserts,  etc. 

2.  14r.  Usher  reported  ontthi  third  annual  Wee  tern  Association 
Conference,    inex'e  were  mum  ^ooa  reports,    he  meivcionea  th&o 

'  f!Dhe  Story  of  one  bouuhern  c'/cod"  ooo&s  neea  to  be  sold*  I'hey 
cost      *0o.    I'hjre  has  been  a  loss  in  membersnip  in  the  conference 
but  support,  das  increased. 

Painting  of  the  parsonage  will  oe  done  in  the  spring*    w«  ow  4  3000 
on  the  remodeling  ana  £2>0Q  was  oorroweu  nixom  tne  fame  to  pay  aiiis.  fhey 
errpeot  to  come  is  for  the  choir  chairs. 

i'he  (ionsistoigr  suggested  that  the  trustees  prepare  a  re-oorv  to  be 
presented  to  the  congregation  on  Bbvember  8. 

WIN  bJblhwous 

1.  Presentation  of  the  1971  bucket,    nr.  noxenouser  mowed  and  it 
was  seconaed  by  harolu  harniiarat  snat  tne  aud*?et  oe  unproved,  it 
passed  unanimously. 

2.  We  plan  to  out  on  a  year  ena  arive  for  cne  rem4inin^  |*/C300  needed 
to  meet  fcxae  current  ouaweu. 

A  motion  was  made  by  nr.  noianouser  that  tne  church  pa,y  ail  organist 

$L$*0Q  a  weei£  to  oe  taken  out  of  tne  naviu  m.  Holshouser  Memorial 

A'Uiiu.    It  was  passed  unanimously, 
h.    Hr.  wisher  Baiu  that  confirmation  classes  were  to  uaxui  xn  fiifveoiner. 
>•    A  men's  Dinner  meeting  will  be  ijeiu  on  ootoo«r  29  at  ot.  Janes 

0»C«C*  in  Mt.  Pleasant.    .Several  men  clan  to  actenu  from  Jrsinus. 

6.  k  letter  of  transfer  was  received  from  mre.  r.  «/.  Uoldston  to 
Mew  tiiiead  b.C.o.  Uoneoru,  w.U. 

7.  A  notice  was  received  £zxm  the  HsB  nopartment.    johu  saiu  he 
thousnt  he  had  tsjeen  care  of  tins  but  wooiu  look  into  it  again. 

u.    A  speoAau.  revues  o,  over  ana  beyond  the  cud^st.  wat>  made  by  tne 

£UQ •(*•!£•  for  additional  luuus.    special  envelopes  will  oo  placed  in 
the  mx&  so  cnat  those  wistiin#  to  matte  a  sueoiai  contribution 
ma,/  do  so. 

^.    it  was  orou&ns  up  that  the  tablet  of  ministers  at  the  front  of 
the  church  building  be  orou&ht  up  to  date  to  inciuae  our  new 
minister.  ±4r.  Guy  wisher.    l:his  will  be  taken  care  of  namediateiv. 

She  meeting  was  adpourned. 

Respectfully  submitted. 

Hancv  iu  Miller, 
necoroing  secretary 



*     «  -> 


s&w&esi  S0#  1970 

Eha  coK&luea  Coaaietoxy  (old  and  new)  iaet  at  tue  'mm  of  oar  president, 
John  L.  SHblaWmsai?. 

1.  Hr.  Fieher  will  secure  a  lay  delegate  for  the  E.G. CM,  to 
x*epr©#©nt  Ursinus  An  1971  • 

2,  Ida!  Help  is  ia  need  for-  ftaa&a  sad  a  motion  was  sjaie,  seconded 

and  passed  that  tne  offering  at  tha  frmcHelitZht  service  on  Christmas 
'iii  i>®  for  this  voietli-v?hil«  endeavor* 

3»    Bill  Hall  •'••fctwrtad  that  we  only  tmeO  about  $100  to  raeet  our  current 

ii,    idsxition  of  officers  for  ly7l* 
Harold  Bernhardt,  President 
John  Solshousar,,  Vice  President 
Li&ziay  Killer,  fcecordi-nfr-  Secr&tarv 
»iean  ftuikett,  i*%ftartci;il  8©C3?©tary 
Dr,  Hol*hmjeer,  'Preaeurer 

$26*00  still  owd  on  renovation. 

ktstm&lamuux  vera  ay.cved  by  waney  HolsjiouHar  and  the  iae»&i3w  waa  adjouxned 
shortly  after, 

«te«T)ftctf»jllY  submitted, 
nanov  a.  Miller, 


^tmsBoxc^t  It,  19  71 

|£he  Cii'iuutji  coi^stiutioaal  as&itijag  w&«  called  so  oxv*er  oy  our  mnistier, 
lOud  Sot.  Hr*  Quy       ?l#ber,    ©sere  were  if(  adult  membora  present, 

O^rfcif  io&t«s  of  Apprar.iat.lon  -were  presented  to  the  following  members 

for  tte&r  services  dup&ag  the  past  years 

Mrs.  Huth  Beaver,  "President  Woaen '  e  Guild 
Kr«  Dasi  Lowexy,  i^n&ooial  Secretary  for  it  years, 
ftp.  John.  Hdlshouser,  President  Comistory  2  ya«a?s» 
Mr,  Bill  Hall,  'Osw&surer. 

All  asmher-s  were  re^gaiaed  for  the  .lofts  they  are  doing, 

A  brief  memorial  service  was  held  foreour  rnwrnvx-H  who  passed  away  during 
"siie  year  1970s 

Mr,  $hoffla@  H,  Hineiia»it 

Mrs,  J,  M,  Holwhonsef 

lie,  J,  Yorfee  I^alar 

Kir*  (*«  Walter  Peeler 

A  prayer  was  ^to  and.  the  e<S»ngre«*ati<sss  e*»w  *vn  nij».n^e  of  »*jn«t  4*9  I  »?nw 
aooompaaied  oy  Helen  Barnnardt  at  the  piano, 

"A  Story  of  the  Southern  Synod",  000k,  was  offered  for  ©sale  at 

?he  ©MMeski  ioired  in  tbe  sin*gin$  of  "Oot  Ba  Ya,« 

•She  Annual  Report  was  distriouted  to  each  family  end  the  past  President 
John  L.  Hoisijonser  read  the  oonslatory  report, 

UThe  henedioat  Ion  was  said  the  the  ^.nlsterj  i*jy  F,  Fisher, 

JRespeotfnl  ly  submttited ,. 

rtJUHv*-  Miller, 
Heeorddrwr  Secretary 

.    .  . 

An  Annual  congregational  meeting  was  held  on  January  16,  1971  •    2ne  minutes 
are  missing.    Mrs.  Nancy  Miller  was  the  recording  secretary  at  the  time. 
The  following  report  is  what  pastor  Guy  Fisher  remembers  of  the  meeting 
five  years  later. 

1.  It  was  a  covered-dish  dinner  meeting  with  a  good  turn  out.  Pastor 
Fisher  met  some  of  the  members  for  the  first  time.    We  all  seemed 
to  enjoy  the  food  and  fellowship. 

2.  Reports  from  the  various  organizations  were  given.    Mr.  John  Holshouser 
presided  at  the  meeting. 

3.  A  brief  memorial  service  was  held  for  those  who  had  died  during  1970* 
(see  annual  report  booklet  for  names). 

k*  A  loss  was  reported  in  membership  due  to  the  granting  of  letters  of 
people  who  had  joined  other  churches  over  the  past  two  years  during 
which  time  Ursinus  was  without  pastoral  leadership. 

5.  A  budget  of  118,899.00  was  adopted  for  the  year  of  1971. 

6.  The  pastor  and  his  family  received  boxes  of  food  as  gifts  of  the 
members  of  the  congregation. 

A  consistory  meeting  was  held  on  January  17,  1971  •  The  minutes  of  this  meeting 
are  also  missing. 

About  the  only  thing  pastor  Fisher  can  remember  about  the  meeting  is  that 
he  reported  that  he  had  started  holding  devotions  in  the  Rockwell  Rest  Home 
every  Fttday  afternoon.  The  bulletins  show  that  the  pastor  was  busy  visiting 
the  membership,  working  with  the  youth  program,  oonductigg  a  confirmation 
class,  preaching,  and  celebrating  Communion  along  with  the  congregation. 

Guy  F.  Fisher 

February  21,  1971 

The  Consistory  met  in  the  conference  room  of  the  church,  The  meeting 
was  called  to  order  by  the  new  president,  fir.  Harold  Earnhardt,  lie  opened 
with  a  prayer. 

The  minutes  of  the  last  meeting  (which  are  missing)  were  read  and 
approved.    The  minutes  of  the  annual  congregational  meeting  were  read  (which 
are  also  are  missing)  were  approved. 


1.  Mr.  Harold  Earnhardt  and  Mrs.  J.  Statler  Miller  (Nancy)  will  act 
as  lay  representatives  to  the  B.C. CM. 

2.  It  was  announced  that  the  offerings  from  the  candlelight  service 
on  Christmas  Eve  did  go  to  support  the  Dial  Kelp  program. 

3.  President  Harold  Earnhardt  and  Secretary,  Nancy  Miller  signed  an 
employmnent  contract  persuant  to  authority  of  the  consistory  for 
the  maintenance  of  the  church.    Mr.  Earnhardt  will  take  it  to  Mrs. 
Helen  Lowery  for  her  signature.    Mrs.  Lowery  was  to  receive  the 
check.    Her  father,  Mr.  Tom  Linker,  was  to  do  the  cleaning  of  the 
church.    This  was  largely  done  for  income  tax  purposes. 


Dr.  L.  C.  Holshouser  gave  his  report.    It  was  mentioned  that  our  monthly 
collections  are  not  sufficient  to  meet  the  proposed  budget.    It  was  re- 
commended that  ifea  a  monthly  report  of  the  financies  be  placed  as  an 
insert  in  the  bulletin.    A  quarterly  report  will  also  be  given  to  the 


1.  I!r.  Harold  Earnhardt  mentioned  that  felt  tips  are  needed  on  some  of 
the  handbells  and  that  a  cover  is  missing.    Mrs.  Harold  Eariihardt 
(Helen)  and  Mrs.  Hugh  Sost  (Rena)  will  be  asked  to  take  care  of  this. 

2.  There  have  been  some  items  rfcfeak  taken  fr^m  the  kindergarten  and  the 
pastor1  s  study.  A  motion  was  made  and  passed  that  new  locks  be  in- 
stalled in  tlie  hall  outside  of  the  study  and  conference  room.  Mr. 

M.  0.  Royal  will  take  care  of  the  locks  and  the  pastor  will  call  about 
installation  of  a  telephone  outside  the  church  office.    A  motion  was 
made  and  passed  concerning  the  installation  of  the  telephone. 

3«    Mr.  Hugh  Boat  will  secure  bids  for  air  conditioning  the  entire 
parsonage  and  report  to  the  trustees  for  action. 

k*    Pastor  Pisher  reported  that  the  United  Church  of  Christ  Retirement 
Home,  in  Newton,  N.  C.  is  coming  along  nicely  and  that  a  drive  will 
probably  be  coming  in  the  near  future  to  help  match  funds  already 
donated  by  Mr.  Abernathy  of  Newton. 

February  21,  1971  meeting  cont'd 

5.  Pastor  Fisher  reported  tentative  plans  have  been  made  for  joint 
Holy  Week  services  with  the  Emmanuel  Lutheran  and  the  St,  James 
Lutheran  Church.    The  schedule  is  listed  below: 

April  k  Confirmation  of  Ursinus  Members  on  Palm  Sunday, 

$  Joint  service  at  St.  James,  7s 00  p,  m.  Pastor  Fisher  to  assist, 

6  "  "  "  Emmanuel,      "       "  "  "       "  preach. 

7  "  "  "  Ursinus        "       "  H  "       "  assist. 

8  Maundy  Thursday  Communion  Service-— Ursinus  Only. 

9  Our  own  Good  Friday  service. 

10     Joint  sunrise  serve  at  Ursinus  at  6:30  a.  m. 

6.  The  consistory  gave  Pastor  Fisher  the  go  ahead  to  begin  work  on  a  long- 
range  spiritusL  growth  program  for  Ursinus.    His  hope  is  to  have  this 
climax  in  1975  at  which  time  Ursinus  will  celebrate  its  SevBnty-Fifth 
Anniversary . 

The  meeting  was  adjoured  following  the  benedict  Aon  by  pastor  Fisher. 

Hespectfully  submitted, 

Nancy  H.  Miller, 


March  21,  1971 

President  Harold  Earnhardt  opened  the  regular  meeting  of  the  consistory 
with  a  prayer. 

The  minutes  of  the  last  meeting  were  read  and  approved. 

Dr.  L.  C.  Holshouser  gave  the  treasurer's  repsrrt. 


1.  Mr.  Hugh  Bost  has  received  one  bid  on  air  conditioning  the  parsonage. 
He  will  wait  and  give  his  full  report  when  he  gets  another  bid. 

2.  Pastor  Pisher  reported  on  a  spiritual  growth  program  furor  for  Ursinus. 
He  read  a  passage  of  Scripture  from  the  3^  chapter  of  Revelation 
which  was  pertinent  to  our  situation.    He  issued  a  challenge  to  the 
members  of  the  consistory  to  lead  the  church  in  this  program  of 
growth.    The  challenge  consisted  of  imporvement  in  the  following 
areas  of  the  church  life: 

a*    better  attendance  at  the  Sunday  morning  worship  services. 

b.  increased  participation  in  the  Church  School  program. 

c.  increased  involvement  in  Women's  Guild. 

d.  growth  in  church  membership. 

e.  ministering,  mission,  and  evangelism. 

Mr.  Hugh  Bost  will  act  as  chairman  of  the  Elders  and  get  tliem  together  to 
set  some  goals  and  make  a  plan  for  the  rest  of  the  consistory  members  to  carry 
out.    The  Under  Sphpherd  Plan  was  mentioned  and  this  will  be  looked  into. 

Mr.  Jean  Bucket t,  superintendent  of  the  Chierch  School,  will  meet  with 
his  committee  and  teachers  on  March  28th  to  set  their  goals  and  plan  of  work 
to  help  meet  the  pastor's  challenge. 

The  Deacons  will  work  on  stewardship.    Mrs.  Glenn  Misenheimer  (Marguerite) 
who  is  the  president  of  the  Women's  Guild,  will  be  asked  to  see  what  can  be 
done  through  the  women  of  the  ohuroh.    Hopefully,  we  can  all  work  together  to 
imporve  the  health  of  our  church. 


1.  Pastor  Pisher  read  a  letter  from  Ed.  Neff ,  pastor  of  the  Pilgrim  UCC 
in  Charlotte  which  stated  that  Ursinus  had  accepted  a  challenge  of  $1,239.00 

for  their  building  site.  We  have  no  record  of  having  accepted  sucha  a  challenge. 
The  pastor  will  look  into  this  matter  with  the  Rev.  Neff. 

2.  Dr.  Holshouser  will  contact  Rowan  Stationers  to  clarify  a  billing. 

3.  All  trash  and  garbage  from  the  church  buildings  will  have  to  be  put 
into  cans  for  pick-up  by  the  town  since  no  burning  is  allowed.  Mr. 
Tom  Linker,  the  custodian,  will  be  notified  to  do  this. 

The  meeting  was  adjourned  by  a  prayer  from  the  pastor. 

Respectifully  submitted, 
Nancy  H.  Miller,  Secretary 









April  18,  1971,  7 « 30  P.  ». 

The  April  meeting  of  the  Consiitory  was  opened  with  prayer  given  by  the 
president  Mr.  Harold  Earnhardt.    In  the  absence  of  Secretary,  Nancy  Miller, 
John  Holshouser  read  the  minutes  of  the  last  meeting  and  was  designated  to  take 
minutes  of  this  meeging. 

Dr.  L.  C.  Holshouser  gave  a  Treasurer' s  report  for  the  month  of  April  and 
also  a  quarterly  report  for  theyyear  1971 • 

Under  old  business,  Mr.  Hugh  Bost  advised  that  he  would  check  on  the  air 
conditioning  for  the  parsonage  and  give  a  report  back  sometime  in  May. 

Rev.  Fisher  gave  a  report  on  the  progress  of  the  spiritual  growth  program 
and  is  now  in  the  process  of  mapping  the  geographical  area  in  order  that  some 
system  might  be  maintained  to  determine  who  has  been  contacted  in  a  given  area. 
This  particular  program  is  to  be  expanded  not  only  to  existing  members  but  also 
potential  members. 

Mr.  Jean  Packet t  as  Superintendent  of  the  Church  School  reported  that  he 
had  contacted  the  Church  School  members  andhhe  had  developed  a  list  of  members 
not  attending;  that  plans  for  personal  contacts  were  made  and  carried  out  with 
the  results  that  new  members  were  now  coming. 

Rev.  Fisher  reported  that  the  Retirement  Home  fund  raising  is  now  under 
way  for  the  United  Church  of  Christ  Home  in  Hewton,  N.  C,  and  that  a  dinner 
will  be  held  in  our  area  as  a  kick-off  sometime  in  the  next  few  weeks.  Various 
members  of  the  Consistory  will  be  asked  to  attend,  and  it  is  Rev.  Fisher's 
understanding  that  the  iaoeny  is  to  be  raised  in  full  sometime  by  late  summer. 

Rev.  Fisher  also  mentioned  that  he  would  like  to  acquire  an  American 
flag  and  a  Christian  flag  for  use  by  our  church  in  the  Vacation  Church  School 
programs  and  also  in  the  sanctuary  on  special  occasions.    Approval  for  acquisition 
of  these  flags  was  voiced  by  all  members  cf  the  Consistory. 

Discussion  for  a  clean-up  campaign  for  the  entire  church  was  held,  and  it 
was  understood  that  the  ladies  of  the  church  might  beiinterested  in  spear- 
heading such  a  move. 

Mr.  R.  W.  Brown  presented  a  report  of  the  Trustees  indicating  that  $2,000.00 
is  still  due  on  money  borrowed  previously  for  the  building  program,  and  there 
was  also  discussion  about  painting  the  outside  of  the  church  and  parsonage,  which 
would  cost  approximately  $1, £00.00  additional. 

Discussion  was  then  held  relative  to  shifting  funds  from  different  accounts 
now  under  the  control  of  the  Trustees  in  order  to  complete  these  painting  needs. 
Upon  motion  duly  made  by  Dr.  L.  C.  Holshouser  and  seoonded  by  Mr.  Jean  Puckett, 
it  was  unanimously  approved  that  $1,  £00.00  of  the  David  M.  HOlshouser  Fund  be 
used  to  pay  for  painting  the  church  and  parsonage  exteriors,  with  the  understanding 
that  this  money  would  be  repaid  to  the  Fund  at  such  time  as  monies  became 

Respectfully  submitted, 
John  L.  Holshouser,  Jr. 

A         May  16,  1971  Consistory  meeting 

The  meeting  was  called  to  order  and  opend  with  prayer  by  Mr.  Harold  Earnhardt. 
The  minitues  were  read  and  approved. 

There  was  a  treasurers  report  given  by  Dr.  L.  C.  Holshouser.    He  reported  that 
an  insurance  bill  on  the  buildings  was  due  in  30  days.    The  bill  was  over  $500.00. 
It  was  decided  that  a  -local  agent,  Mr.  Jim  Poole,  insure  the  buildings  through 
his  company  in  the  coming  months.    Mr.  Hugh  Bost  made  a  motion  that  we  pay  the 
insurance  due  even  though  it  is  slightly  over  the  budget. 


Mr.  Hugh  Bost  reported  that  he  had  received  two  bids  on  air  conditioning  the 
parsonage —  $2,137.00  and  $1,900,00. 

Mr.  R.  W.  Brown  reported  that  the  total  cost  of  painting  outside  of  church  and 
parsonage  was  $1,22£.00.    Mr.  Harold  Earnhardt  will  talk  to  the  president  of 
the  Guild,  Mrs.  Glenn  Misenheimer,  about  the  Guild  paying  the  debt.    Dr.  L.  C. 
Holshouser  moved  that  we  go  with  air  conditioning  the  parsonage.    Mr.  Hugh 
Bost  will  do  some  of  the  work  along  with  Cohen  Sheet  Metal  Company.    Mi?.  Bost 
is  to  tell  Cohen  to  go  ahead  with  the  project. 

The  American  and  Christian  fligs  were  purchased.  cost-$3°»QC» 

Pastor  Fisher  agreeded  to  speak  to  the  Women's  Guild  about  spear-lie  a/ling  the 
clean-up  drive. 

Mrs.  Glenn  Misenheimer  asked  to  use  church  fellowship  hall  for  a  piano  recital 
on  May  29.    The  consistory  agreeded  to  allow  her  to  do  so. 

Dr.  Holshouser  brought  to  the  attention  of  the  group  that  some  of  the  hymnals 
needed  some  repairs.    This  was  taken  care  of  by  the  pastor. 

Pastor  Fisher  will  attend  the  Southern  Conference  meeting  at  Elon  College  on 
June  8  and  9«    Mr.  Harold  Earnhardt  and  Blayne  Olsen  will  go  if  they  can. 

It  was  announced  that  the  Prigrim  TTCG  in  Charlotte  will  be  organised  as  a 
churhh.    Pastor  Fisher  will  represent  TJrsinus. 

A  kindergarten  committee  was  appointed*  Mrs.  A.  L.  Linker  (Alice)  Mrs.  John. 
Holshouser  (Nancy)  $rs.  Jack  Taylor  (Jackie)  Mrs.  Jean  Puckett  (Carolyn) 

It  was  agreeded  to  drop  Miss  Mikell  Miller's  name  from  the  roll  as  she  had 
joined  the  St.  Lukes  Episc.  Church  in  Salisbury. 

Past or  Fisher  talked  about  inviting  an  overseas  missionary  to  speak  at  Ursinus 
This  matter  was  to  be  mentioned  to  the  Church  Women  for  a  decision. 

Pastor  Fisher  presanted  the  consistory  with  a  map  of  Rockwell.    The  map  pin- 
pointed the  membership  and  the  prospective  members.    He  requested  that  two 
visitors  be  responsible  for  each  of  the  six  divisions.    He  also  told  the 
consistory  that  the  church  needed  to  feel  more  as  a  family  and  that  the 
attendance  at  meeting  could  be  improved. 

May  16,  1971  cont'd 

A  total  of  #29.50  was  contributed  to  the  Gideons  International, 

Pastor  Fisher  reported  that  87  acres  of  land  had  been  donated  by  Dr.  and  Mrs. 
J.  W,  Abemathy  of  Newton  to  the  Retirement  home.    They  also  donated  $1,275*000.00 
'Hie  churches  of  the  Conference  are  to  match  this  amount.    The  Ur sinus  Church 
was  asked  to  give  S3 » 200  to  the  Retirement  Home  over  the  next  three  years. 
Mr.  Blayne  Olsen  moved  that  we  accept  this  responsibility.    The  motion  passed. 

The  meeting  was  adjourned  by  prayer  led  by  the  pastor. 

Respectfully  submitted, 

Nancy  Miller,  Recording  Secretary 


>  : 




June  20,  1971 

The  June  meeting  of  the  Consistory  was  held  in  the  church  education 
building  at  7O0  p.  nu  with  opening  prayer  being  given  by  Presides  Mr.  Harold 
Earnhardt.    In  the  absence  of  Nancy  Miller,  minutes  were  taken  by  John  L. 
Holshouser,  Jr. 

A  Treasurer's  report  was  presented  oy  Dr.L.  C.  HolsfcAser.    It  was  suggested 
that  a  six-month  report  be  given  to  the  congregation  to  keep  them  abreast  of  any 
deficiencies  which  might  be  noted  at  that  time.    Pastor  fisher  commented  that 
Ms  records  reflected  a  $692.00  deficit  in  comparison  to  the  over-all  budget 
requirements  to  date.    He  also  noted  additional  pressure  being  put  on  by  East 
Ho wan  High  School  for  giving  toward  the  Bible  program.    Dr.  Holshouser  felt 
that  these  pressures  were  unwarranted  in  view  of  our  excellent  record  of  giving 
and  requested  that  Pastor  Fisher  direct  the  East  Rowan  officials  to  contact  Dr. 
Holshouser  personally  in  this  reg*rd. 

Under  old  business,  Dr.  Holshouser  stated  that  he  would  pick  up  tape  for 
the  hymnals,  whereupon  new  bbx  business  was  then  discussed.    Among  the  topics 
was  the  New  Life  Campaign  (Retirement  Home  Challenge),  wherein  our  church  had 
been  challenged  to  contribute  I3» 200.00  over  the  space  of  the  next  three  years 
to  be  applied  toward  the  retirement  home  in  Newton,  North  Carolina.  Dr. 
Holshouser  suggested  that  we  first  take  an  individual  canvass  to  determine  how 
much  money  could  be  raised  without  requiring  the  budget  to  be  adjusted,  whereupon 
President  Earnhardt  stated  that  he  would  appoint  a  chairman  and  committee  to 
undertake  such  a  canvass. 

Pastor  Fisher  then  gave  a  report  on  the  Southern  Conference  meeting,  noting 
that  the  Conference  activities  were  set  forth  in  the  monthly  news  letter,  a 
copy  of  which  had  been  received  by  each  member  of  the  church. 

It  was  not  fed  that  the  Nazareth's  Childrens  Home  was  purchasing  a  new 
tractor  for  $6,000.00  and  had  requested  our  church  to  contribute  |1.00  per 
member  toward  this  purchase .    It  was  suggested  that  this  item  be  deferred  until 
the  end  of  1971  to  determine  whether  any  surplusage  was  avilable  in  the  Treasury. 

Pastor  Fisher  again  displayed  a  may  which  pinpointed  the  families  of  our 
church  and  is  now  in  the  process  of  dividing  these  areas  geographically  for 
individual  contacts. 

A  request  by  the  consistory  that  the  adult  Church  School  class  contribute 
to  the  church  and  parsonage  painting-  was  not  fruitful  in  that  the  class  de- 
sired to  use  its  money  to  undertake  the  building  of  a  ramp  for  persons  who 
could  not  climb  the  steps  into  our  sanctuary. 

Rev.  Fisher  noted  that  on  the  clean-up  days  of  June  11  and  12,  only 
approximately  ten  people  participated.    It  was  suggested  that  a  new  date  for 
completion  of  the  cleaning  be  set  for  sometimes  after  July  1+. 

The  meeting  was  concluded  with  a  note  of  thanksgiving  by  President 
Earnhardt  for  the  outs  tending  job  which  Rev.  Fisher  had  don  in  coordinating 
the  Vacation  Church  School.    Many  children  outside  our  own  church  participated, 
and  the  entire  week  was  considered  an  outstanding  success. 

The  meeting  was  concluded  with  prayer  by  Rev.  Fisher. 

Respectfully  submitted 

John  L.  Holshouser,  Jr. 

A  Consistory  meeting  was  held  on  the  third  Sunday  evening  of  July.  The 
recording  secretary,  Mrs.  Nancy  Miller,  did  not  take  minutes.    Perhaps  she 
was  absent. 

Here  are  some  of  the  happenings  in  the  Ursinus  Church  during  July,  1371  as 
remembered  by  the  pastor.    He  is  typing  these  notes  on  November  20,  1975>. 

1.  The  month  began  with  celebrating  Holy  Communion. 

2.  The  pastor  was  busy  viiiting  the  sick.    Three  people  from  the 
congregation  were  hospitilized. 

3.  David  Puckett  attended  camp  at  Johns  River  Camp  near  Lenoir. 

ij..    The  pastor's  father-in-law,  Mr.  J.  E.  Huffman, was  buried  in 
Hickory,  N,  C.  on  July  20th. 

5.    The  youth  were  busy  holding  several  meeting  planning  a  Youth  Banquet. 

August  15,  1971 

The  meeting  was  called  to  order  "by  the  Yi.ce  President,  Mr.  John  L. 
Holshouser,  Jr. 

It  was  noted  that  no  minutes  were  recorded  at  the  July  meeting. 

1.  Pasior  Fisher  reported  that  lie  had  stopped  "by  the  Retirement  Home 
at  Newton.    The  administrator,  Rev.  Phil  Laucks,had  invited  the 
Ursinus  members  to  visit  the  home  on  September  12th. 

2.  It  was  noted  that  church  attendance  had  been  feood  during  the 
smomer  months. 

3.  The  pastor  challenged  us  to  continue  to  place  emphasis  on  worship. 

1.  Mr.  Hugh  Bost  was  to  check  out  the  speaker  in  the  nursery, 

2.  Pastor  Fisher  reported  that  he  will  be  taking  a  course  at  Southeastern 
Baptist  Seminary,  Wake  Forest,  NO.    The  course  will  be  taught  every 
Monday  from  September  through  December,    This  will  give  him  enough 
hours  to  convert  his  B.D.  to  a  M.  Div.    He  plans  to  bear  the  expese 

of  the  course  which  will  be  around  $U00.00. 

3.  A  letter  was  read  from  Mr.  Schleigh  of  Charlotte  statingttliat  our 
organ  was  in  bad  nsei  of  repairs.  A  committee  was  appointed  to  meet 
with  him  to  dis&tee  this  matter. 

4.  The  trustees  gave  their  report. 


September  19,  1971 

The  meeting  -was  called  to  order  by  the  president,  Mr.  Harold  Earnhardt. 

Mr.  Schleigh,  the  organ  tuner,  and  Mrs.  J.  Yorke  Peeler,  our  organist, 
attended  the  meeting  to  discuss  the  repairs  necessary  to  our  organ. 

Mr.  Schleigh  has  been  servicing  the  church  organ  for  about  Ik  years. 
The  organ  was  purchased  in  IJl+L  for  $Uf $00.00,  just  before  prices  rose. 
It  would  cost  $20,003.00  to  replace  this  organ  with  a  comparable  one.  Mr. 
Schleigh  estimated  that  it  would  cost  around       300.00  to  put  this  organ  in 
good  working  order  and  it  should  stay  that  way  for  another  1*0  years.  He 
will  give  us  a  5  year  garauntee  on  the  new  keyboard. 

A  motion  was  made  and  passed  that  the  organ  be  cleaned,  re-leathered, 
and  a  new  keyboard  be  installed  subject  to  the  approval  of  the  congregation. 
Another  motion  was  passed  that  a  notice  be  put  in  the  bulletin  nesrfc  Sunday 
announcing  a  congregational  meeting  for  October  10  so  that  we  can  present  this 

The  minutes  from  the  last  meeting  were  read  and  approved. 

Dr.  L,  0.  Holshouser,  treasurer,  gave  his  report.    He  called  to  our 
attention  that  the  electric  bill  had  risen  sharply  for  the  parsonage  and  we 
asked  him  to  check  with  Mr.  Hugh  Eost  to  see  if  there  are  any  defects  in  equip- 
ment which  might  be  causing  this  rise. 

The  budget  is  running  about  $1000.00  behind,  but  it  was  not  felt  that  we 
were  in  any  real  trouble  financially  at  this  time. 

Mr.  John  Holshouser  mentioned  that  Gaither  McComb's  mother  left  $1,000.00 
in  a  trust  fund  for  the  upkeep  of  the  J.D.  ^tcCombs  cemetery  plots  which  are  in 
the  Ur3inus  Cemetery.    This  will  become  part  of  the'  trustees  Fund  and  our 
Annual  Report;  will  be  made  available  to  theMoCoiabs  family. 


1.  Mr.  Harold  Earnhardt  and  pastor  Fisher  will  plan  to  attend  the  Uth 
annual  meeting  of  the  Western  N.  C.  Association  to  be  held  on  Oct. 
12,  at  High  Point,  NC. 

2.  Mrs.  Marguerite   Misenheimer,  president  of  the  Women* s  Guild,  asked  for 
a  date  for  a  covered-dish  dinner.    A  motion  was  made  and  passed  that 
the  dinner  be  held  on  October  16.    Mrs.  Allen  from  the  Retirement  Home 
will  be  our  guest  speaker.    We  were  reminded  that  the  Home  is  to  be 
dedicated  on  Sunday,  Oct.  31  •    A  committee  for  securing  funds  for  the 
Home  was  appointed— Mr.  Harold  Earnhardt,  Mr.  Blayne  Olsen,  Sr.  L.  C. 

3.    A  LeadersMp  Training  farr  church  workers  will  be  held 
in  Salisbury  at  the  First  UCC,  on  Oct  3  from  2s30-lj.sl5  &  k'»  30-6?  00. 
Pastor  Fisher  will  attend. 

The  meeting  was  adjourned  with  prayer  by 

Rev.  Fisher. 

Respectfully  submitted, 
Mrs.  Nancy  Miller,  Secretary 

Ootober  16,  1971 

The  meeting  was  called  to  order  by  the  president,  Mr.  Harold  Earnhardt.  He 
led  the  group  in  prayer, 


1.  A  cheek  for  11000.00  was  turned  over  to  the  trustees  from  the 
McCombs  estate. 


2.  Mr.  Sehleigh,  the  person  who  is  to  install  new  organ  console,  wants 
$1,14.00  now  and  the  balance  payable  to  Mm  when  the  work  is  completed. 


1.  The  treasurers  report  was  given  and  approved. 

2.  Pastor  Fisher  suggested  that  we  make  available  the  United  Church 
Herald.    The  Hearald  is  the  UCC  magazine.    The  consistory  did  not 
think  it  a  good  idea  to  make  the  magazine  available  to  all  the 

3.  The  Deacons  will  act  as  the  budget  committee  and  meet  on  October  2h, 
at  7*00  p.  m.  to  prepare  next  years  budget. 

k.    The  covered-dish  supper  will  be  on  November  7th. 

5«    It  was  decided  to  have  Retirement  Home  Sunday  and  make  a  special 
effort  to  raise  funds  for  the  Home. 

There  being  no  further  business  the 

meeting  was  adjourned  by  prayer. 

These  minutes  were  not  signed 

October  10,  1971 

A  congregati onil  meeting  was  held  to  discuss  the  repairs  of  the  organ. 

The  meeting  was  held  at  the  11*00  a.  m.  worship  service.    Mr.  Harold  Earnhardt 
presided  at  the  meeting  and  presented  a  motion  from  the  Consistory  to  go  ahead 
with  necessary  repairs  of  the  organ.    The  motion  was  seconded  by  Dr.  L.  C. 
Holshouser  and  passed  unanimously. 

These  minutes  were  not  signed 

November,  1971 

There  were  no  minutes  taken  of  the  November  meeting  of  the  Ursinus 
Consistory.    Mrs.  Nancy  Miller  was  the  recording*  secretary  at  the  time. 

With  the  help  from  the  bulletins  S6  the  month  pastor  Fisher  records 
the  following  highlights: 

1.  Pastor  Fisher  was  trying  a  children a  sermon  during  the  morning 
worship  services.    After  about  six  months  there  was  little  interest 
shown  so  the  service  was  omited. 

2.  There  was  a  Senior  High  handbell  program  in  progress. 

3.  The  Than!?:  Offering  amounted  to  .f90.8l. 

U,    The  Rockwell  Thanksgiving  Eve  Service  was  held  in  the  Ursimis 
sanctuary  with  the  Medadist  minister  delivering  the  message. 

£.    A  greeters  program  was  started  by  pastor  Fisher.    The  purpose  of 
the  two  greeters  were: 

a.  greet  the  people  on  Sunday  morning 

b.  visit  the  visitors  during  the  \/eek. 

c.  serve  refreshments  on  Sunday  morning, 
(once  a  month) 

6.    The  Choir  was  getting  ready  for  Christmas. 

Pastor's  Note:    It  is  a  shame  that  these  minutes  were  not 
kept  for  future  generation  to  judge  and  tc 

December  12,  1971 
The  meeting  was  called  to  order  by  president,  Mr.  Harold  Earnhardt. 
Members  present  were* 

Mr*  Kay  Earnhardt  Mrs,  Joe  Srye,  Sr. 

Mr.  Jack  Taylor  Mr.  Jean  Packett 

Mr.  James  Bonds  Mr.  Hugh  Bost 

Mr.  Harold  Earnhardt  Mrs.  Nancy  Miller 

Treasurers  report  was  given  by  Mr.  Harold  Earnhardt. 

We  still  owe  $1,500.00  on  OGWM.    Mr.  John  Holshouser,  the  chairman  of 
the  deacons  will  give  a  report  to  the  congregation  Sunday  December  19th 
in  hopes  of  stimulating  increased  giving  so  we  can  meet  our  1971  budget. 


1..  The  March,  19>U  set  ow  wedding  rules  needs  to  be  revised.  Bev. 
FishsE?  will  present  this  item  at  our  nerfc  meeting/ 

2.    List  of  Beacons,  Elders  and  Trustees,  including  those  elected  at 
past  election. 



Mr.  Joan  Puckett  1973 


Jack  Taylor  1973 

Mr.  Harold  Earnhardt  1973 


L.  C.  Holshouser  1973 

Mrs.  Joe  Frye  (Katy)  1973 


Ray  Barnhardt  1973 

Mr.  Blayne  Olsen  1972 


James  Bonds  1972 

Mr.  Bobby  Beaver  1972 


C.  A.  Coaart  1972 

Mrs.  Nancy  Miller  1972 


Ray  Peeler  1972 


Mr.  M.  0.  Royal  1972 
Mr.  Ray  Brown  I973 
Mr.  Wade  lusher  1971+ 

New  Officers  were  elected  as  followess 

Presidents    Mr.  Harold  Earnhardt 
V.  Presidents    Mr.  Jack  Taylor 
Recording  Secretary:    Mrs.  Kancy  Miller 
Financial  Secretary:    Mr.  Jean  G.  Puckett 
Treasurers  Dr.  L.  C.  Holshouser 

Respectfully  submitted, 

Nancy  Miller 

January  17,  1970 

Members  present: 

Mr.  Harold  Earnhardt 
Kajfie  Fjrye  (Mrs,  Joe) 
Mr.  Ray  Barnhardt 
Mr.  Jack  Taylor 
Mr.  Jean  Packet t 
Pastor  Guy  Fisher 

The  Consistory  agreed  to  appoint  Mr.  C.  A.  Bost  to  fill  the  unexpired  term 
of  Mr.  M.  0.  Royal  as  chairman  of  the  trustees. 

Pastor  Pisher  led  in  a  discussion  on  making  plans  for  the  celebrating  of 
the  75th  Anniversary. 

The  following  committes  were  appointed  to  serve  as  representatives  of  the 
several  organizations  of  the  church,  in  the  planning  of  the  anniversary. 
Subject  to  the  individuals  agreement  to  do  so. 

Youth  Fellowship: 


Church  Women: 
Church  School: 

Steve  Puckett 
Cristy  Earnhardt 

Mr.  Statler  Miller 
Mrs.  J.  Yorke  Peeler 

Katie  Prye 

Mrs.  Hugh  Bost 

Mrs.  Harold  Barrier 

Mrs.  L.  C.  Holshouser 

History  Committee:    Mr.  Jean  Puckett 

Mr.  Ray  Barnhardt 
Miss  Isabell  Barrier 
Hugh  William  Bost,  Jr. 
Cheryl  Peeler 

Respectfully  submitted, 

Nancy  Miller 

Pastor's  note:    These  minutes  were  typed  on  November  21*,  1975*    The  above 

planned  orgination  of  the  75th  anniversary  did  not  materialize. 
I  was  not  successful  in  getting  a  long  range  plan  of  celebration 
of  the  event.    However,  when  the  time  came  the  committies 
did  an  excellent  job.    Some  of  the  above  named  persons  did 
serve  in  various  ways. 


.    .  . 

February  20,  1972 

The  meeting  was  called  to  order  by  the  president,  Mr.  Harold  Earnhardt. 
Mr.  Earnhardt  led  in  a  prayer. 


The  notes  of  the  last  meeting  were  read  and  approved. 

|1,100  of  the  Retirement  Home  pledge  has  been  raised.    A  canvas  will 
be  held  to  secure  the  remaining  amount. 

$1,U00  will  be  borrowed  (from  another  fund)  to  pay  what  is  owed  on  the 


The  Children's  Home  needs  money  for  a  $6,000.00  tractor.    They  are 
asking  Ursinus  to  give  Si. 00  per  member.    The  consistory  recommends  that 
nothigg  be  done  at  this  tine  since  it  is  too  late  for  this  year's  budget. 
The  matter  will  be  considered  at  the  end  of  the  year  if  the  need  still 

There  will  not  be  a  special  offering  for  0GOS  &  SOS  since  they  are 
included  in  the  budget.    However,  pastor  Fisher  will  publisize  the  cause 
so  that  the  congregation  will  be  aware  of  the  programs. 

Pastor  Fisher  passed  out  information  aimed  at  answering  questions  about 
what  happens  to  the  money  we  give  to  the  United  Church  of  Christ. 

The  Holy  Week  services  were  approved  with  the  St.  James  and  Emmanuel 
Lutheran  churches: 

It  was  announced  that  the  World  Day  of  Prayer  would  be  held  on  March 
3rd  at  the  Rockwell  Church  of  God  at  7: 30  p.  m. 

The  Senior  High  handbell  program  was  discontinued  until  another  leader 
could  be  secured. 

Pastor  Fisher  will  check  with  other  churches  in  the  area  to  see  if 
they  wish  to  take  part  in  an  evangelistic  program  called  KEY  73 • 

The  tower  bell  are  in  need  of  repairs.    Mr.  Spencer  Bost  will  be  asked 
to  look  into  this  matter. 

PRESENT i    Mrs.  Katie  Frye,    Mr.  James  Bonds,  Mr.  Wade  Fisher,  Mr.  Ray 

Barnhardt,  Mr.  Jean  Packet t,  Mr.  Bobby  Beaver,  Pastor  Guy  Fisher, 
Dr.  L.  C.  Holshouser,  Mr.  Jack  Taylor  and  Mr.  Harold  Earnhardt. 


St.  James 
Ursinus  (alone) 

Ursinus  (Lester  Troxell,  guest  speaker) 
Emmanuel  (Pastor  Fisher  to  deliver  sermon) 


Sunrise  s 

Respectfully  submitted, 

Nancy  Miller 


March  19,  1972 

The  meeting  was  called  to  order  by  our  President,  Mr.  Harold  Eamliardt. 
The  minutes  were  read  and  corrected. 

The  treasurers  report  was  read  and  it  was  noted  that  compared  to  last 
year  the  collections  were  running  far  ahead. 


It  was  determined  that  the  offering  received  Monday  night  of  Holy 
Week  would  "be  sent  to  the  UCC  Retirement  Home,  Newton,  NO. 

It  was  mentioned  by  pastor  Fisher  that  the  Youth  Fellowship  would  be 
in  charge  of  the  Maundy  Thursday  service,  but  four  Elders  would  be  needed 
to  serve  Commonion. 

A  trusties  report  was  given  by  Mr.  Ray  Barown.  Mr.  Jack  Taylor  made 
a  motion,  which  was  passed,  that  the  A  T  and  T  stock  be  consolidated. 


Pastor  Fisher  informed  the  consistery  that  a  listening  consultation 
sponsored  by  the  UCC  would  be  held  at  the  St.  James  UCC,  Mt.  Pleasant  on 
April  20.    It  was  suggested  that  five  our  our  lay  persons  attend. 

Pastor  Fisher  will  attend  the  Southern  Conference  meeting  at  VA., 
Beach,  VA  on  April  2f>  and  26. 

JEKB32S58    Sirs.  Katie  Srye 

Mr.  Harold  Earnhardt 
Mr.  James  Bonds 
Mr.  Ray  Peeler 
Mr.  Jack  Taylor 
Pastor  Guy  Fisher 
Mr.  C.  A.  Cozart 
Mr.  Ray  ¥.  Brown 

Respectfully  submitted, 

Nancy  Miller 

Spril  16,  1972 

The  meeting  was  called  to  order  with  a  prayer,    A  treasurers  report 
was  given. 


1.  Pastor  Fisher  and  a  few  others  will  attend  the  consultation 
meeting  at  Mt.  Pleasant,  NC,  on  April  20. 

2.  The  Key  73  evangelistic  meetings  were  discussed. 

3.  A  Churchmen's  Fellowship  dinner  meeting  will  "be  held  at  the  First 
TJCC,  Albemarle  on  April  27.    Some  of  the  men  agreed  to  attend. 

1+.    The  Ursinus  Church  plans  to  have  a  kindergarten  next  fall  if  the 
public  schools  do  not. 

5.    Mr.  Spencer  Bost  is  still  looking  into  the  fixing  of  the  tower  bells. 


1.  The  dates  for  Vacation  Church  Sohool  were  announced  by  pastor  Fiser 
(June  5th  -9th). 

2.  Mr.  Jean  Puckett  suggested  that  we  start  a  young  adult  church 
school  class  on  May  7th.    It  was  agreeded  to  try. 

3.  A  history  committee  meeting  is  to  be  held  on  May  ll+th  at  7*00  p.  m. 
The  meeting  was  adjourned  by  a  prayer  presented  by  pastor  Fisher. 

These  minutes  wer  not  signed. 

Some  happenings  at  Ursinus  in  May  of  1972: 

1.  A  picnic  at  Nazareth  Children's  home.    About  2J?  from  Ursinus  took 
part.    This  was  a  Rowan  District  picnic. 

2.  An  Adult  class  during  Vacation  Church  Sohool  was  planned. 

3.  Henry  Misenheimer,  Rachell  Misenheimer  and  John  Linker  graduated 
from  higher  education. 

I4..    The  Consistory  meeting  was  held  on  May  20,  1972. 

5>.    Pastor  Fisher  was  busy  visiting  the  sick  and  the  children 
getting  them  lined  up  for  Vacation  Church  School . 


Here  axe  a  few  of  the  things  which  happened  at  Ursinus  during  the  months 

1.  Kindergarten  graduation 

2.  Teacher's  training  session  for  Vacation  Church  School. 

3.  Vacation  Church  School  held  for  one  week. 

k»  A  youth  led  worship  service  on  June  11th  (very  good). 

5.  Pastor  Fisher  and  family  took  a  vacation  (l  week) 

6.  Rev.  Samuel  Troxeli  preached  on  June  18th. 

7.  The  Church  Women  gave  $1,000.00  to  the  Organ  Fund. 

8.  Jo  Ann  Holshouser  add  Vaughn  Arey  were  married. 

July  16,  1972 

The  July  meeting  was  held  in  the  parsonage.  Mr.  Harold  EarnhBrdt  called  the 
meeting  to  wrder  with  a  prayer. 

It  was  reported  that  the  tower  bells  had  been  repaired. 

Mr.  R.  W.  Brown  has  raised  $600.00  in  pledges  toward  the  organ  fund. 

Pastor  Fisher  reported  that  3  Southern  Synod  History  Books  had  been  sold 
and  that  the  ones  left  would  be  returned  to  the  Association  Office. 

Mr",  and  Mrs.  Lanny  Barber  will  join  the  Ursinus  Church  next  Sunday  by 
a  letter  of  transfer  from  the  Methodist  Church. 

Respectfully  submitted, 

Nancy  Miller, 

August  27,  1972 

The  meeting  was  called  to  order  in  the  conference  room  of  the  Educational 
building  of  the  church  at  7*30  p.  m.    The  minutes  were  read  and  approved. 


Pledges  have  been  made  to  pay  off  organ  fund  by  October  1,  1972.  We 
will  plan  to  have  a  dedication  service  as  soon  as  the  debt  is  paid,  probably 
October  8th. 

According  to  Pastor  Fisher  the  new  sanctuary  furniture  has  not  been 
dedicated.  He  will  check  with  the  3o3t  family  to  see  when  the  best  time 
will  be  for  this  service. 

On  October  8th  Laity  Sunday  will  be  observed.    At  that  time  Mr.  Harold 
Earnhardt  will  encourage  the  people  to  buy  a  Southern  Synod  History  Book, 
by  Br.  Banks  Peeler. 

The  Kindergarten  committee  met  and  would  like  to  have  the  driveway 
blocked  while  the  kindergarten  is  in  session.    This  is  to  prevent  cars  from 
coming  through  the  lot  while  the  children  are  at  play.    It  was  decided  to 
obtain  some  woolen  road  blocks. 

The  treasurers  repsrat  was  given  and  approved.  A  copy  is  on  file  in 
the  church  office. 

It  was  reported  that  about  5>0  from  Ursinus  enjoyed  the  worship  held 
at  the  Blowing  Rock  Assembly  Grounds.  The  service  was  held  jointly  with 
the  Church  of  the  Master  UCC,  nickoyy.    Pastor  Fisher  delivered  the  sermon. 

It  was  brought  to  the  attention  of  the  Consistory  that  the  church  needed 
a  good  house  cleaning.    It  was  recommended  that  Mr.  Ralph  Brown  be  asked  to 
do  this.    Mr.  Tom  Linker  will  be  informed  of  this  move  and  will  be  expected 
to  continue  his  chores.    Tke  grass  has  not  been  mowed  regularly  and  this 
should  be  checked  into  immediately. 


The  furnance  in  the  educational  building  needs  to  be  checked  before  cold 
weather.    This  matter  will  be  referred  to  the  trustees  by  our  president. 

The  next  Consistory  will  be  on  September  2\\  instead  of  the  regular  time. 

Pastor  Fisher  called  to  the  attention  of  the  Consistory  that  the  United 
Church  Heral  had  taken  on  a  new  face.    The  publication  is  now  know  as  AD,  and 
is  a  joint  effort  with  the  United  Presbyterian  Church.    The  pastor  suggested 
that  we  place  the  publication  in  every  home  of  the  church.    It  was  felt  that 
the  people  would  not  be  that  interested  and  the  cost  (|2.00)  was  not  in  the 

The  meeting  was  closed  by  prayer  with  pastor  Fisher  leading. 

Respectfully  submitted, 


Nancy  Miller 

September  2k,  1972 

The  meeting  was  called  to  order  by  our  president,  Mr.  Harold  Earnhardt. 
He  led  in  a  prayer. 


Mr.  R.  V.  Brown  will  check  on  repairing  the  furnance  in  the  educational 

The  History  of  the  Southern  Synod  will  be  sold  for  $£.00  until  January 
l£th.    After  this  date  they  will  be  $10.00. 

The  treasurers  report  was  given.    It  was  noted  that  we  are  running  about 
$600.00  short  for  the  year. 

The  tower  bells  are  still  not  working.    There  is  an  outstanding  bill  of 
$300.00  for  the  repair  of  the  bells.    It  was  decided  not  to  pay  until  they 
were  properply  repaired. 


Jo  McCombs  has  some  cemetery  lots  which  she  says  we  may  have  to  resell. 
Mr.  R.  W.  Brown  will  inform  Mr.  Tom  Linker  of  her  desires. 

Mrs.  J.  Yorke  Peeler  asked  if  the  church  would  be  interested  in  a  funeral 
pall  for  ^^se  by  members  of  Ursinus.    She  will  donate  the  pall  in  memory  of 
her  husband,  Mr.  J.  Yorke  Peeler,  Sr.    A  motion  was  carried  giving  Mrs.  Peeler 
the  go  ahead. 

Pa,stor  Fisher  reported  that  he  had  attended  a  Key  73  meeting  and  it  was 
suggested  that  Ursinus  go  along  with  the  plan  of  participation  offered  by  the 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Shearin  'league  and  Mr.  Sam  Whi taker  will  join  the  Ursinus 
Church  next  Sunday. 

The  pastor  and  one  lay  person  will  attend  the  Western  HC  Association  meeting 
to  be  held  on  October  10th  at  Pil grime  UCC  in  Lexington. 

The  budget  committee  will  meet  Thursday,  September  28th. 

Mr.  Harold  Earnhardt  will  talk  to  Mrs.  Hugh  Bost  about  Laymen  Sunday, 
October  8th  to  work  out  a  program.    The  pastor  would  like  to  be  off  on  this 


The  note  is  due  on  the  organ  flund  October  1.    Mr.  R.  W.  Brown  will  pay  it 
off.    $1,2^0.00  is  still  outstanding  on  other  repairs  and  this  will  be  paid 
as  funds  become  available  from  the  regelar  trustee  fund. 

Pastor  Pi she r  closed 

the  meeting  with  a  prayer. 

Respectfully  submitted, 

Nancy  Miller 

.  ■ 



The  average  attendance  at  the  morning  worship  service  in  October  was  105>. 

Pastor  Fisher  sermon  title  on  Reformation  Sunday  was s  "The  Reformed  Church." 

The  Youth  Fellowship  attended  a  special  choral  Festival  at  Catawba  College, 

Pastor  Fisher  preached  at  the  Graoe  (Lower  Stone)  UCC  on  October  8th  at  %:oo  p.  m. 

On  October  22,  the  following  items  were  dedicated:    Organ  Console,  Chancel 
Vases,  Pulpit,  Lectern,  Altar. 

Laity  Sunday  was  observed  on  October  8th.    The  messages  were  presented  by 
Mrs.  Nancy  Miller,  Mrs.  Hugh  Bost,  Mr.  Harold  Earnhardt  and  Mr,  John  Holshouser. 
Pastor  Fisher  did  not  take  the  day  off  as  planned.    Michael  Sean  Conry  was 
baptized  at  the  same  service. 

A  Youth-Parent  night  sponsored  by  the  Youth  Fellowship  was  held,  in  the  basement 
of  the  Church.    The  youth  presented  a  skit  and  held  conversation  with  their 
parents • 

The  Church  Women  held  their  regular  monthly  meetings. 


DtegxjDcSatx  Miss  Callie  Eluttz,  a  faithful  member  and  nursery  worker  died  on 
November  8th. 

Mrs.  Bob  Greene  was  busy  getting  a  Christmas  program  ready. 


C.  A.  Boat  gave  the  church  pew  pencils. 

The  1973  budget  was  adopted. 

Youth  Sunday 

was  observed  with  the  following  taking  parts    Gay  Fisher,  Jr.,  Preston  Taylor, 
Jimmy  Misenheimer,  Cindy  Miller,  Lauren  Taylor,  Steve  Puckett,  Jody  3ost, 
Leslie  Earnhardt,  Bobby  Tomlinson. 

A  Family  Thank  Offering  Ingathering  service 
was  held  on  Saturday  night  November  11th  in  the  context  of  an  all  church 
covered-dish  dinner. 

Stewardship  Sunday  was  observed. 

Clothing  was  gathered  and 

sent  to  Uplands  Retirement  Center  in  Tenn, 

The  Church  Woaen  gathered  gifts  for 
patients  at  Broughton  Hospital,  Morganton,  NC. 

Confirmation  class  continued 

to  study. 

A  Joint  Thanksgiving  service  was  held  at  the  Immanuel  Lutheran 


The  Consistory  voted  on  a  new  slate  of  officers. 

Mrs.  Martha  PJ.denhour, 
Mrs.  Marvin  Hall  and  Mrs.  Cora  Henly  were  patients  at  Rowan  Memorial  Hospital. 

December  1972 

The  Consiitory  met  December  17,  1972  in  the  Conference  Room  for  its  re- 
gular monthly  meeting.    Old  and  newly  elected  officers  were  present.  The 
minutes  were  red  by  president  Harold  Earnhardt  and  approved  by  all. 

Business  discussed  included? 

1.  Key  72  gathering-  at  the  Catawba  Field  House  on  January  7»  1973*  The 
Rev.  Leighton  Ford  is  to  be  the  speaker. 

2.  A  Candelight  service  will  be  held  in  the  sanctuary  on  December  2kt  7s 00  p.m. 
Mr.  R.  ¥.  Brown  gave  the  Trustees  repsfc.    He  stated  that  repair  bills 

of  the  church  should  take  care  of  itself  in  the  next  year. 

3.  Steven  Lynn  Shaping  was  given  a  letter  of  transfer  to  the  freewill  Bap- 
tist Church  in  Greenvills,  KC. 

U.    Two  congregational  meetings  were  held  in  December.    Budget  for  1973 

was  adoped  on  December  10.    The  election  of  new  officers  was  on  December 

5.  The  installation  and  ordination  of  new  consistory  members  will  be  held 
on  December  31,  1972. 

6.  The  next  meeting  will  be  held  at  the  home  of  fir.  Harold  Earnhardt 

Vith  no  further  business,  the  meeting  was  adjourned  by  a  prayer  from 
the  pastor. 

Respectively  submitted, 

Nancy  Miller 


1973  Records 


Shelly  Bingham,  daughter  of  Mike  and  Debbie  Bingham, 
Phillip  Preston  league,  son  of  Shearin  and  Arm  league. 
Joseph  Traver  Mendenhall,  son  of  Mr,  and  Mrs,  Ted  Mendenhall, 

grandson  of  Mrs,  Clara  Brown, 
firs  •  John  Linker,  adult  baptism, 
Mrs,  Randy  Stiller,  adult  baptism. 

Members  Received* 

Mrs,  Andrew  Miller  from  Gold  Hill  Baptist  Church 

Karen  South  from  First  United  Church  of  Christ,  Salisbury 

Mrs,  John  Linker 

Mr,  Michael  Earnhardt  from  Faith  Lutheran  Church 

Leslie  Earnhardt  by  confirmation 

Preston  Taylor  by  confirmation 

Pattie  Sue  Misenheimer  by  confirmation 

Kevin  Greene  by  confirmation 

Mrs.  Gary  Mull  from  First  Suited  Church  of  Christ,  Salisbury 
Mr.  Billy  Eaynes  from  St.  Peters  Lutheran  Church 
Mr.  Randy  Stiller  from  Immanuel  Lutheran 
Mrs  •  Randy  Stiller 

Mr.  Tommy  Isley  from  First  Baptist  Church,  East  Spencer 

Mr.  Alan  Gulp  from  Bethlehem  United  Methodist  Church,  Gold  Hill 

Weddings  s 

Paula  Sue  Ridenhour  and  Michael  Lynn  Barringer 
Janet  Bianne  Shuping  and  Edward  Foil  Price 

Jeannette  Rives  and  Tony  Misenheimer  (Bethany  United  Methodist 
Church,  Purcellville,  Virginia) 


Mr.  Glenn  Misenheimer 

Consistory  Meeting- 
January  a,  1973 

On  January  21,  1973  a*  1* 30  P»m»  the  Consistory  of  the  Ursinus  Unttdd 
Church  of  Christ  held  its  monthly  meeting  in  the  home  of  President  Harold 
Earnhardt.    The  minutes  of  the  last  meeting  were  read  and  approved. 

Old  Business  s 

1.  It  was  reported  that  all  bills  were  paid  with  a  balance  of  130000° • 
Contribution  of  January  21  amounted  to  $£10.80. 

2.  Dr.  L.C.  Holshouser  resigned  as  treasurer.    Mr.  Eay  Brown 
elected  as  treasurer  for  1973* 

3.  Discussed  Key  73  project. 

New  Business: 

1.  The  regular  monthly  meetings  of  the  Consistory  will  be  held  in  the 
Conference  room  of  the  Church  on  the  third  Sunday  night  of  each 
month  at  7*30  p.m. 

2.  Minutes  of  the  Congregational  Meeting  were  reviewed. 

3.  A  committee  ^as  appointed  to  purchase  new  Hymnals.    Mr.  B.C.  Taylor, 
chairman,  Mr.  A.L.  Linker  and  Mrs.  Yorke  Peeler. 

U.    A  Visitation  Committee  was  appointed  to  organize  a  new  "inreach  and 
outreach"  program.    The  purpose  is  to  get  church  members  who  are 
irregular  in  attendance  involved  in  the  life  of  the  church  and  also 
new  residents  of  our  community.    There  was  some  discussion  on  ways 
to  locate  new  families  and  how  to  interest  them  in  attending  church. 
It  was  decided  the  president  will  mil  letters  of  welcome  and  the 
Visitation  Committee  will  follow  up  with  a  visit.    The  following  will 
serve  on  the  Committees    Pastor  Fisher,  Lanny  and  Jundy  Barber,  Harold 
and  Helen  Earnhardt,  Alice  Linker,  and  Marion  Bingham.  Allmmembers 
are  asked  to  participate  in  this  program. 

5«    The  following  corrections  were  made  in  our  annual  reports    3  baptisms 
instead  of  2,  and  6  marriages  were  performed  instead  of  5>  as  listed 
in  the  report.    In  the  future  allramarriage  ceremonies  of  members  of 
our  congregation  will  be  recorded  in  the  permanent  church  records 
regardless  of  where  the  ceremony  is  performed. 

6.  Pastor  Fisher  was  given  permission  to  participate  in  the  Rowan 
Ministerial  Association  exchange  program  during  Lent.    He  and  Rev.  Mark 
Andees,  pastor  of  St.  John's  in  Kannapolis,  N.C.  will  exchange  pulpits. 

7.  Mrs.  Lee  Hiest  qas  given  permission  to  collect  contributions  to  the 
Maroh  of  lino  ;  0:00. -.orvo,, 

8.  Several  members  expressed  an  interest  in  a  summer  Conference  for 
church  officers  to  be  held  at  Blowimg  Rock  during  the  summer. 

There  being  no  further  business  the  meeting  was  adjourned. 

Bespectively  submitted, 
Harold  Earnhardt,  President 
Dot  Royal,  Secretary 

Attendances    Wayne  Bingham,  E.  ¥.  Brown,  Marvin  Hall,  C.  A.  Cozart,  Jack 
Taylor,  Harold  Earnhardt,  Fifed  Hidenhour,  Ray  Peeler,  Jean  Puckett,  Lanny 
Barber,  Dot  Royal. 

t  . 

-    .     .        .  '  * 


.  I 



.  - 


Consistory  Meeting 
February  18,  1973 

On  February  18,  1973  at  7*30  P*32*  the  Consistory  of  Ursinus  United  Church  of 
Christ  held  its  monthly  meeting  in  the  Conference  room.    President  Harold 
Earnhardt  called  the  meeting  to  order  and  presented  the  prayer,    The  minutes 
of  the  last  meeting  were  read  and  approved.    Mr,  Ray  Brown  gave  the  treasurers' 
report.    He  reported  all  current  bills  paid  with  a  balance  of  1550.60. 

Old  Business; 

Mr.  Jack  Taylor  reported  there  has  been  a  good  response  from  the 
congregation  for  the  purchse  of  new  Hymnals. 

Hew  Business i 

There  was  some  discussion  about  a  permanent  file  of  cancelled  checks, 
receipts,  vital  statistics,  record,  etc.,  no  action  was  taken. 

Pastor  Fisher's  report  included  the  followings 

1,  A  letter  of  transfer  was  given  to  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Blayne  01  sen  to 
Wesley  Chaple  United  Methodist  Church,  Richfield,  £)0. 

2,  Mr.  Michael  Earnhardt,  Miss  Karen  South,  Mrs.  Linda  Linker,  and  Mrs. 
Linda  Miller  were  welcomed  into  full  fellowship  of  the  Ursinus  United 
Church  of  Christ. 

3,  Under  the  Educational  Ministry  of  Ursinus  Church,  a  Young  Adults 
Class  will  begin  monthly  meetings  in  the  homes.    The  purpose  will  be 
to  have  Bible  Study  and  group  discussions.    Classes  will  be  limited 
in  sise  to  10  couples. 

k»    On  March  k,  1973*  there  will  be  a  dedication  ceremony  formemorial 
gifts  presented  tooosr  church.    These  include  a  pulpit  Bible  in 
memory  of  Miss  Callie  Kluttz,  given  by  members  of  her  family,  a  Bible 
stand  in  Memory  of  Mrs.  Bauline  Beaver,  given  by  her  sister,  Mas.  Boyd, 
and  a  fneral  pall  in  Memory  of  Mr.  Yorke  Peeler  given  by  members  of 
his  family. 

5.    A  motion  was  made  and  passed  designating  July  1$,  1973  as  Blowing  Rock 
Bay  for  Ursinus. 

There  being  no  further  business  the  meeting  was  adjourned  with  a  prayer  by 
the  pastor, 

Eespectively  submitted, 
Harold  Earnhardt,  President 
Dot  Royal,  Secretary 

Attendances    Pastor  Fi slier,  R.  ¥.  Brown,  Harold  Earnhardt,  Ray  Peeler,  Lanny 
Barber,  Jack  Taylor,  Ray  Bernhardt,  Marvin  Hall,  Wayne  Bingham,  and  Dot  Royal. 


Consistory  Meeting- 
March  18,  1973 

On  March  18,  1973  at  7*30  p.m.-  the  Consistory  of  Ursinus  United  Church  of 
Christ  held  its  monthly  meeting  in  the  Conference  Room.    President  Harold 
Earnhardt  called  the  meeting  to  order  and  presented  the  prayer.    The  minutes 
of  the  last  meeting  were  read  and  approved. 

Mr.  Ray  Brown  reported  all  current  bills  paid  with  a  balance  of  #8#$.97  to 
date  as  he  gave  the  treasurer's  report* 


Rev.  Mark  Andes  will  be  guest  minister  on  March  2f>,  1973  at  our  worship 

Ursinus  will  join  St.  James  and  Immanuel  Lutheran  Churches  in  worship 
services  during  Holy  Weeki    The  theme  will  be  "words  of  meaning'." 
Services  will  be  held  Monday  at  Immanuel,  Tuesday  at  Ursinus,  Wednesday 
at  St.  James,  and  on  Thursday  each  Church  held  its  own  service.  An 
Upper  Room  Communion  Service  will  be  held  on  Thursday  in  the  balcony. 
The  Youth  Fellowship  will  be  presponsible  for  preparing  the  balcony.  On 
Good  Friday  our  Sanctuary  will  be  open  for  prayer  from  7* 30  until  9*00  p.m. 
Joint  Sunrise  Service  will  be  held  at  St.  James. 

A  motion  was  made  and  passed  to  honor  a  request  from  the  Gideons  Sooiety 
to  present  their  program  of  sharing  the  Word  of  God  on  May  27,  at  our 
lis 00  worship  service. 

The  spring  meeting  of  the  Church  Men's  Fellowship  will  be  held  at  St. 
Lukes  on  April  26,  1973*    Rev.  Moss  will  be  guest  speaker. 

A.  district  meeting  of  lay  people  will  be  ehdl  at  First  Church,  Landis 
on  April  28.    The  theme  is  "Lay  People  Exploration".    Pastor  Fisher 
asked  for  five  people  to  attend. 

There  was  some  discussion  on  the  preparation  for  our  75th  anniversary. 

There  being  no  further  discussion  the  meeting  was  adjourned  with  prayer  by 
Pastor  Fisher. 

Respectively  submitted, 
Harold  Earnhardt,  President 
Dot  Royal,  Secretary 

Consistory  Meeting 
April  1$,  1973 

On  April  1%,  1973  at  7s 30  p.m.  the  Consistory  of  the  Ursinus  United  Church 
of  Christ  held  its  monthly  meeting  in  the  Conference  room.    Harold  Earnhardt, 
president,  opened  the  meeting  with  a  prayer.    The  minutes  from  the  previous 
meeting  were  read  and  amended. 

3Sb  old  business  was  discussed. 

H.  ¥.  Brown,  treasurer,  reported  that  all  current  bills  have  "been  paid  with 

a  balance  of  $28£.39»    He  also  reported  that  for  the  first  quarter  wetee  running 

clightly  ahead  of  last  year. 


Reverend  Fisher  stated  that  another  Nazareth  picnic  would  be  held  this 
year  on  Sunday,  May  6  at  i+sOQ  p.m.,  followed  by  a  program  at  p.m. 
Food  will  be  served  at  6s 00  p.m.    Everyone  in  the  ohurchiis  urged  to 
attend  since  this  event  takes  the  place  of  the  old  Nazareth  Bay. 

A  letter  was  received  from  the  Retirement  Home  asking  us  to  try  to  catch 
up  with  the  money  that  we  have  been  asked  to  contribute  which  amounts 
to  13260  over  a  3  year  pfriod.    We  have  paid  only  a  small  amount,  $U$0f 
of  this  total. 

A  motion  was  made  to  invite  the  administrator  of  the  Retirement  Home  to 
speak  in  our  Church  in  order  to  encourage  everyone  to  help  us  ch&ch  up 
with  our  challenge. 

Other  plans  to  raise  money  for  the  Retirement  Home  Project  werealso 

Several  projects  and  reapirs  were  brought  to    the  attention  of  the 
Trustees.    A  few  minor  repairs,  etc.  are  needed.    Also  some  work  on  the 
cemetery  is  needed.    This  project  was  discussed. 

Mrs.  Janice  Eagle  Mull  has  been  granted  a  letter  of  transfer  from  the 
First  United  Church  of  Christ  in  Salisbury.  She  will  join  our  church 
on  Easter  Sunday. 

The  meeting  was  then  adjourned. 

Respectively  submitted, 
Harold  Earnhardt,  President 
Dot  Royal,  Secretary 

Attendances    Ray  Bernhardt,  R.  W.  Brown,  Wayne  Bingham,  Lanny  Barber,  Dolly 
Cozart,  Ray  Peeler,  Jack  Taylor,  Wade  Fisher,  Rev.  Fisher,  and  Harold  Earnhardt. 


I  .    .  ... 

-  > 
.  - 






Consistory  Meeting 
•for*  17,  1973 

OneJune  17,  1973  at  7 s 30  p,ja,  the  Consistory  of  the  Ursinus  United  Church  of 
Christ  held  its  aontlily  meeting  in  the  conference  room,    Mr,  Harold  Earnhardt, 
president,  opened  the  meeting  with  a  prayer, 

llo  old  business  was  discussed, 

Mr,  E,  V,  Brown,  treasurer,  reported  all  bills  paid  except  $100*00  to  the  East 
"Stoma  Heliglous  Cooed  ttee  for  Bible  classes  in  the  East  Howan  iiij.ii  School,,  Mrs, 
Katie  5xye  reported  that  the  committee  was  unable  to  reach  e,  decision  concenda;; 
the  Dible  Glass  and  another  meeting  is  planned  for  July  10, 

Pastor  Slsher  and  President  Earnhardt  urged  everyone  to  put  forth  a  special  effort 
to  make  Setirement  Home  Bay  on  June  2l+t  1973  at  success. 

Pastor  Jlsher  received  a  letter  from  Hockwell  Christian  Church  requesting  a  letter 
of  -temsfer  of  membership  for  Isabell  Barrier,    £his  request  was  granted. 

There  'oeing;  no  further  business  the  meeting  was  adjourned  with  a  prayer  by  Pastor 

Bespectfully  suWaitted, 

Harold  Earnhardt,  President 
Dot  Boyal,  Secretary 

Attendance  i    E,V,  Brown,  Pred  Ridenhour,  Marvin  Ball,  i-iay  Peeler,  Jean  Puckett, 
i*>t  fioyal,  'Wayne  Bingham,  Harold  Eaimliardt,  Pastor  jFisher, 

Consistory  Meeting 
July  29,  1973 

On  July  29,  1973  at  7*30  P»m»  the  Consistory  of  the  Ursinus  United  Church  of 
Christ  held  its  monthly  meeting  intthe  Conference  Room.    President  Harold 
Earnhardt  called  the  meeting  to  order  and  presented  the  prayer.    The  minutes 
of  the  last  meeting  were  read  and  approved. 

Mr.  K.  V.  Brown  reviewed  the  six-months  financial  report.    He  noted  that 
contribution  at  this  point  are  ahead  of  those  last  year. 


It  was  decided  that  Ursinus  would  support  the  Bible  Program  in  East  Rowan 
High  School  for  the  1973-7U  school  year.    So  far,  $300  has  been  paid  leaving 
a  balance  due  of  $100  on  the  1972-73  school  year  committment.    Rev.  Fisher 
will- serve  on  a  committee  to  select  the  teacher. 

Harold  Earnhardt  reported  that  the  Retirement  Day  program  was  a  success, 
raising  an  additional  $£29*  making  our  total  fund  payment  $1100. 

The  American  Mutual  Fire  Insurance  Company  has  requested  that  portable  fire 
extinguishers  be  placed  in  the  church  building.    A.L.  Linker  was  to  be  contacted 
about  purchasing  these. 

Rev.  Fisher  announced  that  he  would  meet  with  the  Kindergarten  Committee  about 
their  plans  for  next  year.    "Whether  or  not  to  continue  the  program  and  plans 
for  the  cleaning  of  rooms  used  by  the  kindergarten  will  be  discussed. 


Rev.  Fisher  informed  the  Consistory  that  the  youth  a  planning  an  outing  in 
Morrow  Mountain  State  Park  sometime  in  August. 

Katie  Frye  suggested  that  some  part-time  office  assistance  was  needed  toaaid 
Rev.  Fisher  in  preparing  bulletins,  etc.    It  was  decided  that  Katie  Frye  would 
check  with  Judy  Barber  about  helping  in  the  office  one  day  a  week,  preferably 

After  some  discussion,  it  was  decided  that  bids  for  the  Sexton's  position  \vill 
be  accepted  in  December  for  the  197U  year.    President  Harold  Earnhardt  was  to 
inform  Helen  Lowery  of  this  matter. 

Permission  was  granted  to  Mr.  Ray  Brown  to  use  the  Fellowship  Hall  for  the 
annual  Brown  reunion. 

There  being  no  further  business,  the  meeting  was  adjourned  with  a  prayer  by 
Rev.  Fisher. 

Respectively  submitted, 
Harold  Earnhardt,  Bseire&arit 

Dot  Royal,  Secretary 
Attendance i    Wayne  Bingham,  Katie  Frye,  Ray  Peeler,  Ray  Barnhardt,  Marvin  Hall, 
Ray  Brown,  Harold  Earnhardt,  Fred  Ridenhour,  Jack  Taylor,  Dot  Royal,  Pastor 

C  • 

t  ■.„•>;.:.  .  .  ■  •  ■ 


...  I  f 

...  oils  ■  ; 

■    [  ;  ,  •  . 

.  .  •  - 


Consistory  Meeting 
September  16,  1973 

On  September  16,  1973  at  7O0  P*21*  the  Consistory  of  Ursinus  United  Church  of 
Christ  held  its  monthly  meeting-  in  the  Conference  room.    President  Harold 
Earnhardt  called  the  meeting  to  order  and  presented  the  prayer.    She  minutes 
of  the  last  meeting  were  read  and  approved. 

Mr.  Ray  Brown  reviewed  the  financial  report  for  August  and  will  present  a 
quarterly  report  for  the  last  of  September.    He  reported  that  our  committment 
tc  the  Children's  Home  has  been  paid  in  full. 


1.  There  will  be  no  kindergarten  classe  held  in  the  future*    All  remaining 
funds  will  be  used  for  church .  improvements  to  be  d&elignated  by  the  kindergarten 
committee • 

2.  A  motion  was  made  and  passed  to  hire  Judy  Barber  on  a  part-time  basis  to 
assist  Pastor  Usher.    Her  specific  duties  will  be  designated  by  Pastor  Fisher 
and  a  copy  of  these  will  be  filed  with  the  minutes  of  the  Consistory.    She  will 
work  approximately  3  hours  a  Saturday  (9-12)  and  will  be  paid  at  the  rate  of 
$3.00  per  hour. 

3.  Pastor  Fisher  reported  that  our  retirement  home  is  now  pperating  on  a 
break  even  basis  with  no  valiancies . 


1.  Installation  of  church  school  officers  will  be  held  September  30  #  1973* 

2.  The  Association  meeting  will  be  held  October  6,  1973  at  Shirmville  United 
Church  of  Christ  in  Troutman,  N.C.  Mrs.  Katie  Frye  will  attend  as  a  delegate 
from  Ursinus. 

3.  Our  churdh  school  will  observe  Rally  Bay  the  first  Sunday  in  October.  Holy 
Communion  will  be  observed  during  the  worship  service. 

Ursinus  accepted  a  invitation  to  attend  a  special  evangelistic  service  at 
New  Gilead  United  Church  of  Christ  at  Concord  onOOatober  7,  1973  at  7O0  p.m. 
Pastor  Fisher  and  our  choir  will  participate  in  the  service. 

5.  Mrs.  Margaret  Misehheimer  requested  permission  for  Jimtaie  to  receive  the 
Eagle  Scout  rank  during  the  order  of  worship  on  November  kt  1973* 

6.  Pastor  Fisher  reported  that  the  following  people  have  expressed  a  desire 

to  unite  with  Ursinus  in  the  near  future  J  Mr,  Billy  Haynes,  Mr.  Alan  Culp,  and 
Mr.  and  Mrs.  'Tommy  (Linda)  Isley. 

7.  There  will  be  Laymen  Sunday  October  li|. 

There  being  no  further  business  the  meeting  wa3  adjourned  with  a  prayer  by 
Pastor  Fisher. 

Respectively  submitted, 
Harold  Earnhardt,  President 
Bot  Royal,  Secretary 

Attendances    Ray  Barnhardt,  Wayne  Bingham,  Harold  Easthardt,  Ray  Brown,  Jack 
Taylor,  Ray  Peeler,  Marvin  Hall,  Katie  Frye,  C.  A.  Cozart,  Pastor  Fisher}. 
Bot  Royal. 




.  ■ 


-  - 


Consistory  i^eetin^ 
October  21,  1973 

On  October  21,  1973  «*  7 J  30  p.m.  the  Consistory  of  Ursinus  United  Church  of 
Christ  held  its  monthly  meeting  in  the  conference  room.    President  Harold 
Eamliardt  called  tine  meeting  to  order  and  presented  the  prayer.    The  minutes 
of  the  last  meeting  were  reaa  and  approved.    Mr.  Bay  Bxttun  reviewed  the  financial 
report  for  September  and  corrected  a  mistake  made  in  listing  the  amount  paid 
Duke  Power  Company.    I*he  correct  amount  is  §68.!>7«    He  also  presented  a  nine 
month  budget  report. 

Pastor  ilsher  reported  observance  of  lially  Day  (the  first  Sunday  in  October)  as 
a  success. 

VtCm  Uilly  Haynes  and  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Bandy  Stiller  vers  received  into  our  fellowship 
during  the  October  worship  services. 

Miss  Debbie  Stewart  requested  that  lier  name  be  removed  from  our  Church  Fellowship. 

Pastor  Sl3her  appealed  for  leaders  to  help  with  the  youth  work.    He  reported  tiiat 
the  young  couples  meetii^gs  were  a  success  and  a  step  forward  fo    our  church. 
Also  lie  would  like  to  see  an  increase  in  attendance  and  in  new  members. 

She  following  committees  were  appointed x 

1.  ;::fominating  Committee-  IJarold  Earnhardt,  Fred  Ridenhour,  Dot  Koyal 

2.  Dudget  CcOTiittee-  Cliairman  Jean  Puckett,  ICatie  Frye,  Harold  Earnhardt, 
Steed  Hidenliour,  Dot  lioyal,  Larry  Darber,  and  Say  Brown, 

On  November  4,  1973  Youth  Sunday  will  be  observed  with  members  of  the  Youth 
^fellowship  leading;  the  service. 

'Biere  being  no  further  business,  the  meeting  was  adjourned  with  a  prayer  by 
Pastor  Usher. 

Kespectively  submitted, 

Harold  Earnhardt,  President 
Dot  p!©yal,  Secretary 

Attendances    Pastor  Fisher,  Harold  Earnhardt,  Marvin  Hall,  Jack  Taylor,  Stay 
Brown,  Kay  Barnhardt,  Fred  Pddenhour,  and  Dot  Royal. 

Consistory  Meeting 
Hovember  13,  1973 

On  November  18,  1973  at  7«30  p.m.  the  Consistory  of  Ursinus  United  Church  of 
Christ  held  its  nifflthly  meeting1  in  the  conference  room.    President  Harold  Earnhardt 
called  the  meeting  to  order  and  presented  the  prayer.    £he  minutes  of  the  last 
meeting  were  read  and  approved. 

Mr,  Ray  Brown  reviewed  the  financial  report  and  reported  all  current  bills  paid 
through  October.    lie  also  stated  that  the  clianoes  of  meeting?  our  1973  budget  were 

Jio  old  business  was  discussed. 

Mt«  Jean  Puckett  presented  the  new  budget  for  191k*    After  some  discussion,  a 
motion  was^made  by  Mr.  Jack  Baylor  and  seconded  by  H$«  Harold  Earnhardt  that 
the  budget  be  adopted,    fhe  Consistory  voted  to  do  so. 

Fne  new  slate  of  officers  and  budget  will  be  published  in  the  November  25  bulletin. 
A  notice  will  be  in  the  December  2  bulletin^  static  that  anyone  interested  in 
the  Sexton1  s  position  must  submit  a  seasled  bid  to  on©  of  the  trustees  on  or 
before  December  16. 

Mr*  Wayne  iiin^iaa  will  be  in  charge  of  getting  ushers. 

The  annual  fhanfcag^ving  Service  will  be  held  at  7?  30  in  the  St*  James  Lutheran 
Church  of  Wednesday,  iiovember  21. 

Pastor  ilsher  stated  that  the  annual  Christmas  Program  will  be  on  December  23 
at  7 * 30  p.m.    She  Candlelight  Service  will  be  on  December  2k  at  7  J  30  p.m. 

Shore  being  no  iurther  business  the  aseeting  was  adjourned  with  a  prayer  by 
Pastor  Fisher. 

Bespectively  submitted, 

Harold  Earnhardt,  President 
Dot  Boyal,  Secretary 

Attendance i    Kay  Peeler,  G.A.  Cozart,  Harold  liarnhardj;,  Hay  J:3arahardt,  Wayne 
Dinsh&m,  Jack  riaylor,  Wade  Jlsher,  Fred  Btdenhour,  Jean  Puckett,  Dot  Royal, 
lay  Brown, 

Consistory  Meeting' 
December  16t  1973 

On  fipQffiribqr  16,  1973       7*33  p.m.  the  Consistory  of  the  Ursinus  United  Church 
of  Christ  held  its  monthly  meeting  in  the  home  of  President  Harold  Earnhardt, 
lie  called  the  meeting  to  order  and  then  declared  the  minutes  of  the  last  meeting- 
be  read  and  approved. 

The  results  of  the  oox^spragational  election  are  as  follows 3    Deacons-  firs,  Glenn 
Mlsenheimer,  Mr«  Shearin  league,  Mr.  Mike  Earniiardt;  ilders-  £fc«  Hay  Brown, 
I'lr*  Bay  Sarahardt,  Mr.  Hugh  Boat;  Trustee-  l'o?.  Jack  Taylor. 

Ht«  Bay  Brown  gave  the  treasurer1  s  report.    He  reported  all  bills  were  paid  and 
collections  for  December  were  godd. 

Mtv  BofltniNMit 

1,  Bmmbi  will  be  an  installation  and  ordination  service  for  newly  elected 
officers  of  the  church  at,  the  eleven  o* clock  service  on  December  J09  1973» 

2,  Holy  CoMcunioji  will  be  observed  the  first  Sunday  in  January, 

3,  The  women  serving  at  the  id  tar  Guild  will  be  responsible  for  preparing  the 
Cotsaunion  Table, 

ii,    A  motion  was  made  and  passed  to  pay  for  repairs  to  Pastor  Fisher's  typewriter, 
$i    Election  of  officers  of  the  Consistory  was  held.    President  Mr,  3hearin 
Tea^u©?  vice-president  tlx,  Hugh  Dost;  financial  Secretary  Mr.  Bay  Bernhardt? 
Becording  Secretary  Hrs,  Dot  lioyalf  treasurer  j?lr.  Bay  Brown, 

There  being  no  further  'business  the  meeting-  was  adjourned. 

Kespeotfully  submitted, 

Harold  Earnhardt,  I'resiient 
Dot  Boyal,  3©oretary 

Attendances    lies.  Glenn  >Iisenheiiaer,  Kr«  Sheariu  Teague,  Mr,  Hugh.  Bost, 
Mr,  Harold  Earnhardt,  Bay  Drown,  Mrs,  Dot  Boyal,  Mr.  Bay  Barnhardt,  !fr*  Wayne 
3ingham,Mr.  Wade  Fishex\  Mr«  tfaxvin  Hall,  Mr,  C.  A.  Cossaxt,  Mr.  Bred  Bidenhour, 
Mr.  Jean  Puckett,  !!r.  Jack  Taylor,  and  Pester  Wisher, 


Phillip  Preaton  Taa^ue  -  Hr.  and  Mra.  Shearin  Taa&ue  Jr. 
Stacy  Lei^a  Mull  -  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Gary  Mall 

i-fcEQbers  iieceiveds 

Jfea.  Sandy  Bdji^haaa 
Jir,  Bruce  South 
HHh  Brace  South 
Mrs.  Hid-win  TSorgan 
Hiss  -Prances  l*brgaa 

Weddings i 

Arthur  Lynn  Linker  Kid  Barbara  Kay  Goodman-  June  16,  1975 
Allen  Bale  Linker  and  Glenda  Sharon  SuryG  ifovember  %  T)7U 


itr.  Clyde  Barrier 

Mrs.  Lucy  Bidenhour 

i'iiae  Eaxth  Usher 

Mr«  Bruce  South 

I£r,  Larry  Michael  Bingham 


The  annual  congregational  meeting  of  TJrsinus  United  Church  of  Christ 
was  held  on  January  19 $  197U  in  the  fellowship  hall  at  7s 00  p.  in.    After  a 
delicious  conered  dish  supper,  the  meeting  was  called  to  order  by  outgoing 
President  Harold  Earnhardt.    The  minutes  of  the  previous  annual  meeting 
were  approved  as  read. 

Mr.  Earnhardt  presented  the  annual  reports  with  emphasis  on  the  special 
tieme,  "Time  to  Rejoice".  He  expressed  his  grateful  thanks  to  the  congrega- 
tion for  its  attitude  of  working  together. 

Rev#  Fisher  presented  certificates  of  recognition  to:  Harold  Earnhardt 
for  serving  as  Consistory  President  for  1971—1973;  Dr.  L.  C.  Holshouser 
for  serving  as  Church  Treasurer  from  1970 — 1973* 

Rev.  Fisher  expressed  his  conviction  that  this  year,  and  all  years 
are  a  time  to  rejoice  for  the  TJrsinus  Christians. 

President  Shearin  Teague  pledged  to  lead  the  congregation  with  enthu- 
siasm and  devotion  for  the  coming  year.    He  expressed  a  special  interest  in 
meeting  our  Retirement  Home  commitment.    Mr.  Teague  appointed  the  following 
committees  for  special  projects: 

1.  History  Room  Committee 

Mr.  Samual  Troxel    -  Chairman 
Mrs.  Samuel  Troxel 
Mr.  Marvin  Hall 
Mrs.  Dot  Royil 

General  Duties: 

1.  Select  Room  in  church  to  be  used  as  History  Room. 

2.  See  that  room  selected  is  renovated  to  meet  its  purpose. 
3»    Set  up  necessary  fixtures  in  History  Room 

k»    Select  and  Label  historical  items  to  be  displayed  in  History  Rm. 

SPECIAL  NOTE:    It  is  desired  that  the  History  Room  will  be  ready  for 
our  75th  Anniversary  in  1975>«    This  is  a  church  project  and  to  be 
financed  by  the  church  or  interested  persons. 


Mr.  Jack  Taylor   -  Chairman 

Mr.  Wayne  Bingham 

Mr.  Walter  Stiller 

Mr.  Harold  Earnhardt 

General  Duties: 

1.  Decide  on  location  of  ramp. 

2.  Raise  necessary  funds. 

3.  Receive  at  laast  two  bids  for  construe tL  on  of  ramp. 

See  that  a  sloping  entrance  into  the  church  sanctuary,  perhaps 
joining  different  levels  is  constructed  during  197U« 

The  above  committees  were  approved  by  motion  and  vote  of  the  congregation. 

3.    Fellowship  Hall  Renovation  Committee 

Mr.  Hugh  Bost    —  Chairman 
Mr.  C.  A.  Cozart 
Mrs.  J.  Yorke  Peeler 
Mr.  Alan  Culp 
Mr.  Bobby  Beaver 

General  Duties : 

1.  Investigate  the  various  possibilities  of  renovating  the  fellowship 

2.  If  possibilities  exist,  then  state  in  writing. 
,3.    Determine  approximate  cost  of  project. 

k*    Report  findings  by  the  2£th  of  February  to  the  Church  Consifctory 
for  further  action. 

NOTE:    This  is  an  investigating  committee  with  only  the  power  to 

k»    7ftth  Anniversary  Steering  Committee 

Mr.  Ray  Peeler  -  Chairman 
Mrs.  Hugh  Bost 
Mr.  Ray  Bamhardt 
Mrs.  Harold  Barrier 
Mrs.  Robert  Greene 

General  Duties: 

1.  Coordinate  and  steer  the  75>th  Anniversary  Celebration. 

2.  Have  first  meeting  during  the  month  of  February,  197U« 
3«    Determine  the  various  events  of  the  celebration. 

U»    Select  the  dates  of  the  events. 

$,    Choose  the  necessary  oommittees  to  see  that  the  various  events 
are  realized. 

NOTE:    The  75th  Anniversary  Celebration  will  be  financed  by  the 

There  being  no  further  business,  themmeeting  was  adjourned  with  the 

Dot  Royal, 

Guy  F.  Fisher 

Consistory  Meeting 
January  20,  l$7k 

The  Urainus  United  Church  of  Christ  Consistory  held  its  regular  moathiymeeting 
on  Jswuaxy  20,  19Vu    The  meeting  opened  witii  a  prater  by  the  President,  She&rln 
league.    She  minutes  of  the  last  meeting  were  read  and  approved. 

The  monthly  and  yearly  treasurer's  reports  were  passed  and  approved. 

There  was  no  old  business. 

J:iew  .'Easiness* 

Mr.  iiay  Brown  reported  collections  are  very  good  so  far  this  year. 

Jack  Taylor  gave  Trustee's  lieporfc: 

1.  Turn  over  $200  to  Organ  Pond  from  Trustee's  Operations  Fund. 

2.  Leaves  approximatoly  $$00  balance. 

3.  Discussed  roof  leak  at  tower-  will  try  to  get  it  repaired. 

k*    Meed  toechottk  out  speaker  in  nursery.    Hugh  Bost  to  handle  this.  Motion 
made  and  passed  to  purchase  nike  and  install  on  reading,'  stand.    Hugb  Boot 
to  handle  tliis. 

Pastor  Slsher  reported  one  youth  group  wants  their  own  meeting  room.    They  want 
to  use  room  in  corner  of  Sunday  School  Opening  Hall  (used  now  for  storage.) 
Motion  made  and  passed  to  allow  them  to  use  this  room. 

Pastor  flstott  reported  that  Mrs.  Dearborn  wishes  to  come  and  speak  to  the  Consistory 
concerning  a  fund  for  our  Black  colleges  (U.C.C.  sponsored),    Consistory  voted 
to  allow  her  to  ©eras  if  slue  so  desired,  but  not  to  expect  any  answer  while  she 
is  down. 

oome  discussion  about  7?th  anniversary  (espouses,  etc.) 
i4arsha  jjin^ham  will  join  the  church  next  Sunday. 

Problem  brought  up  §saO(fW*lHg  Girl  3c  uts.  They  seem  suit  to  leave  the  fellowship 
hall  as  they  found  it.  Jack  Taylor  will  pass  th©  word  to  those  involved  in  order 
to  £pt  this  problem  corrected, 

Meeting  adpurend  with  prayer  by  Pastor  Uisher, 

Attendance:    Shearin  Tea^ue,  G,  A.  Cozart,  Jack  Taylor,  £.  V,  Brown,  Wayne 
Bingham,  Hike  Earnhardt,  Wade  Fisher,  Bill  hall,  HUgi  Boat,  Bte.  Bay  'Peeler, 
i'lrs.  Glenn  Misenheimer. 

Consistory  I'leeting 
February  17, 

She  regular  monthly  meeting  of  the  Consistory  of  Urslnue  United  Church  of  Christ 
was  held  on  February  I7»  197U  with  vice-president  Hugh  Bost  presiding*  The 
meeting  vas  opened  with  prayer  by  Rev.  lusher, 

!£he  treasurer's  report  for  January  was  passed  out  for  any  discussion, 

Marvin  Ball  reported  that  he  had  checked  with  fir,  Bob  Lye&Ly  about  soof  leak, 

Ha&h  .Bost  reported  that  speaker  for  Lecturn  had  been  purchased. 

It  was  reported  that  all  committees  on  the  different  projects  vese  working*. 

Pastor  Fisher  read  a  letter  that  lie  had  composed  to  go  out  to  all  non-resident 
members  for  dantions  to  any  of  our  many  psrojects.    Latter  approved  and  to  be 
siloed  by  pastor  and  consistory  President. 

The  Pastor  wanted  to  know  if  any  member  had  enything  to  offer  that  might  improve 
our  worship  service-  he  would  appreciate  any  suggestion  s  • 

Jack  Sfaylor  reported  that  the  Lutheran  Church  Cemetery  would  like  to  have  cemetery 
drive-wsys  paved  and  that  he  had  a  price  on  asphalt  and/or  tar  and  gravel  but  that 
his  committee  had  agreed  to  pay  only  half  of  the  center  drive  at  this  time. 

2here  being  no  further  business  the  meeting  closed  with  prayer  by  llev.  Fisher. 

Itespeotfully  submitted, 

Hugh  Bost,  Vice-president 

H»  W.  Brown,  Acting  Secretary 


Hugh  Bost,  H.  ¥.  Hall,  a.  W,  Brown,  Fred  liidenhour,  IU  R*  Bernhardt,  Mrs. 
Marguerite  Hiaenlieimor,  Jack  Uaylor,  Wade  Fisher,  Wayne  Bingham, 

Consistory  Meeting 
March  17,  197U 

She  regular  ssoathly  meeting  of  the  Consistory  of  tJraiaus  United  Church  of  Christ  ,  s 
■was  bold  on  I-Saroh  27»  19714  with  President  Shearin  2fea#ie  presiding*    2he  loeeting-  \i\ 
was  opened  with  prayer  by  Shearin  league,    'fh©  minutes  of  the  last  meeting  were  >;\ 
read*   fhe  treasurer's  report  was  #iven.  !  \ 


Old  jJusiness; 

Paving  of  ©esaetory  roads  discussed.    ik>  difinite  prioea  yet.    Jack  d'aylor  la 
looking  after  this  project. 

Aim  Businosss 

Gideons  asked  to  eooe  May  19.    Motion  made,  seconded,  and  approved  tohhave  them 
Gov*  on  Kay  26  *   Pastor  Pishor  will  take  the  day  off. 

Report  on  ketireiaent  Home  Pledge,   ¥«  are  still  short  S2f156.0G.    We  will  probably 
need  to  set  aside  a  special  Sunday  to  saak©  payment  on  this. 

Si®  schedule  fox*  Holy  Week  Services  is  Monday-  &&&&aual;  IJue&d&y-  ursinus? 
Wednesd&yH&t.  Jaaou;  ftesday-  Ursinua*    a  action  was  made  sad  passed  not  tobhave 
services  on  Good  friday. 

Blowing  Bock  Assembly  Grounds  asked  for  pledge  for  maintenance  and  expansion  program 
with  will  cost  f £0,000.    Cur  part  would  "be  $200,  payable  oyer  a  two-year  period. 
A  motion  was  made  and  passed  to  accept  the  challenge. 

E.G.C.H.  asked  to  send  a  representative  (Lay)  to  attend  their  regular  meetings. 
Women* 3  Guild  could  not  cose  up  with  one,  so  we  were  approached.    Shearin  fea^ue 
accepted  this  position* 

Basasent  Conaaittee  made  a  report,  presented  by  Eu^h  Best*    Hbilon  made  to  obtain 
prices  on  proposed  work  and  report  back  to  consistory.    Tkm  basement  eoaiaittee 
is  to  get  these  prices. 

Basement  water  leak  discussed.    Hu^di  Bost  will  check  this  out  and  repair  if 

Heetiu^  closed  with  the  Lord's  Prayer. 

Hespectfullj-  submitted, 

Sherin  !l!eague,  President 
Dot  Uoyal,  Secretary 


Hugh  .3ost,  C.  Am  Coaart,  Hay  Bernhardt,  Wayne  Bingham,  Marvin  Hall,  B*  W.  iirown, 
Jack  Saylor,  HUfcft  Sarahardt,  Wade  Jttaoar.  Marguerite  meenheimsr,  Shearin  %9»&m9 
Say  Peeler,  Pastor  Fisher. 

Consistory  Meeting 
April21,  197U 

The  Ursinus  United  Church  of  Christ  Consistory  held  its  regular  monthly  meeting 
in  the  Conference  Room  at  7*30  P«nt»  on  April  21,  197k»    The  meeting  opened 
with  a  prayer  by  the  President  Hhearin  Teague.    The  minutes  of  the  last  meeting 
were  read  and  approved. 

Mr,  Ray  Brown  gave  the  treasurer's  report  for  the  month  of  March.    He  also 
presented  the  first  quarter  report.    Monthly  reports  willbbe  made  on  a  quarterly 
report  form  in  the  future. 


1.  The  Gideon  Society  will  be  at  Ur sinus  Sunday  May  26,  197U» 

2.  July  Ik,  197k  has  been  deiignated  at  Blowing  Rock  Sunday  for  Ursinus. 


1.  A  motion  was  made  and  approved  giving  the  History  Room  Committee  permission 
to  use  the  library  room.    The  library  will  be  moved  into  the  Educati  >nal 

2.  Mr.  Jack  Taylor,  chairman,  gave  the  Trustee's  report.    i$o tiling  definite 
has  been  decided  about  paving-  the  cemetery  road. 

Trustee's  Treasury  Report: 
Reguiir  Fund  S 997. 00 

Cemetery  Fund  U33.00 
Organ  Fund  162.00 
Endowment  Fund  I37J+.OO 

Pastor  Fisher  and  Shearin  Teague  will  attend  the  Churchmen's  Fellowship 
meeting  in  Landis  on  April  2$,  197^«    One  lay  delegate  is  allowed  to  attend. 

A  motion  was  made  and  approved  to  sponsor  Amy  Ridenhour  to  the  Church  Music 
Workshop  in  Blowing  Rock  July  II4-I7 « 

'There  being  no  further  business,  the  meeting  was  adjourned,  after  a  prayer 
by  the  president. 

Respectfully  submitted, 

Shearin  Teague,  President 
Dot  Royal,  Secretary 

Attendances    Ray  Peeler,  Ray  Brown,  Jack  Taylor,  Shearin  Teague,  Ray  Barnhardt, 
C.  A.  Cozart,  Marvin  Hall,  Marguerite  Misenheimer,  Dot  Royal,  Pastor  Fisher. 

Consistory  Meeting 
May  19.  197U 

The  Ursinus  United  Church  of  Christ  Consistory  held  its  regular  monthly 
meeting  in  the  conference  room  at  7>30Qp«a«  on  May  19»  197U«    r^he  meeting 
was  opened  with  a  prayer  by  the  president,  Shearin  league, 

Mr.  Bay  Brown  gave  the  treasurer's  report  for  April.    Mr.  Jack  Taylor  gave 
the  Trustee  report .    Included  was  their  decision  to  pave  the  cemetery  road. 
The  financial  report  remained  the  same  as  April's. 

There  was  some  discussion  concerning  the  progress  of  the  church  improvement 
fund  projects.  (Fellowship,  hall,  ramp,  and  History  room). 


Pastor  Fisher  announced  plans  for  Bible  School  (June  10-15) •    Eh©  cost  of 
materials  is  to  be  about  $1^0.00.    After  some  discussion  on  how  to  pay  for 
these  supplies,  Mr.  Marvin  Hall  made  a  motion  to  place  envelopes  in  the  pew 
rack  for  contributions.    The  motion  was  seconded  and  approved. 

A  motion  also  was  made  and  approved  to  clean  and  properly  store  the  children's 
choir  robes.    Mrs.  Marguerite  Miseriheimer  will  be  in  hharge  of  this. 

Mrs.  Misenheimer  asked  for  permission  to  use  the  fellowship  hall  for  a  recital 
by  her  music  students  on  June  1,  1971+*    Permission  was  granted. 

In  response  to  a  request  from  the  Nazareth  Children's  Home,  the  Consistory 
voted  to  sponsor  one  child  for  a  week  at  one  of  our  church  camps.    The  funds 
are  to  come  from  the  amount  budgeted  to  help  children  from  Ursinus  attend 

There  being  no  further  business,  the  meeting  was  closed  with  a  prayer  by  the 

lie  spe  at  fully  submitted, 

Shearin  Teague,  President 
Dot  Hoyal,  Secretary 

Attendances    Marvin  Hall,  Shearin  Teague,  Bay  Barnhardt,  Jack  Taylor, 
Marguerite  Misenheimer,  Kay  Brown,  Bot  Xioyal,  Pastor  Fi slier. 

Consistory  Meeting 
June  16,  197U 

The  Consistory  opened  its  meeting  with  a  prayer  lead  by  Pastor  Fisher,  Vice- 
president,  Hugh  Bost,  took  charge  of  the  meeting  in  the  absence  of  President 
Shearin  Teague.    The  minutes  of  the  last  meeting  were  read  and  approved.  Mr. 
Ray  Brown,  gave  the  treasurer's  report. 


The  Vacation  Bible  School  was  completed  successfully.  The  Consistory?'  extended 
a  vote  of  thanks  to  Rev.  Fisher  and  all  those  who  assisted  him. 

Rev.  Fisher  was  authorized  to  buy  stamps  and  envelopes  from  the  Post  Office 
in  500  lots. 

The  Church  will  have  its  worship  service  at  Blowing  Rock  on  July  28  at  the 
Little  VJhite  Church.    It  will  begin  at  11:30  a.m. 

The  question  of  whether  to  leave  the  Church  unlocked  or  not  was  duscussed 
but  no  decision  was  made.    It  was  decided  to  investigate  the  policies  of 
other  churches  in  our  area. 

A  contract  was  made  with  Vamadore  Construction  Company  to  build  a  ramp  for 
the  Church  at  12300.00. 

There  being  no  further  business,  the  meeting  was  adjourned. 

Respectfully  submitted, 

Shearin  Teague,  President 
Hugh  Bost,  Vice-President 
Dot  RoyaJ.,  Secretary 

Attendance:    Pastor  Fisher,  C.  A.  Coaart,  Hugh  Bost,  Marguerite  Misenheimer, 
R.  W,  Brown,  Jack  Taylor,  Ray  Barnhardt,  Marvin  Hall,  Wayne  Bingham. 

Consistory  Meeting 
July  21,  191 h 

The  Consistory  ppened  its  meeting  with  a  prayer  "by  President  Shearin  Teague. 
The  minutes  of  the  lasc  meeting  were  read  and  approved.    Treasurer  Hay  Brown 
reported  that  all  bills  had  been  paid.    Jbr  the  six-atontho  period,  the  financial 
status  of  the  Church  is  the  best  it  has  been  in  the  past  several  jpp  ara .  Mr. 
Brown  also  reported  that  the  Bible  School  expenses  had  bean  taken  care  of 
with  Church  School  money. 


There  was  some  discussion  of  needed  maintenance  repairs  around  the  church. 
However,  no  enough  members  wereppresent  to  make  any  decisions. 

The  meeting'  was  closed  with  the  The  Lord's  Prayer. 

iiespectfully  submitted, 

Shearin  league,  President 
Bot  Itoygfl ,  Secretary 

Atteiidances    Pastor  Fisher,  Jack  Taylor,  Bay  Brown,  Marvin  Hall,  .Ray  Peeler, 
Dot  jxoyal,  Shearin  Teague . 

Consistory  Meeting 
August  18,  197U 

The  Consistory  opened  its  meeting  with  a.  prayer  by  President  Sheaxin  'league. 
The  minutes  of  the  last  meeting  were  read  and  approved. 

There  was  some  discussion  on  needed  maintenance  repairs  around  the  church. 
There  were  not  enoughs  members  px*esent  to  make  any  decisions. 

The  president  will  contact  the  other  members  this  weak  by  telephone  to  secure 
the  number  of  votes  needed  to  make  a  decision  on  whether  or  not  the  church 
doors  should  be  locked. 

The  meeting  was  closed  with  a  prayer  by  Pastor  Fisher. 

Bespectfully  submitted;* 

Shearin  Teague,  President 

Dot  Hoys!,  Secretary 

Attendance  j  Pastor  Fisher,  Wayne  Bingham,  Hugh  Bost,  Marguerite  Misenheimer, 
Shearin  Teague,  Dot  loyal. 

Consisted  Meeting 
September  \~>f  197U 

2hs  Consistory  opened  its  meeting  with  a  prayer  by  Pastor  Fisher.  The 
minutes  of  the  last  meeting  were  read  and  approved. 

old  wmwsa&t 

Members  of  the  Consistory  voted  to  look  the  Church  doors.  Wayne  Bingham  will 
be  responsible  for  repairs  to  doors  and  looks. 

sat?  at&nosssi 

'i?he  Pastor  reported  tliat  Mr.  Hay  Brown  will  attend  the  Association  Meeting 
at  Crack  United  Church,  Hewton,  II. C,  on  October  i?,  1974»    The  confirmation 
class  will  begin  study  ontthe  first  Sunday  in  October.    The  installation 
service  for  the  new  officers  \vrill  be  held  Sunday,  September  2S>,  197U» 

a  motion  was  made  and  approved  to  mail  a  copy  of  our  churcn  Magaaine  to  all 
full  time  college  students  during  the  school  year. 

A  motion  was  made  and  approved  to  participate  in  the  "Power  Program"  during 
the  month  of  November.    Emphasis  will  be  on  evangelism,  renewal,  attendance, 
and  Bible  stud&efe. 

Permission  was  given  to  the  Touth  Fellowship  to  invite  a  youth  group  from 
Blom  College  to  visit  in  Ursinus  for  one  weekend  in  Hovember. 

There  being  no  further  business,  the  meeting  was  adjourned  wiSjh  the  Lord's 

Respectfully  submitted, 

Shearin  league,  President 
hot  .Royal,  Secretary 

Attendance:    Pastor  Fisher,  Bay  Brown,  Hay  Barnhardt,  C.  A.  Coaart,  Marvin 
Hall,  Hugh  Bost,  Shearin  Teague,  Marguerite  Misenheimer,  Dot  Royal. 

Consistory  Meeting 
October  20,  197*4 

The  Consistory  opened  its  meeting  with  a  prayer  "by  Shearin  Teague.  The 
minutes  of  the  last  meeting  were  read  and  approved.    Mr,  Bay  Brown  gave  the 
treasurer's  report  for  the  month  of  September.    Also  the  third  quarter 
report.    He  reported  that  all  current  bills  have  bean  paid. 

Mr.  Jack  Taylor  gave  the  Trustee* s  report.    The  bill  for  paving  the  cemetery 
roads  has  been  paid  and  the  work  lias  been  completed.    Mr.  Taylor  also  reported  on 
the  aoifiiiion  of  the  stained  glass  windows  in  the  church.    He  asked  for  the 
support  of  the  Consistory  in  making  the  necessary  repairs.    A  motion  was 
made  and  approved  that  the  A  and  H  Stained  Glass  Company  of  Harmony,  il.C. 
will  do  the  work  at  a  cost  of  $2^00.00. 

The  Pastor  reported  thats 

Ha^ph  and  Vannie  Brown  asked  that  their  names  be  removed  from  the  Church 
roll.    Their  request  was  granted. 

Pastor  Fisher  and  several  members  of  the  Consistory  will  attend  the 
Churchman  Brotherhood  Meeting  at  Mount  Sion,  China  Gwove  on  Thursday, 
October  2i*,  1974. 

A  motion  was  made  and  gassed  to  honor  a  request  for  financial  support  from 
RCCM  during  1975 •    The  amount  is  $U00,    Shearin  Teague  will  serve  as  lay 
delegate  and  Rena  Bost  as  contact  person. 

Pastor  Fisher  reported  from  the  Association  meeting  in  Newton  on  October  $t 

191k»    The  main  item  of  business  was  a  new  fund  raising  drive  for  Catawba  College. 

The  POWER  program  has  been  organized  with  the  youth  group  and  the  women  of 
the  church  helping  out. 

Boring  the  worship  service  on  the  first  Sunday  in  November,  Pastor  Pisher 
will  conduct  a  dedication  service  for  recent  additions  to  the  church. 

There  being  no  further  business,  the  meeting  was  closed  with  a  prayer  by 
the  President. 


Respectfully  suteaitted, 

Shearin  Teague,  President 
Bat  Royal,  Secretary 

Attendance i    Pastor  Fisher,  Jack  Taylor,  Ray  Brown,  Ray  Barnhardt,  Hugh 
Bost,  Shearin  Teague,  Marvin  Hall,  C.A.  Cozart,  Marguerite  Misenheimer,  Dot 

Consistory  Meeting 
November  17,  197k 

The  Consistory  opened  its  meeting  with  a  prayer  by  President  Shearin  league . 
The  minutes  of  the  last  meeting  were  read  and  approved.    Mr.  Ray  Brown  gave 
the  treasurer's  report.    He  stated  that  all  bills  are  paid  in  full  for  191k* 


A  comaittment  was  made  to  the  Retirement  Home  earlier  this  year.  There 
will  be  a  special  collection  one  Sunday  during  Advent. 

After  much  discussion,  it  was  decided  that  the  renovation  committee  will 
meet  and  prepare  an  estimated  cost  for  renovating  the  fellowship  nail.  This 
report  will  be  voted  on  during  the  congregational  meeting  on  December  15,  197U» 

The  new  budget  for  1975  was  presented  and  approved  by  the  Consistory. 

Pastor  Fisher  reported  the  Annual  Community  Thanksgiving  Service  will  be 
held  in  the  Methodist  Church  on  November  27,  197k» 

There  being  no  further  business,  the  meeting-  was  adjourned  with  the  Lord's 

Respectfully  submitted, 

Shearin  Teague,  President 
Dot  Royal,  Secretary 

Attendances    Pastor  Fisher,  Shearin  Teague,  Ray  Earnhardt,  Ray  Brown,  Hugh 
Bost,  Marguerite  Misenheimer,  C.A.  Cozart,  Marvin  Hall,  Dot  Royal. 

Consistory  Meeting 
December  15»  197h 

The  Consistory  met  in  the  home  of  President  Shearin  Teague.    The  meeting 
was  opened  with  a  prayer  "by  Pastor  Fisher,    The  minutes  of  the  last  meeting 
were  read  and  approved,    Mr.  Bay  Brown  gave  the  treasurer's  report  stating 
that  all  bills  have  been  paid, 

Mr,  Jack  Taylor  gave  the  Trustee's  report.    He  is  accepting  bids  for  the  job 
of  Sexton.    As  a  reminder  to  members  of  Ursinus,  he  stated  that  a  Memorial 
Fund  alreadynexists  and  is  handled  through  the  trustees  of  the  Church.  He 
also  reported  that  all  of  the  bills  for  the  ramp,  paving  of  the  cemetery 
ooads,  etc.,  have  been  paid. 

The  following  were  elected  as  new  members  of  the  Consistory? 
Deacons  s    Hancy  South  Elders  2    A.L.  Linker 

Allen  Gulp  Harold  Earnhardt 

Dot  Royal  Marvin  Hall 

Trustees    Jean  Baokett 

Officers  for  the  Consistory  were  elected  as  follows: 

Presidents    Shearin  Teague 

Vice-President :    Hugh  Bost 

Recording  Secretary s    Dot  Royal 

Financial  Secretary s    Ray  Barnhardt 

Treasurers    Ray  Brown. 

The  following  were  appointed  to  serve  on  the  Fellowship  Hall  Renovation 
Committee!    Allen  Gulp 

C.  A,  Cozart 

Hugh  Bost 

Rena  Bost 

Marguerite  Misenheimer 
Their  duties  will  be  to  serve  this  committee  by  raising  funds  and  to  make 
the  final  decisions  for  renovation,    A  Fund  Raising  Drive  will  begin  immediately. 
Envelopes  will  be  placed  in  the  pew  racks  and  given  out  by  3»he  ushers. 

Pastor's  Reports 

Hew  members  of  the  Consistory  will  be  ordained  and  installed  during  the 
Worship  Service  on  December  29,  197U« 

The  Annual  Congregational  meeting  will  be  held  January  18,  1975 • 
Plans  for  the  7£th  anniversary  of  Ursinus  are  shaping  up. 

There  being  no  further  business  the  meeting  was  adjourned  with  the  Lord's  Prayer. 

Respectfully  submitted, 

Shearin  Teague,  President 
Dot  Royal,  Secretary 

Attendances    Pastor  Fisher,  Shearin  Teague,  Ray  Barnhardt,  C.A.  Coaart, 
Marguettte  Misenh*imer,  Hugh  Bost,  Jack  Taylor,  Ray  Brown,  Dot  Royal,  Nancy 
South,  Allen  Culp,  A.L,  Linker,  Harold  Earnhardt, 


The  Annual  Congregational  Meeting  of  Ursinus  United  Church  of  Christ  was 
held  January  18,  197$  in  the  Fellowship  Hall  at  7*00  p.  m.  After  a  delicious 
covered-dish  dinner  the  meeting  was  called  to  order  by  President  Shearin  Teague. 

Pastor  Fisher  presented  the  following  annual  reports: 

1.  Church  Officers 

2.  Activities  of  the  Church  Women 

3.  The  Choir 

k.    The  Creeters  and  Ushees 
£.    The  Acolytes 

6.  The  Nursexy  Attendants 

7.  The  Youth  Fellowship  Groups. 

0.  Confirmation  Class 

9.    Vacation  Church  School 

Pastor  Fisher  stated  that  the  year  had  been  one  of  the  hardest  during  his 

ministry  and  also  the  most  rewarding,  Ke  expesaed  appreciation  for  the  support 
of  the  Consistory  and  a  good  spiritual  relationship  with  the  congregation.  The 

theme  of  r.  lt  animal  report  booklet  is  an  appropriates  "God  Cells  Us." 

President  Teague  ^ve  the  Consistory  report.    He  stated  that  we  ofrurhh  mem- 
bers can  be  proud  of  our  achievements  during  197U»  of  which  some  were; 

1.  The  completion  of  a  service  ramp  on  the  south  end  of  the  church. 

2.  The  selection  and  renovation  of  a  Church  History  Room. 

3.  The  decision  to  renovate  the  Fellowship  Hall. 

1^.  The  work  of  the  75' *b  Amiivergary  Steering  Committee. 

5>.  The  love  gift  which  we  presented  to  our  pastor  and  family. 

6.  The  budget  was  wet  for  a  third  consecutive  year. 

President  league  asked  for  the  help  of  all  members  to  keep  our  church 
going  in  a  progressive  direction, 

Mrs,  Jean  Puckett  reported  on  our  Church  School  program, 

Mr.  Ray  Brown,  Treasurer,  gave  the  report  for  the  Trustees,    luring  the 
year,  a  service  ramp  was  constructed  and  the  cemetery  roaJL  was  paved.    Mr.  Alan 
Gulp  reported  that  the  renovation  committee  has  completed  plans  and  work  will 
begin  immediately  in  the  Fellowship  Hall,    Mrs,  Jackie  Taylor  reported  that  the 
Women's  Guild  will  plant  shrubbery  along  the  side  of  the  service  ramp. 

At  this  time,  President  Teague  asked  for  questions  from  the  church  members. 
There  beir^  no  questions  and  no  further  business,  the  meeting  w\b  adjourned, 

Respectfully  submitted, 

Pres.  Shearin  Teague 
Sec.    Dot  Royal 

JAN.  19,  1975 

On  Jan.  19,  1975  at  7s 30  p.  m.,  the  Consistency  of  the  Ursinus 
United  Church  of  Christ  opened  its  meeting  with  a  prayer  by  President 
Shearin  Teague.    The  minutes  of  the  last  meeting  were  approved  as  read. 

Mr.  Ray  Earnhardt  stated  the  collections  were  good  for  the  first 
three  Sundays.    The  Building  Fund  totaled  $1, 31+2.25  and  the  Regular  Fund 
being  $1,383.79. 

The  Trustees  reported  that  the  contract  for  rapairs  to  the  stained 
glass  windows  has  been  signed.    There  was  some  discussion  pertaining  to  the 
type  of  work  to  be  done  and  a  way  to  finance  the  project. 

Mr.  A.  L.  Linker  has  the  sextons  job  for  the  year  1975.    There  was  a 
review  of  insurance  on  church  property.    The  Consistory  voted  to  increase 
the  insurance  on  the  main  church  building  $10,000  -  from  $90,000  to 
$100,000  -  and  leaving  the  Educational  Building  $1+0,000  and  the  parsonage 
$16,000  as  is. 

Pastor  Fisher  reported  on  the  progress  of  a  Retired  Citizens  Club 
for  Rockwell.  If  the  club  is  organized,  permission  was  granted  to  use 
the  fellowship  hall  of  our  church  for  meetings. 

There  being  no  further  business,  the  meeting  was  adjourned  with  a 
prayer  by  President  Shearin  Teague,  Jr. 

Respectfully  submitted, 

Pres.  Shearin  Teague 
Sec.  Dot  Royil 


Shearin  Teague 

A.  L.  Linker 

marguarete  Misenheimer 

Jaan  Puckett 

Wayne  Bingham 

Allen  Gulp 

Marvin  Hall 

Harold  Earnhardt 

Ray  Earnhardt 

Nancy  South 

Ray  Brown 

Bot  Royal 

Feb.  16,  1975 

On  Feb.  16,  1975  at  7s 30  P«  w.t  the  Consifctory  of  Ursinus  United 
Church  of  Christ  opened  its  meeting  with  a  prayer  by  Pastor  Fisher. 

The  minutes  were  read  and  approved  from  the  last  meeting. 

Mr.  Ray  Brown,  treasurer,  stated  that  to  meet  our  1975  budget,  our 
weekly  collection  must  "be  at  least  $I).00.00.    For  the  three  weeks  in  Feb- 
ruary, we  have  been  short  approximately  150.00  per  week. 

Mr.  Jack  Taylor  stated  that  the  trustees  will  draft  a  letter  to  be 
sent  tp  the  families  of  the  doners  of  the  stained  glass  windows,  eixplain- 
ing  the  repair  work  needed  in  hopes  that  some  will  be  willing  to  pay  for 
the  repairs. 

Mr.  Hugh  Boat  reported  that  good  progress  is  being  made  on  the  renova- 
tion of  the  Fellowship  Hall. 

Mr.  Shearin  Teague,  Jr.  reported  on  the  bi-monthly  meeting  of  the 
RCCM.    He  is  our  lay  delegate. 

Pastor  Fisher  reported  that  the  75th  anniversary  committee  is  getting 
together  a  brief  history  of  Ursinus  kexx  which  will  be  printed  in  booklet 

The  minutes  of  the  Consistory  for  the  years  1966-1968  are  missing.  Mr. 
Arthur  Sachs  is  believed  to  have  been  secretary  at  that  time  so  we  will 
get  in  contact  with  hia* 

Rev.  Minnie  Davis,  a  United  Church  of  Christ  minister  in  the  States- 
villa  area,  requests  help  in  getting  church  and  office  supplies.  The 
Consistory  voted  to  give  her  the  old  typewirter  from  our  office. 

There  will  be  a  workshop  for  church  officers  at  Shiloh  United  Church 
of  Christ  in  Faith  at  2 3 00  p.  m.  March  23,  for  area  churches. 

Pastor  Fisher  e;:<pressed  his  concern  over  the  drop  in  collections. 
He  would  also  like  to  work  on  increasing  our  membership. 

It  was  decided  to  schedule  Holy  Week  Services  on  Wednesday,  Thursday, 
and  Friday  with  a  Sunrise  Service  on  Sunday  Morning. 
Services  will  be  as  follows: 

Wed. j    Joint  service  with  St.  Jame3  Lutheran  in  Ursinus  Fellowship  Hall. 

Thurs.j  Ursinus  (Communion) 

Fri.s    Joint  service  with  St.  James  Lutheran  at  St.  James. 

Sun.  Sunrise  Service:    Joint  service  with  St.  James  Lutheran  and  Rockwell 

Methodist  at  the  Rockwell  United  Methodist  Church. 
Sunday  at  11:00  a.  m. :  Ursinus  (Communion) 

There  being  no  further  business,  the  meeting  was  adjourned  with  the 
Lord's  Prayer. 

Respectfully  submitted, 

Pres.  Shearin  Teague 
Sec.  Dot  Royal 

MARCH  16,  1975 

The  meeting  was  called  to  order  by  President  Taague.    Pastor  Fisher 
offered  a  prayer. 

The  minutes  of  the  last  meeting  were  read  and  approved.    Mr.  Ray  Barh- 
hardt  reported  that  the  February  offerings  are  still  $3^7  short.    It  was 
anticipated  that  the  fifth  Sunday  in  Maroh  will  help  reach  the  budget. 

Alan  Gulp  will  only  be  about  $50.00  short  in  paying  for  the  ceiling 
and  paneling  in  the  renovation  of  the  basement.    The  committee  is  discuss- 
ing the  pros  and  "cons  of  carpet,  but  no  decision  on  that  matter  has  yet 
been  made.    More  money  is  still  needed  for  this  project. 

A  report  was  given  on  the  progress  of  the  History  Room.    Much  progress 
is  being  made.    The  committee  would  like  for  the  doors  and  frames  to  be 
painted  to  match  the  rest  of  the  room. 

Pastor's  Report: 

1.  He  represented  Ursinus  at  Bible  meeting  at  East  Rowan  High-  School,  Due 
to  lack  of  funds,  the  Bible  classes  will  be  discontinued  next  year.  Since 
there  is  a  $6,000.00  deficite,  the  church  will  continue  their  regular  con- 
tributions to  thepprogram. 

2.  All  members  of  the  Consistory  and  the  Trustees  are  asked  to  attend  a 
workshop  at  Shiloh,  UCC,  Faith,  N.  C.  on  March  23  at  2s 00  p.  m. 

3«    Confirmation  of  young  people  having  had  instruction  will  be  held  on  March 
23.    The  Consistojry  was  asked  to  approve  the  following  for  confirmations  Amy 
Greene,  Crystal  Barber,  Cindjr  Miller,  David  Puckett,  Donna  South  and  Lauren 
Taylor.    The  motion  was  made  and  passed  that  they  be  accepted.    A  reception 
in  their  honor  will  be  held  following  the  morning  worship. 

!+•    Pastor  Fisher  received  a  letter  from  the  Retirement  Home  stating  that  we 
still  owed  H89O.OO  on  our  pledge. 

5.  Pilgrim  UCC,  Charlotte  has  asked  Ursinus  to  contribute  more  money.  How- 
ever, it  was  decided  that  the  $100.00  we  had  previously  been  sendig  was 

6.  New  Gilead  UCC  will  have  a  commerative  service  in  memory  of  Rev.  Samuel 
Suther,  one  of  the  earliest  pastors  of  the  area,  on  April  6,  at  3s 00  p,  m. 

7.  Mrs.  Mary  Peeler  has  asked  that  Amy  Ridenhour  be  hired  as  organist  for 
the  summer.    A  motion  was  made  and  passed  to  do  so.    Amy  will  be  paid  $25.00 
per  week. 

8.  There  will  be  a  Southern  Conference  meeting  on  April  18-20  at  Virginia 
Beach.    Pastor  Fisher  was  elected  as  a  delegate.    Harold  Earnhardt  will 
attend  if  possible. 

There  was  no  more  business.    The  meeting  was  adjourned  by  prayer  left 
by  Pres.  Teague. 

Shearin  Teague,  Pres. 
Dot  Royal,  Sec. 

Attendance:    Pastor  Fisher,  Harold  Earnhardt,  Shearin  Teague,  Alan  Culp, 
Nancy  South,  Ray  Earnhardt,  Hugh  Bost,  Marvin  Hall,  A.  L.  Linker. 

Spril  20,  1975 

The  meeting  was  called  to  order  "by  President  Shearin  league .  Pastor 
Guy  Fisher  offered  a  prayer.    The  minutes  of  the  last  meetigg  were  read  and 

Mr.  Ray  brown  gave  the  treasurer's  report  for  the  month  of  March.  Also, 
heassreported  that  our  budget  was  met  in  the  First  Quarter. 

Mr,  Jack  Taylor,  in  the  trustees'  report,  stated  that  contributions 
from  the  original  doners  of  the  stained  glass  windows  were  good.    It  is 
believed  that  there  are  sufficient  funds  to  cover  repairs. 

From  the  renovation  committee,  Mr.  Alan  Gulp,  reported  that  the  car- 
penters have  completed  their  work.    The  committee  voted  to  use  the  follow- 
ing floor  coverings  %    Tile  for  the  kitchen  and  bathrooms,  Astro-turf  for 
the  entrance  and  back  steps,  and  out-door,  in-door  carpet  for  the  fellowship 
hall  and  stairway.    The  contract  was  given  to  Putnam  Floor  Covering.  The 
cost  will  be  f 2, 621, 00.    A  motion  was  made  to  install  a  central  vacuum  system 
for  about  $360.00,  and  passed  by  the  Consistory. 

Pastor  Fisher  received  a  letter  from  Irene  Blackwelder  requesting  that 
her  name  be  removed  fromthe  church  membership  roll.    Her  request  was  granted. 

There  was  some  discussion  about  the  progress  of  the  various  committees 
working  on  our  75? th  Anniversary  Celebration,    On  Firday,  June,  6th  at  7s 30 
p,  m.  there  will  "be  a  programsof  slides  and  refreshments*    The  family  of 
the  Rev.  Jim  Cress  will  give  a  musical  program  on  Saturday  night  also  "be- 
ginning at  7*30,  which  will  be  followed  by  refreshments.    To  conclude  the 
celebration  there  mil  be  a  regular  11:00  worship  service.    The  Eev.  J. 
lorke  Peeler,  Jr.  will  deliver  the  sermon.    Afterwards  there  will  be  a  covered- 
dish  luncheon. 

There  being  no  further  business,  the  meeting  was  closed  by  President 
Teague  leading  in  the  Lord's  Prayer. 

Respectfully  submitted, 

Pres.  Shearin  Teague 

Sec.    Sot  Royal 

Attendance  t 

Alan  Gulp 

Marvin  Hall 

Hugh  Bost 

Jean  Puckett 

Ray  Bamhardt 

Ray  Brown 

Jack  Taylor 

Harold  Earnhardt 

Marguarite  Misenheimer 

Nancy  South 

Dot  Royal 

Pastor  Fisher 

May  18,  197$ 

The  meeting  was  called  to  order  by  President  Shear in  Teague .  Pastor 
Pisher  offered  a  prayer.    The  minutes  of  the  last  meeting  were  read  and 
approved.    Mr.  Ray  Borwn  reported  that  the  April  offerings  were  shor 

In  the  Trustees*  report,  Mr.  Jack  Taylor  stated  that  $1 , 1}95> •  00  have 
been  received  in  donations  for  the  reapir  of  the  stained  glass  vindows. 
There  are  several  leaks  in  the  roof  which  the  custodian  will  try  to  seal 

Mr.  Alan  Culp,  reporting-  for  the  renovation  committee  stated  that  the 
work  was  95%  completed.    At  this  time,  there  is  a  balance  of  $1,602.00  in 
the  building  fund  which  will  be  used  to  pay  for  the  carpet  leaving  a  re- 
mainder of  approximately  $1,000.00  to  complete  the  payments  of  floor 
covering  and  other  small  items. 

Pastor  Pisher  reported  that  the  History  Room  will  be  dedicated  the 
first  Sunday  in  June.    The  Memorial  Garden  will  be  cLedicatecl  Saturday 
evening,  June  7»  1975*    The  Memorial  Garden  is  on  the  east  side  of  the 
church.    It  was  paid  for  by  Mr.  and  Mrs.  ¥ad.e  Pisher.    Pastor    Pisher  will 
attend  the  Minister's  Conference  Monday  through  Wednesday  at  the  Blowing 
Rock  Assembly  Grounds. 

A  motion  was  made  and  passed  to  sponsor  one  child  from  the  Children e 
Home  to  attend  Jobn^s  River  Camp.    The  cost  will  be  £32. £0. 

There  was  some  discussion  on  the  use  of  the  Fellowship  Kail.    It  was 
decided  that  all  request  for  use  by  non-related  church  activities  will  be 
considered  seperately  by  the  Consistory.    Mrs.  Marguaxite  Misenheimer  was 
given  permission  to  use  the  Fellowship  Hall  for  her  music  recital  Sat. 
June  Xl+5  1975. 

There  being  no  further  business,  the  meeting  was  adjourned  with  the 
Lord's  Prayer. 

Respectfully  submitted, 
Pres.  Shearin  Teague 
Attendance  Sec.  Dot  Royal 

Pastor  Fisher 
Shearin  Teague 
Marvin  Hall 
Ray  Bernhardt 
Harold  Earnhardt 
Ray  Brown 
A.  L.  Linker 
Jean  Puckett 
Jack  Taylor 
Hugh  Bost 

Marguarite  Misenheimer 
Dot  Roayl 

June  10,  1970 

rj?he  meeting  was  called  to  order  by  President  Shearin  Teague  who  then 
offered  a  prayer.    The  minutes  of  the  last  meeting  were  read  and  approved. 

Mr.  Ray  Brown  reported  that  repairs  on  the  stained  glass  windows  have 
been  completed  with  a  ten  year  guarentee •    The  total  cost  of  the  project 
was  |2,i|00000.    $1,797*00  were  received  from  donations.    Hie  remaining 
$603.00  came  from  the  general  trustee  fund,  leaving  a  "balance  of  &600.00 
in  the  trustee  fund. 

There  was  some  discussion  on  the  up-dating  of  the  history  room  and 
the  hours  it  will  he  unlocked.    The  present  committee  will  continue  to 
serve  until  the  new  year. 

A  motion  was  made  and  passed  not    to  observe  Blowing  Rock  Sunday  this 
year  due  to  our  calender  of  activities  in  connection  with  the  75th  anniversary. 

Mrs.  J.  Yorke  Peeler  resigned  as  church  organist.    The  church  will 
honor  her  for  the  US  years  she  served  as  organist  and  choir  director  in  the 
near  future. 

Pastor  Fisher  reported  from  the  Minister's  Conference  that  a  committee 
has  been  appointed  to  evaluate  the  assembly  grounds  and  camp  sites.  This 
report  is  due  next  year. 

Pastor  Fisher  has  been  appointed  to  a  committee  on  Evangelism  and 
Stewardship .    Its  purpose  is  to  follow  up  on  the  POWER  program  of  last  year 
and  place  emphasis  on  "outreach  in  the  community."    This  will  be  known 
as  POWER  II. 

There  being'  no  further  business  the  meeting-  was  closed  with  the 
Lord's  Prayer. 

Respectfully  submitted, 

Pres.  Shearin  Teague 
Attendance:    Ray  Brown,  Sec.  Dot  R033& 

Harold  Earnhardt,  Marguerite  Misenheimer, 
Nancy  South,  Ray  Earnhardt,  Dot  Royal, 
Shearin  Teague,  Pastor  Guy  Fi3her 

July  20,  1975 

The  meeting  was  called  to  order  by  President  Shearin  league  who  then 
offered  a  prayer.    The  minutes  of  the  last  meeting  were  read  and  approved. 

Mr.  Ray  Brown  reported  that  the  June  offerings  were  %2?J$*h$  short  of 
meeting  our  budget*    He  reported  that  all  bills  are  paid  and  that  he  will 
check  with  seireral  oil  companies  for  fall  prices.    A  review  of  finances  for 
the  first  six  months  shows  approximately  $100,00  short, 

A  motion  was  made  and  passed  to  appoint  a  committee  to  secure  an 
organist.    Pres.  Shearin  Teague,  Helen  Earnhardt,  and  Marsha  Bingham  will 
serve  on  the  committee  and  report  back  at  the  August  consistory  meeting. 

The  Consistory  decided  to  honor  Mrs.  Mary  Peeler  during  a  morning  ser- 
vice with  a  reception  following  in  the  Fellowship  Hall,    Alia  Culp  will  be 
responsible  for  purchasing  a  plaque  to  present  to  her.    Marguerite  Misenhei- 
mer,  H&ncy  South,  and  Dot  Royal  will  be  responsible  for  refreshments. 

Pastor  Fihsher  reported  that  he  had  received  letters  from  two  former 
pastors.    Rev.  Richard  Cheek  plans  to  be  in  our  area  later  in  the  year  and 
will  deliver  the  sermon  on  Sept.  Ih  or  Nov.  2.    A  covered-dish  luncheon  is 

Pastor  Fisher  reported  that  in  connection  with  the  15>0th  celebration 
of  Lancaster  Seminary  several  professors  will  be  making  speaking  engagements 
in  our  Association  the  week  of  Sept.  li+th.    We  will  try  to  work  with  other 
churches  to  host  one  of  the  speakers. 

There  was  some  discussion  about  the  Church  School  program.  Records 
show  a  steady  decline  in  attendance  since  the  late  £0s. 

Tliers  being  no  further  business  the  meeting  was  closed  with  the  Lord's 

Respectfully  submitted, 

Pres.  Shearin  Teague 
Attendances    Ray  Brown,  Dot  Roayl,  Sec.  Dot  Royal 

Bwt|^3aft-r^p^a^tS^^,h8^mrvin  Hail,  Wayne  Bin 

B    gham,  Shearin  Teague 

Marguerite  Misenheimer 


August  17,  1975 

The  meeting  was  called  to  order  by  President  Shearin  Teague.  The 
minutes  of  the  last  meeting  were  read  and  approved. 

Rev.  Samuel  Troxell  will  preach  Sunday,  August  2k»    Rev.  Richard  Cheek 
will  preach  Sunday,'  Sept.  28.    The  church  will  honor  Mrs.  Mary  Peeler  for  her 
many  years  of  service  as  organist  during  that  worship  hour.    Following  this 
a  covered  dish  luncheon  will  be  held  in  the  Fellowship  Hall. 

Jan  LookaMll  has  been  hired  as  our  new  organist  for  $2^.00  per  week. 
There  was  some  discussion  about  raising  the  pay  to  §^0»00,    This  will  be  con- 
sidered in  the  1976  budget.    It  was  decided  to  present  her  with  a  cash  gift 
at  the  end  of  the  year  to  help  with  her  expenses  driving  from  Pfeiffer  College. 

Persons  interested  in  attending  the  wox&ship  on  Evangelism  relating  to 
the  POWER  II  program  are  asked  to  contact  Pastor  Fisher.    It  will  be  held  on 
Sept.  7,  3«00 — 7 s 30  at  the  1st  (J.C,C,  Lexington,  UC» 

Ursinus  members  are  invited  to  attend  the  lecture  by  a  Lancester  seminary 
professor  on  Sept.  l£  at  Shiloh  U.C.C.,  Faith  (Professor  Paul  Iricn). 

Permission  was  granted  to  several  of  the  ohurch  women  to  use  the  Fellow- 
ship Hall  to  honor  Gayle  Gulp. 

Mr.  Alan  Culp  reported  that  $$00  or  $600  are  needed  to  pay  off  the  bill 
for  renovating  the  Fellowship  Hail. 

Mr.  Ray  Brown  gave  the  treasurer's  reperirfc.    The  collections  in  July  were 
short  $19. 21+.    He  reported  that  an  agreement  lias  been  made  with  Ralph  Peeler 
to  furnish  oil  for  the  cost  plus  sales  tax. 

There  being  no  further  business  the  meeting  was  closed  \cith  the  saying 
of  the  Lord's  Prayer. 

Respectfully  submitted, 

Attendance;    Ray  Brown,  Ray  Barnhardt, 

Nancy  South,  Marguerite  Misenheimer,  Pres.    Shearin  Teague,  Jr. 

Alia  Culp,  Marvin  Hall,  Shearin  Sec.    Dot  Royal 

Teague,  Dot  Roayl 

Sept.  21,  1975 

The  meeting  was  called  to  order  by  President  Shearin  Teagas,  Jr. 
Pastor  Fisher  offered  a  prayer.    The  minutes  of  the  last  meeting  were 
read  and  approved.    The  treasurer*  Mr.  Bay  Brown  gave  Ms  report.  He 
reported  that  our  pledge  to  the  $ast  Rowon  Bible  program  has  been  paid 
and  added  that  collections  for  the  month  of  August  were  §212.00  short. 

Mr.  Alan  Gulp  reported  that  all  bills  for  the  renovation  of  the  Fellow- 
ship Hall  are  paid,  with  a  balance  of  $2£7«00  in  the  fund. 


Pastor  * s  Report  s 

Pastor  Fisiier  expressed  his  and  Mrs.  Fisher's  apprecia- 
tion for  the  kindness  and  support  shown  to  them  during  their-  son's  (Jeffreys) 
recent  hospitalisation  at  Duke  University  Medical  Center,  Durham,  NC« 

A  request  from' First  Church  in  Salisbury  to  borrow  the  hand  bells  for 
an  indefinite  period  of  time  was  rejected  by  vote  of  the  Consistory.  Our 
organist  plans  to  use  them  in  the  future. 

A  request  from  the  Western  Associa- 
tion of  the  Dec  to  /sponsor  a  'Vietnamese  family  was  turned  down  by  a  vote  of 
the  ponsistory.,  i  • 

s  A  nevf  Confirmation  class  will  begin  in  October. 

Final  plans  for 

the  worship  service  on  Sept.  28  were  made.    The  Rev.  Cheek  will  deliver  the 
sermon  and  will  be  given  $35.00.    rxhis  amount  is  the  usual  pay  for  a  guest 
speaker.    A  covered  dish  luncheon  will  follow  in  the  Fellowship  Hall.  Mrs. 
Peeler  will  oe  honored  at  a  later  date,  possibly  October  12,  with  a  rededica- 
tion"  Service  of  the  Fellowship  Hall  the  same  day. .  A  reception  in  her  honor 
will  follow.    New  Sunday  School  teachers  will  be  installed. 

The  i'ali  meeting  of  the  'Western  Association  of  the  UCC  will  be  held  at 
Beck  UCC.  I/exington,  UC  on  Oct.  U.  Pastor  Fisher  and  Mr.  Jean  Puckett  will 
attend.  / 

A  motion  was  made  and  approved  to  enter  into  some  for  of  the  POWER  II 
program.    'This  program  starts  with  the  Advent  season  aniruns  through  Lent. 

There  being  no  further  business,  the  meeting  was  adjourned,  with  the 
praying  of  the  Lord's  Prayer. 

Respectfully  submitted, 


Pres.  Shearin  Teague 
Sec.  Bot  Royal 

Attendance  s 

i  , 

Nancy  S out he  Shearin  Teague 

Ray  Barnhardt  Marguerite  Misenheiiner 

Ray  Brown  Harold  Earnhardt 

Hugh  Bost  \         '        Alan  Culp 

Marvin  Hall  <      Bot  Rop£L 

Pastor  Guy  Fisher 

i    ■ ' 

October  19,  1975 

The  meeting  was  called  to  order  by  President  Shearin  Teague,  who  then 
offered  a  prayer.    The  minutes  of  the  last  meeting  were  read  and  approved. 

In  the  absence  of  Mr.  Brown,  our  treasurer,  Pastor  Fisher  reviewed  the 
9  month  financial  report.    He  reported  that  we  are  $l|13«00  bahind. 

President  league  set  up  the  following  committee  meetings  % 

1.  The  nominating  committee— This  committee  will  meet  on  Nov.  $  at  7O0  p.m. 
and  consists  of  Shearin  Teague,  Hugh  Bost,  Marvin  Hall,  Alan  Culp,  Mar- 
guerite Misenheimer  and  Dot  Royal. 

2.  The  budget  Committee — This  committee  meets  Nov.  12  at  7s 30  P»  m.  and  con- 
sists of  the  deacons. 

The  slate  of  officers  and  the  budget  for  1976  will  be  presented  to  the 
congregation  the  last  Sunday  in  November  and  will  be  voted  on  the  second 
Sunday  in  December. 

The  December  Consistory  meeting  will  be  held  on  the  2nd  Sunday  in  Dec- 
ember rather  than  the  regular  3^d  Sunday  due  to  the  Christmas  programs. 

Pastor  Fisher  outlined  to  the  Consistory  the  tentative  plans  for  the 
POWER  II  program.    It  is  to  be  a  program  on  Worship,  Evangelism,  and  Renewal. 

There  was  some  discussion  on  the  best  way  to  handle  memorial  gifts  given 
to  the  church. 

There  being  no  further  business,  themmeeting  was  adjourned  with  the 
Lord's  Prayer. 

s  Respectfully  submitted, 

Pres.  Shearin  Teague 
Attendance?    Shearin  Teague  Sec.  Dot  Royal 

Pastor  Guy  Fisher 
Marvin  Hall 
Hugh  Bost 
Alan  Culp 

Marguerite  Misenheimer 
Dot  Royal 


NOV.  16,  1975 

The  meeting  was  called  to  order  by  Pres.  Shearin  Teague,  who  then  offered 
a  prayer.    The  minutes  of  the  Oct.  meeting  were  read  and  approved. 

In  the  absence  of  Mr.  Ray  Brown,  our  treasurer,  Pastor  Fisher  reviewed 
the  financial  report  for  the  month  of  Oct.    It  showed  that  we  wered$l69.00  so 
short.    At  this  time,  the  Consistory  feels  that  the  budget  will  be  met.  The 
following  slate  of  officers  were  accepted  by  the  Consistory  for  1976s  Trustee — 
Mr.  Glenn  Rinehardt,  Mr.  C.  A.  Bost;  Elders — Mr.  Hugh  Bost,  Mrs.  Nancy  South, 
Mr.  Ed  Mull,  Mr,  James  Bonds,  Mr.  Shearin  Teague,  Mr.  Ray  Brown?  Beacons —  Mrs 
Shirley  Ridenhour,  Cathy  Cornilius,  Mr.  Tommy  Isley,  Mrs.  Jean  Puckett,  Mrs. 
Marguerite  Misenheimer.    The  1976  budget  was  also  approved.    After  some  dis- 
cussion about  the  use  of  the  Fellowship  Hall  for  non-church  activities,  it  was 
decided  that  Shearin  Teague  and  A.  L.  Linker  would  meet  with  the  trustees  to 
draw  up  some  rules  and  regulations  concerning  its  use.    These  shall  be  posted 
in  the  Fellowship  Hall  and  also  will  fee  entered  in  the  annual  repmbt  booklet 
in  January.    Permission  was  granted  to  the  Home  Demonstration  Club  to  use  the 
Fellowship  Hall  on  Bee.  1,  1975.    Mrs.  Wayne  Bingham  will  be  in  charge.  The 
Woman's  Guild  will  use  the  Fellowship  Hall  on  Bee.  5«     After  some  suggestions 
by  Pastor  Fisho©,  the  Consistory  voted  to  set  up  a  "General  Memorial  Gift 
Fund."    The  Consistory  will  appoint  a  treasurer  for  the  fund  and  the  gifts  will 
be  deposited  in  the  Citizens  Saving  and  Loal  Co.  until  the  Consistory  decides 
on  the  proper  way  to  spend  them.    The  Community  Thanksgiving  service  will  be 
held  in  Ursinus  on  Nov.  26,  1975 •    Pastor  Fisher  presented  to  the  Consistory 
a  monthly  outline  for  the  POWER  II  program  which  begins  Nov.  3°»    There  being 
no  further  business  the  meeting  was  adjourned  with  the  Lord's  Prayer. 

Respectfully  submitted, 

Attendances    Marguerite  Misenheimer,  Hugh 

Bost,  Shearin  Teague,  Ray  Barnhardt,  Alan  Pres.  Shearin  Teague 

Culp,  Marvin  Hall,  Bot  Royal,  Pastor  Sec.  Bot  Royal 


Dec.  Ik,  1975 

The  Consistory  held  its  December  meeting  in  the  home  of  President  Shea- 
rin  Teague,  Jr.,  who  called  the  meeting  to  order  and  offered  a  prayer.  The 
minutes  of  the  last  meeting  were  read  and  approved.    Mr.  Ray"  Brown  gave  the 
treasurers1  report.    There  was  some  discussion  on  meeting  our  1975  budget. 

A  set  of  rules  and  regulations  drawn  up  by  the  Fellowship  Committee 

appointed  at  the  November  meeting  were  read  and  approved.    They  will  be 
posted  in  the  Fellowship  Hall  and  included  in  our  annual  report. 

Mr.  Gary  Hall  and  family  were  granted  permission  to  use  the  Fellowship 
Hall  on  Dec.  21,  1975.    The  0«  A.  Boat  family  will  use  it  on  Dec.  27,  1975. 

The  new  consistory  officers  elected  for  I976  ware  approved 1  President, 
Mr.  Alan  Gulp,  Vice  President,  Mr.  Hugh  Bost,  Financial  Sec,  Mr.  Ray  Bernhardt, 
Recording  Sec.  Mrs,  Dot  Royal,  and  treasurer,  Mr.  Ray  Brown.    Hew  members  of 
the  Consistory  are:    Elders — Shear in  Teague,  James  Bonds,  Hugh  Bost.  Deacons- 
Randy  Bingham,  Tomay  Isley,  Marguerite  Misenheimer.    Trustee—- Gleaft  Rinehardt ■ 

A  service  of  installation  will  be  held  on  Dec,  28  during  the  regular  wor- 
ship service  in  order  to  install  and  ordain  the  new  members  of  the  Consistory. 

Special  Christmas  services  will  be  held  on  Dec.  21,  at  7s 00  p.  m.  A 
musical  program  including  the  acting  out  of  the  nativity  scene,  and  at  the 
regular  11:00  a.  m.  service  there  will  be  Christmas  music  also.    A  candle- 
light service  will  be  held  on  Dec.  2lj,  at  7:00  p.  m. 

The  Annual  Congregational  meecing  will  be  held  in  the  Fellowship  Hall  the 
3rd  Sat.  in  January.  (Jan.  17). 

Amotion  was  made  and  approved  to  hire  Karen  South  as  a  part-time  secretary 
to  type  on  some  minutes, 

Shearin  Teague  was  elected  Treasurer  of  the  Memorial  Gift  Fund.  Pastor 
Fisher  reported  on  the  POWER  II  program.    So  far  the  response  has  been  good, 

A  revised  copy  of  rules  and  regulations  to  weddings  held  in  the  Church  was 
adopted  by  the  Consistory.    A  copy  shall  be  included  in  the  annual  report  and 
a  copy  will  be  presented  to  each  couple  before  they  are  married. 

Members  of  the  Consistory  expressed  their  appreciation  to  Pastor  Fisher 

for  the  leadership  he  has  given  us  during  the  past  five  years  and  pledged  their 
support  in  the  future  & 

There  being  no  further  business  the  meeting  was  adjourned  with  the  Lord's 
prayer  4 

Respecfully  submitted, 

Attendance:    Hugh  Bost,  Nancy  South,  Pres.  Shearin  Teague 

Tommy  Isley,  Randy  Bingham,  Marvin  Hall  Sec.  Dot  Royal 

Jack  Taylor,  A.  L.  Linker,  Ray  Brown, 
Ray  Barnhardt,  Shearin  Teague,  Harold 
Earnhardt,  Dot  Royal,  and  Pastor  Fisher 


The  annual  congregational  meeting  of  Ursinus  United  Church  of  Christ 
was  held  January  17,  1976  in  the  fellowship  hall  at  7:00  p.m.    After  a 
delicious  covered  dish  supper,  the  meeting  was  called  to  order  by  ex- 
President  Shearin  Teague. 

The  minutes  of  the  last  meeting  were  read  and  approved.    Pastor  Fisher 
expressed  thanks  for  the  supper  as  well  as  a  great  year.    He  presented 
certificates  of  appreciation  to  the  following: 

1.  Mrs.  Mary  Peeler  -  Organist  and  choir  director  of  our  church  for 

numerous  years 

2.  Alan  Culp  -  Chairman  of  the  renovation  committee 

3.  Shearin  Teague  -  President  of  the  Consistory  for  2  years 

4.  Mr.  S.  A.  Troxell  -  Chairman  of  the  History  Room  Committee 

5.  Ray  Peeler  -  Chairman  of  the  Steering  Committee 

6.  Jackie  Taylor  -  Chairman  of  the  Booklet  Committee 

Pastor  Fisher  briefly  reviewed  the  1975  annual  booklet.    He  read  a 
scripture  passage  from  First  Corinthians  and  stated  that  1975  was  indeed 
a  great  year  for  Ursinus  Church.    He  expressed  his  thanks  for  the  cooperation 
of  everyone  making  this  possible;  especially  during  the  celebration  of  our 
75th  Anniversary. 

Mr.  Teague  expressed  his  gratitude  for  the  support  he  received  during 
his  second  year  as  president  and  turned  the  meeting  to  the  new  president, 
Alan  Culp.    Mr.  Culp  spoke  briefly  about  new  programs  for  1976  with  emphasis 
of  the  fol lowing: 

1 .  Church  School 

2.  Church  Men  (Brotherhood) 

3.  Ushers  and  Greeters 

4.  Church  Women 

5.  Repairs  to  the  church  tower  and  more  improvements  in  our  cemetery 
were  also  mentioned. 

The  meeting  was  adjourned  with  a  prayer  by  Pastor  Fisher. 

Alan  Culp,  President 

Dot  Royal ,  Secretary 

MINUTES  OF  THE  CONSISTORY  -  January  18,  1976 

The  Consistory  held  its  January  meeting  in  the  Conference  Room  of  the 
Church.    President  Alan  Culp  called  the  meeting  to  order  and  offered  a 
prayer.    The  minutes  of  the  last  meeting  were  read  and  approved. 

Mr.  Ray  Brown  gave  the  Treasurer's  report.    He  stated  that  the  1975 
budget  was  met  with  a  balance  of  $55.64. 

President  Culp  expressed  his  appreciation  of  the  trust  placed  in  him 
by  the  Consistory  and  asked  for  their  support  during  the  1976  church  year. 

A  request  from  the  Senior  Citizens'  Club  to  use  the  fellowship  hall  on 
February  12  was  granted.    The  $15  fee  will  be  waivered  for  this  meeting 
and  whatever  donation  the  club  gives  will  be  accepted.    Any  further  requests 
will  be  voted  on  by  the  Consistory. 

There  was  some  discussion  about  the  condition  of  the  towers  at  the 
front  of  the  church  and  the  needed  repairs.    Harold  Earnhardt  and  A.  L. 
Linker  will  meet  with  the  trustees  and  ask  them  to  investigate  further  and 
report  back  to  the  Consistory  on  this  matter  at  a  later  date. 

Pastor  Fisher  reported  he  is  well  pleased  with  the  Power  II  Program 
and  feels  it  has  been  quite  successful.    Plans  for  February  and  March  will 
involve  all  members  of  the  Congregation.    It  was  agreed  that  1975  was  one 
of  the  best  years  in  the  history  of  Ursinus  -  spiritually,  financially,  and 
in  all  other  respects. 

Kay  Linker  will  be  received  into  Ursinus  fellowship  Sunday,  January  25 
by  letter  of  transfer.    There  being  no  further  business,  the  meeting  was 
adjourned  with  the  Lord's  Prayer. 

Alan  Culp,  President 

Dot  Royal ,  Secretary 

Attendance:    Pastor  Fisher,  Alan  Culp,  Tommy  Isley,  James  Bond,  A.  L.  Linker, 

Shearin  Teague,  Harold  Earnhardt,  Hugh  Bost,  Marguerite  Misenheimer, 
Nancy  South,  Dot  Royal 

MINUTES  OF  THE  CONSISTORY  -  February  15,  1976 

The  Consistory  held  its  February  meeting  in  the  conference  room  of 
the  Church.    President  Alan  Culp  the  meeting  to  order  and  Pastor  Fisher 
offered  a  prayer.    The  minutes  of  the  last  meeting  were  read  and  approved. 
Pastor  Fisher  explained  the  treasurer's  report.    He  also  stated  that  it 
was  necessary  to  buy  heating  oil  and  this  will  alter  our  budget. 

There  was  some  discussion  on  the  condition  of  the  piano  in  the  fellow- 
ship hall.    Marguerite  Misenheimer  will  get  an  estimate  of  the  cost  for 
needed  repairs  and  report  back  to  the  Consistory. 

Harold  Earnhardt  talked  with  the  trustees  about  the  towers  leaking. 
They  will  contact  a  company  specializing  in  this  type  of  work  for  an  esti- 
mate of  the  cost  of  repairs. 

Pastor  Fisher  reported  on  the  Power  II  program.    He  stated  that  attend- 
ance and  cooperation  of  the  church  members  has  been  very  good.    February  22 
will  be  Laiety  Sunday.    During  the  month  of  March,  emphasis  will  be  on  prayer. 

A  motion  was  made  and  approved  to  participate  in  joint  services  during 

Holy  Week  with  Grace  Lowerstone  United  Church  of  Christ,  St.  James  Lutheran, 

and  Rockwell  Methodist  Church. 

WEDNESDAY  -  Joint  Service  at  Grace  Lowerstone  U.C.C. 
THURSDAY  -  Separate  services  in  each  church. 
FRIDAY  -  Joint  service  at  Ursinus  U.C.C. 
EASTER  SUNRISE  SERVICE  -  St.  James  Lutheran 

The  Consistory  granted  permission  for  the  Gideon  Society  to  send  a 
member  to  speak  during  the  Sunday  School  hour  on  May  23. 

Keven  Greene's  membership  has  been  removed  from  the  Ursinus  fellow- 
ship since  he  has  joined  the  Rockwell  Baptist  Church.    There  being  no  fur- 
ther business  the  meeting  was  adjourned  with  the  Lord's  Prayer. 

Alan  Culp,  President 
Dot  Royal ,  Secretary 

Attendance:    Pastor  Fisher,  Alan  Culp,  Hugh  Bost,  Harold  Earnhardt,  Randy 
Bingham,  Marguerite  Misenheimer,  Dot  Royal 

MINUTES  OF  THE  CONSISTORY  -  March  21,  1976 

The  Consistory  held  its  March  meeting  in  the  conference  room  of  the 
church.    President  Alan  Culp  called  the  meeting  to  order  and  Pastor  Fisher 
offered  a  prayer.    The  minutes  of  the  last  meeting  were  read  and  approved. 

Mr.  Ray  Brown  gave  the  treasurer's  report.    Collections  for  the  month 
of  February  were  good. 

The  following  committees  were  appointed  by  Alan  Culp: 

1.  Investigating  committee  to  determine  the  needed  repairs  to  the 
towers  and  to  obtain  an  estimate  of  the  cost.    Chairman  -  James 
Bonds,  Marvin  Hall  and  Randy  Bingham. 

2.  Cemetery  committee  to  pour  concrete  aprons  around  the  monuments 
and  to  contact  individuals  about  paying  for  them.    Chairman  -  C.  A. 
Bost,  Ray  Barnhardt  and  Glenn  Rinehardt. 

Mr.  Hugh  Bost  made  a  motion  to  repair  the  piano  in  the  fellowship  hall. 
The  motion  was  approved. 

Pastor  Fisher  reported  on  the  Power  II  Program.    The  prayer  meetings 
during  the  month  of  March  were  very  meaningful . 

A  motion  was  made  and  approved  to  receive  Mitzi  Hall  into  the  Ursinus 
fellowship  by  confirmation  on  Palm  Sunday. 

Pastoral  duties  for  members  of  St.  Lukes  Church  will  be  provided  by 
Pastor  Fisher  during  the  absence  of  a  minister  for  them. 

The  Southern  Conference  will  meet  at  Catawba  College  on  June  11  -  13. 

The  Consistory  voted  to  sponsor  some  type  of  Bible  School  for  the 
children  and  young  people  of  the  Church. 

The  Consistory  honored  a  request  from  the  Graham  Presbyterian  Church, 
Bluefield,  Virginia,  for  a  letter  of  transfer  of  membership  for  Bobby  Joe 
and  Mary  Virginia  Beaver. 

Pastor  Fisher  received  a  letter  from  Catawba  College  requesting  a 
contribution  to  the  College  Heritage  Fund.    It  was  decided  that  members 
may  contribute  on  an  individual  basis  through  the  Church. 

MINUTES  OF  THE  CONSISTORY  -  March  21,  1976  PAGE  TWO 

A  motion  was  made  and  approved  to  sponsor  one  child  from  the  Children's 
Home  at  Summer  Camp. 

A  motion  was  made  and  approved  to  contribute  to  the  sustaining  fund 
for  the  retirement  home  on  Passion  Sunday,  April  4. 

There  being  no  further  business,  the  meeting  was  adjourned  with  the 
Lord's  Prayer. 

Alan  Culp,  President 

Dot  Royal ,  Secretary 

Attendance:    Pastor  Fisher 
Alan  Culp 
Hugh  Bost 
James  Bonds 
Tommy  Isley 
Harold  Earnhardt 
Dot  Royal 

MINUTES  OF  THE  CONSISTORY  -  April  11,  1976 

The  Consistory  held  its  April  meeting  in  the  conference  room  of  the 
Church.    President  Alan  Culp  called  the  meeting  to  order  and  offered  a 
prayer.    The  minutes  of  the  last  meeting  were  read  and  approved. 

Mr.  Ray  Brown  reviewed  the  first  quarter  financial  report.  Total 
collections  amounted  to  more  than  one  quarter  of  the  total  budget. 

Mr.  Ray  Barnhardt ,  chai rman  of  the  Cemetery  Committee,  reported  on 
the  condition  of  the  cemetery  and  recommended  that  the  following  work 
be  done:    pour  cement  around  sixty-three  monuments,  straighten  a  few 
monuments,  lower  and  raise  some  curbing,  fill  in  the  washed  out  places, 
curb  the  side  of  the  road,  and  clean  the  back  of  the  cemetery.    A  motion 
was  made  to  accept  the  recommendations  of  the  committee.    A  clean-up  day 
will  be  set  aside  for  members  of  the  Church  to  help  with  the  project. 
Letters  will  be  mailed  to  individual  families  of  persons  buried  in  the 
cemetery  asking  their  support  in  this  project. 

The  district  meeting  of  the  Brotherhood  of  Southern  Synod  will  be 
held  on  April  22,  1976  at  Ursinus. 

Pastor  Fisher  reported  on  the  Power  II  Program.    Some  of  the  goals 
were  not  completely  reached,  but  the  entire  program  was  a  success. 

Pastor  Fisher  reviewed  the  study  committee  report  on  Church  camp 
sites  and  assembly  grounds. 

Alan  Culp  will  be  a  delegate  to  the  Southern  Synod  in  June.  Harold 
Earnhardt  will  serve  as  alternate. 

The  Senior  Citizens'  Club  was  given  permission  to  use  the  fellowship 
hall  in  June.    There  being  no  further  business  the  meeting  was  adjourned 
with  the  Lord's  Prayer. 

Alan  Culp,  President 
Dot  Royal ,  Secretary 

Attendance;    Alan  Culp,  Harold  Earnhardt,  Shearin  Teague,  Hugh  Bost,  Tommy  Isley, 
A.  L.  Linker,  Randy  Bingham,  Nancy  South,  Pastor  Fisher,  Dot  Royal, 
Marguerite  Misenheimer 

MINUTES  OF  THE  CONSISTORY  -  May  23,  1976 

The  Consistory  held  its  May  meeting  in  the  conference  room  of  the  Church 
President  Alan  Culp  called  the  meeting  to  order  and  Pastor  Fisher  offered  a 
prayer.    The  minutes  of  the  last  meeting  were  read  and  approved. 

James  Bonds,  Chairman  of  the  investigating  committee  to  determine  the 
needed  repairs  to  the  towers,  presented  an  itemized  report  of  the  work 
needed  to  be  done  at  a  cost  of  $975.00  by  K.  W.  Arthur  and  Sons,  Inc.  He 
will  get  an  estimate  from  Wilson  Construction  Company  before  the  next 

Pastor  Fisher  reported  the  progress  of  the  Cemetery  Committee.  A 
form  letter  has  been  written  to  mail  to  the  families  having  members  buried 
in  the  cemetery. 

Marguerite  Misenheimer  was  given  permission  to  use  the  fellowship  hall 
June  12,  1976. 

Rosemary  Lowery  Walker  was  given  a  letter  of  transfer  of  membership 
to  Rockwell  Methodist  Church. 

The  following  items  were  discussed  but  no  action  was  taken: 

1.  Bible  School  -  some  type  of  musical  program  to  be  held  in  the  fall. 

2.  An  Evangilistic  program  to  try  to  increase  our  membership,  to  be 
held  in  the  fal 1 . 

3.  A  report  from  the  trustees  in  regard  to  increasing  the  insurance 

of  the  church  buildings  -  Church  sanctuary  from  $100,000  to  $150,000; 
Educational  building  from  $40,000  to  $60,000;  parsonage  from  $16,000 
to  $25,000.    Harold  Earnhardt  will  check  with  Jack  Taylor  about  the 
insurance  coverage  and  A.  L.  Linker  will  look  into  the  possibility 
of  installing  an  alarm  system. 

There  being  no  further  business  the  meeting  was  adjourned  with  the 

Lord's  Prayer. 

Alan  Culp,  President 

Dot  Royal ,  Secretary 

Attendance:    Alan  Culp,  Marguerite  Misenheimer,  Pastor  Fisher,  Nancy  South, 
A.  L.  Linker,  James  Bonds,  Shearin  Teague,  Harold  Earnhardt, 
Tommy  Isley,  Randy  Bingham,  Dot  Royal 

MINUTES  OF  THE  CONSISTORY  -  June  20,  1976 

The  Consistory  held  its  June  meeting  in  the  conference  room  of  the 
Church.    President  Alan  Culp  called  the  meeting  to  order  and  Pastor  Fisher 
offered  a  prayer.    The  minutes  of  the  last  meeting  were  read  and  approved. 

James  Bonds  reported  that  he  had  not  been  able  to  get  an  estimate  from 
Wilson  Construction  Company  for  repairs  on  the  church  tower  but  hopes  to 
have  it  soon. 

Harold  Earnhardt  stated  that  he  needed  more  information  before  he 
could  get  a  figure  for  insurance  coverage. 

Pastor  Fisher  reported  for  the  Cemetery  Committee  that  work  has  started 
to  repair  monuments  and  to  beautify  the  cemetery  grounds. 

The  Consistory  voted  to  conduct  a  joint  service  with  St.  James  Lutheran 
Church  for  the  Bicentennial  immediately  following  the  regular  worship  service 
on  Sunday,  July  4.    The  service  will  be  held  on  the  lawn  of  Citizens  Savings 
and  Loan  Company. 

Marguerite  Misenheimer  will  reply  to  a  request  from  the  RCCM  regarding 
the  history  of  Ursinus'  involvement  with  the  program. 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Randall  Giesler  and  son  Randy  have  asked  to  unite  with 
the  Ursinus  Fellowship  by  letter  of  transfer.    The  Consistory  voted  to 
accept  them  into  our  congregation. 

There  being  no  further  business  the  meeting  was  closed  with  the  Lord's 

Alan  Culp,  President 
Dot  Royal ,  Secretary 

Attendance:    Randy  Bingham,  Marguerite  Misenheimer,  Hugh  Bost,  Harold  Earnhardt, 
Tommy  Isley,  James  Bonds,  Nancy  South,  Dot  Royal,  Alan  Culp, 
Pastor  Fisher 

MINUTES  OF  THE  CONSISTORY  -  July  18,  1976 

The  Consistory  held  its  July  meeting  in  the  conference  room  of  the 
Church.    President  Alan  Culp  called  the  meeting  to  order  and  Pastor  Fisher 
offered  a  prayer.    The  minutes  of  the  last  meeting  were  read  and  approved. 
Mr.  Ray  Brown  reviewed  the  financial  report  for  the  first  six  months.  He 
stated  that  the  collections  are  ahead  of  schedule. 

President  Alan  Culp  presented  an  itemized  estimate  from  Wilson  and 
Son  Construction  Company  for  needed  repairs  to  the  tower.    The  estimated 
cost  was  $3,146.00.    After  some  discussion,  the  Consistory  voted  to  have 
K.  W.  Arthur  and  Sons  do  the  work  for  the  sum  of  $975.00. 

Harold  Earnhardt  reported  on  some  new  insurance  coverage  for  the 
property.    This  report  will  be  given  to  the  trustees  for  further  study. 

The  Senior  Citizens  were  granted  permission  to  use  the  fellowship 
hall  on  Thursday,  August  3,  1976. 

The  resignation  of  Carolyn  Puckett  as  Church  School  Superintendent 
was  accepted.    Nancy  South  will  replace  her  in  that  position. 

The  Consistory  voted  to  call  a  Congregational  Meeting  on  the  second 
Sunday  in  August  to  vote  on  repairs  to  the  tower  and  the  choir  room.  The 
estimated  cost  of  the  repairs  is  $1,500.00.    The  Consistory  also  plans  to 
ask  for  a  special  building  fund  collection  on  the  first  Sunday  of  each 
month,  beginning  September  1,  1976. 

Pastor  Fisher  reported  that  there  has  been  a  good  response  to  the 
cemetery  project.    To  date,  $845.00  has  been  received.    The  Consistory 
voted  to  take  a  free  will  offering  on  Sunday,  July  25,  1976  to  help  with 
the  expenses  of  the  cemetery. 

MINUTES  OF  THE  CONSISTORY  -  July  18,  1976 


In  response  to  a  request  from  Rockwell  Christian  Church  for  a  letter 
of  transfer  for  Minnie  Barrier,  the  Consistory  voted  to  give  her  a  letter 
of  dismissal.    According  to  the  rules  and  the  regulations  stated  in  our 
constitution,  this  was  the  proper  way  to  handle  the  request. 

The  Consistory  voted  to  hold  our  Sunday  Morning  Worship  Service  on 
August  29,  1976  in  the  little  White  Church  at  Blowing  Rock. 

There  being  no  further  business,  the  meeting  was  adjourned  with  the 
Lord's  Prayer. 

Alan  Culp,  President 

Dot  Royal ,  Secretary 

ATTENDANCE:    Hugh  Bost 

Randy  Bingham 
Harold  Earnhardt 
Alan  Culp 
Nancy  South 

Marguerite  Misenheimer 
Dot  Royal 
Pastor  Fisher 


MINUTES  OF  THE  CONSISTORY  -  August  15,  1976 

The  Consistory  held  its  August  meeting  on  August  15.    Alan  Culp  will 
call  K.  W.  Arthur  and  tell  him  he  may  begin  work  on  the  tower  any  time. 
Trustees  will  be  expected  to  oversee  the  work. 

Pastor  Fisher  reported  some  progress  on  the  cemetery.    A  work  day  is 
being  planned  for  the  men  of  the  church  on  Saturday  morning,  August  21. 

The  financial  report  for  July  was  given. 

Rev.  Troxell  has  been  asked  to  preach  for  Rev.  Fisher  September  19 
and  26.    Jeffrey  Fisher  will  enter  the  hospital  on  September  13  and  surgery 
is  tentatively  scheduled  for  September  15. 

Allison  Miller  requests  that  he  name  be  dropped  from  the  church  roll. 

The  meeting  was  adjourned  with  the  Lord's  Prayer. 

Alan  Culp,  President 

Dot  Royal ,  Secretary 

MINUTES  OF  THE  CONSISTORY  -  September  19,  1976 

The  Consistory  held  its  September  meeting  in  the  conference  room  of 
the  church.  Alan  Culp  called  the  meeting  to  order  and  offered  a  prayer. 
The  minutes  of  the  last  meeting  were  read  and  approved. 

The  financial  report  for  August  was  reviewed. 

K.  W.  Arthur  and  Sons  have  completed  the  repairs  of  the  tower  on  the 
roof  of  the  church. 

Alan  Culp  will  be  a  delegate  to  the  Western  N.C.  Annual  Meeting  on 
October  2  at  Catawba  College. 

October  3,  the  first  Sunday,  has  been  designated  as  Renewal  Rally  Day. 

The  Consistory  voted  to  oppose  the  sale  of  the  Blowing  Rock  Assembly 
Grounds . 

Pastor  Fisher  has  selected  a  family  burial  plot  in  the  church  cemetery. 

The  Consistory  voted  to  take  a  love  offering  for  Pastor  Fisher  and 
family  during  the  worship  service  Sunday,  September  25. 

The  Consistory  voted  in  favor  of  a  special  worship  program  during  the 
Advent  season  "God  Be  With  Us".    The  cost  will  be  about  $100. 

The  upkeep  of  the  Memorial  Garden  was  discussed.    Hugh  Bost  will  look 
into  running  a  water  line  and  sprinkler  to  the  garden.    The  women  of  the 
church  will  be  responsible  for  replanting  the  shrubbery. 

Alan  Culp  will  check  with  the  custodian  about  the  Hearing  Aids  used 
in  the  sanctuary. 

Alan  Culp,  Randy  Bingham,  and  Marguerite  Misenheimer  will  serve  as 
a  committee  to  renovate  the  choir  room. 

There  being  no  further  business,  the  meeting  was  closed  with  the  Lord's 

Alan  Culp,  President 
Dot  Royal ,  Secretary 

Attendance:    Alan  Culp,  Harold  Earnhardt,  Hugh  Bost,  Nancy  South,  Marguerite 
Misenheimer,  Dot  Royal 

OCTOBER  10,  1976 

A  called  meeting  was  held  after  the  Sunday  worship  service.  Per- 
mission was  given  for  Scout  Leaders  to  hold  a  short  business  meeting 
in  the  fellowship  hall  on  October  11,  1976. 

Alan  Culp,  President 
Dot  Royal ,  Secretary 

MINUTES  OF  THE  CONSISTORY  -  October  17,  1976 

The  Consistory  held  its  October  meeting  in  the  conference  room  of 
the  church.    President  Alan  Culp  called  the  meeting  to  order  and  offered 
a  prayer.    The  minutes  of  the  last  meeting  were  read  and  approved.  Mr. 
Ray  Brown  reviewed  the  third  quarter  financial  report. 

Alan  Culp  reported  on  the  Western  Conference  meeting  held  at 
Catawba  College. 

Pastor  Fisher  reported  on  the  Trustee  Meeting  -  K.  W.  Arthur  and 
Sons  have  been  paid  $950  for  repairs  to  the  tower. 

Saturday,  October  24,  will  be  a  cemetery  work  day. 
The  following  committees  were  appointed: 

Nominating  -  Shearin  Teague,  Marguerite  Misenheimer,  Alan  Culp 
meeting  November  1,  at  8:00  p.m. 

Budget  -  Alan  Culp,  Randy  Bingham,  Nancy  South,  Marguerite  Misenheimer, 
Tommy  Isley,  and  Dot  Royal,  meeting  November  10. 

Pastor  Fisher  outlined  the  Advent  program  "God  With  Us".    The  purpose 

is  a  positive  approach  to  Christmas.    There  will  be  a  different  theme  each 

week  beginning  with  a  family  night  on  November  21  at  6:00  p.m.  in  the  fellow- 

shi  p  hal 1 . 

Alan  Culp's  and  Pastor  Fisher's  names  will  be  submitted  to  the 
Nominating  Committee  of  the  General  Synod. 

The  November  Consistory  meeting  date  has  been  changed  to  November  28. 

There  being  no  further  business  the  meeting  was  adjourned  with  the 
Lord's  Prayer. 

Alan  Culp,  President 
Dot  Royal ,  Secretary 

MINUTES  OF  THE  CONSISTORY  -  November  28,  1976 

The  Consistory  held  its  November  meeting  in  the  conference  room  of 
the  church.    Alan  Culp  called  the  meeting  to  order  and  offered  a  prayer. 
The  minutes  of  the  last  meeting  were  read  and  approved.    Mr.  Brown  reviewed 
the  financial  report  for  October. 

Randy  Bingham  reported  that  the  work  being  done  in  the  choir  room  is 
almost  completed  and  all  bills  are  paid. 

The  Consistory  approved  the  following  names,  submitted  by  the  Nominating 
Committee : 

Deacons  -  Ed  Augustyn,  Nancy  South,  Sue  Hall,  Carolyn  Puckett,  Nancy 
Miller  and  Shirley  Ridenhour 

Elders  -  Ray  Barnhardt,  Wayne  Bingham,  Dot  Royal,  Alan  Culp,  C.  A. 
Cozart  and  Harold  Earnhardt 

Trustees  -  Marvin  Hall  and  John  Ridenhour 

The  1977  Budget  was  reviewed  and  adopted  by  the  Consistory. 

The  slate  of  officers  and  the  budget  will  be  presented  to  the  Congre- 
gation on  the  first  Sunday  in  December.    Elections  will  be  held  on  the 
third  Sunday  in  December. 

The  Consistory  voted  to  discontinue  financial  support  to  the  East 
Rowan  Bible  project. 

The  December  meeting  date  of  the  Consistory  has  been  changed  to 
December  26,  1976. 

Pastor  Fisher  represented  our  church  at  the  Memorial  Service  for 
Dr.  Moss,  President  of  the  U.C.C. 

There  being  no  further  business  the  meeting  was  closed  with  the 
Lord's  Prayer. 

Alan  Culp,  President 
Dot  Royal ,  Secretary 

Attendance:    Pastor  Fisher,  Alan  Culp,  Randy  Bingham,  Nancy  South, 

Marguerite  Misenheimer,  Hugh  Bost,  Harold  Earnhardt, 
Dot  Royal 

MINUTES  OF  THE  CONSISTORY  -  December  26,  1976 

The  Consistory  held  its  December  meeting  in  the  home  of  Alan  Culp. 
President  Alan  Culp  called  the  meeting  to  order.    Pastor  Fisher  offered 
a  prayer.    The  minutes  were  read  and  approved.    The  treasurer  reported 
all  bills  paid. 

Pastor  Fisher  reported  that  except  for  a  few  minor  items  the  renova- 
tions on  the  choir  room  have  been  compel  ted.    The  Consistory  elected  the 
following  officers  for  the  year  1977: 

President  -  Alan  Culp 

Vice-President  -  Nancy  South 

Secretary  -  Dot  Royal 

Treasurer  -  Ray  Brown 

Financial  Secretary  -  Ray  Barnhardt 

The  following  persons  were  elected  to  the  Consistory  by  the  Congre- 
gation for  the  year  1977-1978: 

Elders  -  Harold  Earnhardt,  Alan  Culp,  Dot  Royal 
Deacons  -  Nancy  South,  Nancy  Miller,,  Ed  Augustyn 
Trustee  -  Marvin  Hall 

The  Consistory  voted  to  confer  the  honor  of  Elder  Emeritus  to  Mr.  Ray 
Brown,  Dr.  L.  C.  Holshouser,  Mr.  Ray  Barnhardt  and  Mr.  Wade  Fisher  at  the 
Congregational  Meeting  in  January. 

Mr.  John  A.  Thorne  requests  that  his  name  be  removed  from  the  member- 
ship roll  by  erasure.    Mrs.  Tony  (Jeanette)  Misenheimer  from  Purcellville 
Methodist  Church,  Virginia  and  Mrs.  Edith  (George)  Murray  from  Alexander 
Mills  Methodist  Church,  Forrest  City,  N.C.  request  to  unit  with  Ursinus 
by  letter  of  transfer.    The  Consistory  approved  their  request. 

Pastor  Fisher  and  Alan  Culp  expressed  their  appreciation  to  the 
Consistory  for  the  work  done  during  the  previous  year  and  each  stated  that 
last  year  had  been  very  successful  in  all  areas.    There  being  no  further 
business,  the  meeting  was  adjourned  with  the  Lord's  Prayer. 

Alan  Culp,  President 

Dot  Royal ,  Secretary 

Attendance:    James  Bonds,  Alan  Culp,  Marvin  Hall,  Hugh  Bost,  Shearin  Teague, 
Pastor  Fisher,  Nancy  South,  Dot  Royal 


The  Annual  Congregational  Meeting  of  Ursinus  United  Church  of  Christ  was 
held  January  15,  1977  in  the  fellowship  hall  at  7:00  p.m.    After  a  delicious 
covered  dish  supper,  the  meeting  was  called  to  order  by  Pastor  Fisher.  In 
the  absence  of  the  President  and  Vice-President,  Pastor  Fisher  served  as 
moderator  by  vote  of  the  church  members. 

A  motion  was  made  to  change  the  date  and  time  of  the  Annual  Meeting. 
After  some  discussion  it  was  decided  to  hold  a  Congregational  Meeting  January  30, 
1977  to  amend  the  Constitution.    If  passed,  the  meeting  will  be  held  the  4th 
Sunday  night  in  January  at  6:00  p.m. 

The  following  persons  were  recognized  for  the  excellent  work  they  did 
during  the  past  two  years:    Mr.  Jack  Taylor  and  Mr.  Glenn  Rinehardt  (Trustees) 
for  cemetery  improvements  and  Mr.  A.  L.  Linker  and  Mr.  Marvin  Hall  who  served 
as  Elders. 

The  highlight  of  the  meeting  was  conferring  the  honor  of  Elder  Emeritus 
to  Mr.  Ray  Barnhardt,  Mr.  Ray  Brown,  Mr.  Wade  Fisher  and  Dr.  L.  C.  Holshouser. 
Pastor  Fisher  presented  a  certificate  to  each. 

Pastor  Fisher  reviewed  the  1976  report  briefly.    He  read  from  the  first 
chapter  of  Genesis  and  compared  our  year  with  the  Scripture  passage.    It  was 
a  good  year  with  almost  total  involvement  of  all  Church  members  at  one  time 
or  another.    Our  theme  for  1977  will  be  "Let's  Celebrate  the  Church". 

The  meeting  was  closed  with  a  prayer  by  Pastor  Fisher  and  the  singing 
of  "Bless  Be  the  Tie  that  Binds". 

Alan  Culp,  President 
Dot  Royal ,  Secretary 

MINUTES  OF  THE  CONSISTORY  -  January  16,  1977 

The  Consistory  held  its  January  meeting  in  the  Conference  Room  of  the 
Church.    Vice-President,  Nancy  South  called  the  meeting  to  order  and  Pastor 
Fisher  offered  a  prayer.    The  minutes  of  the  last  meeting  were  read  and 

Pastor  Fisher  reported  that  we  started  the  New  Year  with  a  cash  balance 
of  $377.00. 

The  Consistory  voted  to  purchase  for  each  member  of  the  Youth  Fellowship 
a  copy  of  the  devotional  booklet,  "Power". 

After  some  discussion  about  insurance  and  fire  protection  for  our  Church 
property,  the  Consistory  voted  to  ask  Hugh  W.  Bost  and  A.  L.  Linker  to  inves- 
tigate and  recommend  a  fire  safety  plan. 

Pastor  Fisher  reported  for  for  the  Trustees.    The  following  officers  have 
been  elected:    Chairman  -  Jean  Puckett;  Treasurer  -  Ray  Brown.    A.  L.  Linker 
will  be  in  charge  of  the  cemetery  map  and  the  sale  of  lots.    There  were  seve- 
ral projects  which  the  Trustees  discussed.    One  involved  replacing  the  cooling 
tower  for  the  air  conditioning.    There  are  no  funds  available  at  the  present, 
so  the  Consistory  voted  to  begin  the  First  Sunday  Building  Fund  Collection 
on  the  first  Sunday  in  February. 

There  being  no  further  business,  the  meeting  was  adjourned  with  the  Lord's 

Alan  Culp,  President 

Dot  Royal ,  Secretary 

Attendance:    Hugh  Bost,  James  Bonds,  Randy  Bingham,  Nancy  South,  Nancy  Miller, 
Marguerite  Misenheimer,  Ed  Augustyn,  Shearin  Teague,  Dot  Royal, 
Harold  Earnhardt,  Pastor  Fisher 

MINUTES  OF  THE  CONSISTORY  -  February  20,  1977 

The  Consistory  held  its  February  meeting  in  the  Conference  Room  of  the 
Church.  President  Alan  Culp  called  the  meeting.    Pastor  Fisher  read  some 
scripture  passages  and  offered  a  prayer.    The  minutes  of  the  last  meeting 
were  read  and  approved. 

The  January  treasurer's  report  shows  a  balance  of  $418.19.    The  Consis- 
tory voted  to  approve  the  following: 

1.  To  change  the  March  consistory  meeting  to  March  13. 

2.  To  receive  a  free  will  offering  for  the  heart  fund  on  February  27. 

3.  To  receive  a  free  will  offering  for  One  Great  Hour  of  Sharing  on 
April  3. 

4.  To  grant  Henry  Misenheimer  a  letter  of  transfer  to  New  London 
Methodist  Churcth,  New  London,  North  Carolina. 

5.  To  receive  Mike  and  Mindy  Phillips  into  the  Ursinus  fellowship 
by  letter  of  transfer  from  Shiloh  Methodist  Church,  Granite 
Quarry,  North  Carolina. 

6.  To  join  in  the  Lenton  Community  Services  during  Holy  Week  as  follows: 
Tuesday  -  Grace  Lowerstone 

Wednesday  -  Rockwell  Baptist 
Thursday  -  Rockwell  Methodist 
Friday  -  St.  James  Lutheran 

Sunday  -  Easter  Sunrise  Service  -  Ursinus  U.C.C. 

Pastor  Fisher  received  letters  of  appreciation  for  our  support  from  the 
following:    Pilgrim  Church,  Charlotte;  The  Retirement  Home,  Newton;  and  the 
Assembly  Grounds,  Blowing  Rock. 

There  being  no  further  business,  the  meeting  was  adjourned  with  the 
Lord's  Prayer. 

Alan  Culp,  President 

Dot  Royal ,  Secretary 

Attendance:    Alan  Culp,  Shearin  Teague,  Randy  Bingham,  James  Bonds,  Hugh 

Bost,  Ed  Augustyn,  Marguerite  Misenheimer,  Nancy  Miller,  Pastor 
Fisher,  Dot  Royal 

MINUTES  OF  THE  CONSISTORY  -  March  13,  1977 

The  Consistory  held  its  March  meeting  in  the  conference  room  of  the 
Church.  President  Alan  Culp  called  the  meeting  to  order.  Pastor  Fisher 
offered  a  prayer.    The  minutes  of  the  last  meeting  were  read  and  approved. 

Mr.  Ray  Brown  reviewed  the  Treasurer's  Report  for  February.  We  met 
our  budget  for  January  and  February. 

Hugh  Bost  reported  that  the  cost  of  replacing  the  cooling  tower  will 
be  approximately  $1,100.00.    The  First  Sunday  collections  amount  to  $586.07. 
There  will  be  a  special  drive  to  raise  the  remainder  the  First  Sunday  in 
April . 

Pastor  Fisher  reported  there  had  been  some  changes  in  the  Holy  Week 
Services.    The  Consistory  members  have  been  invited  to  a  dinner  meeting  at 
the  Rockwell  Restaurant  by  the  fund  raising  committee  of  Elon  College  on 
April  12. 

Pastor  Fisher  has  been  appointed  a  delegate  to  the  House  of  Delegates 
of  the  N.C.  Council  of  Churches. 

It  was  suggested  that  the  rules  and  regulations  concerning  the  cemetery 
be  reviewed  and  updated.    Some  action  will  be  taken  at  the  April  meeting. 

There  being  no  further  business,  the  meeting  was  adjourned  with  the 
Lord's  Prayer. 

Alan  Culp,  President 

Dot  Royal ,  Secretary 

Attendance:    Pastor  Fisher,  Alan  Culp,  Ed  Augustyn,  Randy  Bingham,  Hugh  Bost, 
Harold  Earnhardt,  Ray  Brown,  Marguerite  Misenheimer,  Dot  Royal 

MINUTES  OF  THE  CONSISTORY  -  April  17,  1977 

The  Consistory  held  its  April  meeting  in  the  conference  room  of  the 
Church.    A  favorable  finaicial  report  was  received  for  the  month  of  March. 
Also,  a  favorable  quarterly  report  was  received. 

Alan  Culp  reported  on  the  Elon  College  meeting.    The  College  is  starting 
a  campaign  to  raise  5.5  million  dollars.    The  Churches  were  asked  to  contri- 
bute a  minimum  of  $750  and  a  maximum  of  $900,  based  on  O.C.W.M.  Southern 
Conference  goal  of  $350,000,  over  a  3-year  period.    Material  was  passed  out 
to  be  considered  at  budget  making  time.    The  College  wants  a  letter  of  intent 
by  June. 

It  was  reported  that  the  Church  has  enough  money  for  the  cooling  tower 
and  is  proceeding  with  the  project. 

Shearin  Teague  reported  that  the  memorial  fund  contains  $329.53.  Shearin, 
who  is  our  RCCM  representative,  also  reported  that  they  now  send  out  a  news 
letter  once  a  month  to  member  churches.    He  had  several  of  the  letters.    A  copy 
of  one  will  be  placed  on  the  bulletin  board. 

The  Consistory  was  informed  that  tho  Trustees  have  voted  to  change  insur- 
ance policies  on  the  Church  and  parsonage.    The  rate  will  be  $546/year.  The 
new  policy  is  a  package  policy  and  is  superior  to  the  one  previously  held. 

We  were  reminded  of  the  Annual  Southern  Conference  meeting  in  June.  A 
delegate  needs  to  be  appointed  in  May. 

A  Cemetery  Rules  Committee,  whose  duty  it  will  be  to  revise  and  upgrade 
the  cemetery  rules,  will  be  appointed  by  Alan  Culp. 

Pastor  Fisher  informed  us  that  Chester  and  Helen  Holshouser  are  presenting 
a  communion  chalice  in  memory  of  their  parents. 

MINUTES  OF  THE  CONSISTORY  -  April  17,  1977  PAGE  TWO 

Pastor  Fisher  has  been  notified  that  the  telephone  company  will  no  longer 

allow  us  to  have  a  residential  phone  with  two  extensions  as  we  now  have.  We 

were  given  the  following  options: 

1  home  phone  with  2  extensions  -  $26.10  (industrial  rate) 
Private  and  business  -  1  telephone  and  1  extension  -  $23.50 
2-party  telephone  with  1  extension  -  $21.50 

Pastor  Fisher  was  told  that  since  the  rates  were  so  close,  to  get  the 
one  most  suitable  to  him. 

There  being  no  further  business,  the  meeting  was  adjourned. 

Alan  Culp,  President 

Dot  Royal ,  Secretary 

Attendance:    Pastor  Fisher,  Alan  Culp,  Marguerite  Misenheimer,  Shearin  Teague, 
Harold  Earnhardt,  James  Bonds,  Nancy  South,  Nancy  Miller 

MINUTES  OF  THE  CONSISTORY  -  May  15,  1977 

The  Consistory  held  its  May  meeting  in  the  conference  room  of  the  Church 
A  favorable  financial  report  was  received  for  the  month  of  May. 

In  response  to  Elon  College's  request  for  financial  support,  the  Consis- 
tory voted  to  support  with  a  letter  of  intent.    No  figure  was  presented. 

Alan  Culp  will  try  to  locate  the  hearing  aids  for  the  Sanctuary. 

The  Consistory  voted  to  sponsor  one  child  from  the  Children's  Home  at 
Johns  River  Camp  this  summer.    No  decision  was  made  in  regard  to  having  a 
worship  service  at  Blowing  Rock. 

Pastor  Fisher  and  Alan  Culp  will  attend  the  Southern  Conference  meeting. 

The  following  will  serve  on  a  special  committee  to  review  and  update  the 
rules  and  regulations  concerning  the  church  cemetery:    Pastor  Fisher,  Glenn 
Rinehardt,  A.  L.  Linker,  R.  W.  Brown,  Ray  Barnhardt,  Dot  Royal,  and  Alan  Culp. 
Their  work  will  be  included  in  the  annual  report. 

The  communion  chalice  given  in  memory  of  Mrs.  George  Holshouser  will  be 
dedicated  in  the  near  future. 

The  Consistory  gave  permission  to  Marguerite  Misenheimer  for  the  use 
of  the  fellowship  hall  on  June  11,  1977.  There  being  no  further  business 
the  meeting  was  adjourned. 

Alan  Culp,  President 

Dot  Royal ,  Secretary 

Attendance:    Pastor  Fisher,  Alan  Culp,  Ed  Augustyn,  Harold  Earnhardt,  Randy 
Bingham,  Marguerite  Misenheimer,  James  Bonds 

MINUTES  OF  THE  CONSISTORY  -  June  19,  1977 

The  Consistory  held  its  June  meeting  in  the  fellowship  hall.    Alan  Culp 
called  the  meeting  to  order  and  Pastor  Fisher  offered  a  prayer.    The  minutes 
of  the  last  meeting  were  read  and  approved.    A  favorable  financial  report 
was  received. 

Alan  Culp  reported  that  no  trace  of  the  hearing  aids  could  be  found.  He 
and  Hugh  Bost  will  look  into  the  cost  of  new  hearing  aids. 

The  Consistory  voted  to  worship  at  Blowing  Rock  Sunday,  August  28. 

Shearin  Teague  reported  on  the  Memorial  Fund  which  now  contains  $550.00. 

Pastor  Fisher  reported  on  the  trustee's  meeting.    The  next  project  will 
be  painting  the  parsonage  and  educational  building.    The  Consistory  discussed 
several  repair  jobs  needed  at  the  parsonage  but  no  action  was  taken. 

Pastor  Fisher  reported  that  attendance  for  worship  services  has  been  good 
for  the  first  half  of  the  year.    Also,  there  will  be  a  Confirmation  Class 
starting  in  the  fall.    This  will  be  a  two-year  program. 

There  being  no  further  business  the  meeting  was  adjourned  with  the 
Lord's  Prayer. 

Alan  Culp,  President 
Dot  Royal ,  Secretary 

Attendance:    Pastor  Fisher,  Hugh  Bost,  Nancy  South,  Shearin  Teague,  James 
Bonds,  Randy  Bingham,  Ed  Augustyn,  Alan  Culp,  Dot  Royal 

MINUTES  OF  THE  CONSISTORY  -  July  17,  1977 

The  Consistory  held  its  July  meeting  in  the  fellowship  hall.  President 
Alan  Culp  called  the  meeting  to  order  and  offered  a  prayer.    The  minutes  of 
the  last  meeting  were  read  and  approved.    Mr.  Ray  Brown  reviewed  the  first 
six  month  financial  report.    Contributions  for  the  first  six  months  amounted 
to  $13,508.25. 

Pastor  Fisher  reported  the  painting  and  repair  to  the  roof  of  the  carport 
has  been  completed.    Painting  has  begun  on  the  educational  building.  The 
approximate  cost  will  be  $500.00.    The  building  fund  contains  $425.00  at  the 
present  time. 

Shearin  Teague  reported  the  memorial  fund  now  contains  $675.04. 

A  baptismal  service  will  be  held  during  the  worship  service  on  July  31,  1977. 

The  Consistory  voted  to  receive  Bruce  South  into  the  Church  fellowship 
by  Confirmation  on  Sunday,  October  2,  1977. 

Pastor  Fisher  presented  an  outline  for  a  family  worship  program  during 
Advent.    This  will  be  discussed  at  a  later  date. 

There  being  no  further  business  the  meeting  was  adjourned  with  the  Lord's 

Alan  Culp,  President 

Dot  Royal ,  Secretary 

Attendance:    Pastor  Fisher,  Alan  Culp,  Shearin  Teague,  Hugh  Bost,  Ed  Augustyn, 
Marguerite  Misenheimer,  Marvin  Hall,  Ray  Brown 

MINUTES  OF  THE  CONSISTORY  -  August  21,  1977 

The  Consistory  held  its  August  meeting  in  the  Fellowship  Hall.  President 
Alan  Culp  called  the  meeting  to  order  and  Pastor  Fisher  offered  a  prayer.  The 
minutes  of  the  last  meeting  were  read  and  approved.    A  favorable  financial  re- 
port for  the  month  of  July  was  received.    Attendance  at  the  worship  services 
for  the  summer  month  has  been  good. 

Pastor  Fisher  reported  on  the  Trustee's  meeting: 

1.  Fuel  oil  for  the  winter  has  been  purchased  at  36<£/gallon.    The  total 
cost  was  $1 ,800.00. 

2.  All  repair  bills  have  been  paid  with  a  balance  of  $300.00  in  the 
building  fund. 

3.  The  Trustees  voted  to  complete  the  work  on  the  back  side  of  the 
cemetery  as  their  next  project. 

The  Consistory  voted  to  purchase  a  new  roll  of  music  for  the  bells. 

The  Consistory  voted  to  receive  John  Calvin,  Pat  and  Tine  Peeler,  and 
Martha  Spencer  into  the  Church  fellowship  by  letter  of  transfer  from  Shiloh 
Methodist  Church,  Granite  Quarry,  North  Carolina. 

Pastor  Fisher  will  work  with  the  Christian  Education  Committee  to 
improve  our  Sunday  School.    Rally  Day  will  be  held  in  the  near  future. 

There  was  some  discussion  on  organizing  a  Brotherhood  Meeting. 

There  being  no  further  business  the  meeting  was  adjourned  with  the 
Lord's  Prayer. 

Alan  Culp,  President 
Dot  Royal ,  Secretary 

Attendance:    Alan  Culp,  James  Bonds,  Harold  Earnhardt,  Nancy  South,  Nancy 
Miller,  Marguerite  Misenheimer,  Pastor  Fisher,  Dot  Royal 

MINUTES  OF  THE  CONSISTORY  -  September  18,  1977 

The  Consistory  held  its  September  meeting  in  the  Fellowship  Hall. 
President  Alan  Culp  called  the  meeting  to  order  and  Pastor  Fisher  offered  a 
prayer.    The  minutes  of  the  last  meeting  were  read  and  approved.    A  favo- 
rable financial  report  for  August  was  received. 

Shearin  Teague  reported  for  the  Christian  Education  Committee.  The 
Church  School  program  has  been  reorganized,  officers  and  teachers  secured 
for  the  year,  with  Rally  Day  planned  for  Sunday,  September  25. 

Pastor  Fisher  reported  that  the  Trustees  conducted  no  new  business. 

The  Western  Association  meeting  will  be  held  in  Greensboro,  October  4. 
A  delegate  is  needed. 

The  Consistory  voted  to  hold  a  breakfast  meeting  October  16  to  organize 
a  Brotherhood.    At  this  meeting  a  program  will  be  set  up  to  organize  ushers 
for  the  worship  service. 

The  Consistory  voted  to  remove  the  names  of  Cathy,  Bob  and  Amy  Greene 
from  the  Church  roll  by  erasure. 

The  Consistory  voted  to  receive  Joe  and  Onedia  Berger  and  Phillip  and 
Bonnie  Culp  into  the  Ursinus  fellowship. 

There  being  no  further  business  the  meeting  was  closed  with  the  Lord's 

Alan  Culp,  President 
Dot  Royal ,  Secretary 

Attendance:    James  Bonds,  Alan  Culp,  Shearin  Teague,  Randy  Bingham,  Nancy 
Miller,  Nancy  South,  Hugh  Bost,  Ed  Augustyn,  Marguerite  Misen- 
heimer,  Dot  Royal,  Pastor  Fisher 

MINUTES  OF  THE  CONSISTORY  -  October  16,  1977 

The  Consistory  held  its  October  meeting  in  the  conference  room.  Pres- 
ident Alan  Culp  called  the  meeting  to  order  and  Pastor  Fisher  offered  a  prayer. 
The  minutes  of  the  last  meeting  were  read  and  approved.    Mr.  Ray  Brown  reviewed 
the  nine  months  budget.    The  report  was  favorable. 

A  Men's  Brotherhood  was  organized  Sunday,  October  16.    Officers  are 
President  -  Alan  Culp  and  Treasurer  -  Ronnie  Shoaf.    This  will  be  a  service 

The  Consistory  voted  to  discontinue  the  Building  Fund  for  the  time  being. 

Shearin  Teague  reported  that  the  memorial  fund  now  contains  $675.04. 

Pastor  Fisher  reported  that  the  Church  School  program  is  off  to  a  good 
start.    The  Youth  Fellowship  has  been  organized  and  our  youth  will  take  part 
in  the  worship  service  on  Sunday,  November  20. 

The  Community  Thanksgiving  Service  will  be  at  Grace  Lowerstone  with 
Pastor  Nelson  delivering  the  sermon. 

There  will  be  a  covered  dish  dinner  at  6:00  p.m.  on  November  20.  A 
film  strip,  "We  Can  Walk  Together"  will  follow  the  dinner.    The  Consistory 
voted  to  purchase  100  copies  of  the  booklet,  "What  Everyone  Should  Know  About 
Christmas".    A  copy  will  be  given  to  each  Church  family. 

The  Consistory  voted  to  hold  its  November  and  December  meetings  on  the 
second  Sunday  night  because  of  conflicting  programs. 

There  being  no  further  business  the  meeting  was  adjourned  with  the 
Lord's  Prayer. 

Alan  Culp,  President 

Dot  Royal ,  Secretary 

Attendance:    Randy  Bingham,  Shearin  Teague,  Harold  Earnhardt,  Alan  Culp, 

Ed  Augustyn,  Nancy  Miller,  Marguerite  Misenheimer,  Ray  Brown, 
Pastor  Fisher,  Dot  Royal 

MINUTES  OF  THE  CONSISTORY  -  November  13,  1977 

The  Consistory  held  its  November  meeting  in  the  conference  room. 
President  Alan  Culp  called  the  meeting  to  order  and  offered  a  prayer.  The 
minutes  of  the  last  meeting  were  read  and  approved. 

The  Consistory  voted  to  accept  the  proposed  1978  budget,  presented  by 
the  Deacons.    On  November  24  the  budget  will  be  presented  to  the  congregation. 
On  December  11,  a  congregational  meeting  will  be  held  to  elect  officers  and 
to  vote  on  the  1978  budget. 

Alan  Culp  reported  on  the  Board  meeting  of  Homeland  Ministries.    As  a 
corporate  member  of  the  board,  he  attended  sessions  on  Higher  Education, 
Family  Life,  and  Alternate  Life  Styles. 

Pastor  Fisher  reported  that  the  Christmas  booklets  and  the  Advent  devo- 
tional booklets  will  be  distributed  at  the  Fellowship  dinner  November  20. 

The  annual  Christmas  programs  will  be  held  on  Sunday  evening,  December  18 
and  December  24. 

A  slate  of  officers  is  being  compiled. 

There  being  no  further  business,  the  meeting  was  adjourned  with  the  Lord's 

Alan  Culp,  President 
Dot  Royal ,  Secretary 

Attendance:    Alan  Culp,  Shearin  Teague,  Randy  Bingham,  Ed  Augustyn,  Harold 
Earnhardt,  Marguerite  Misenheimer,  Pastor  Fisher,  Dot  Royal 

MINUTES  OF  THE  CONSISTORY  -  December  11,  1977 

The  Consistory  held  its  December  meeting  in  the  conference  room.  Presi- 
dent Alan  Culp  called  the  meeting  to  order  and  offered  a  prayer.    Mr.  Ray 
Brown  reported  that  all  bills  are  paid  and  the  financial  condition  of  the 
church  is  good.    The  balance  in  the  memorial  fund  is  $979.05. 

New  members  elected  to  the  Consistory  are: 

Elders  -  Marguerite  Misenheimer,  Randy  Bingham  &  Jean  Puckett 
Deacons  -  Ronnie  Shoaf,  Tony  Misenheimer  &  John  Linker 
Trustee  -  Ray  Peeler 

Pastor  Fisher  welcomed  all  of  the  new  officers  who  will  be  ordained  and 

installed  during  the  worship  service  on  January  1. 

Officers  for  the  Consistory  are  as  follows: 

President  -  Randy  Bingham 
Vice-President  -  Ed  Augustyn 
Recording  Secretary  -  Dot  Royal 
Financial  Secretary  -  Ray  Barnhardt 
Treasurer  -  Ray  Brown 
Memorial  Fund  Treasurer  -  Shearin  Teague 

The  Consistory  voted  to  let  the  Girl  Scouts  use  the  church  facilities 
on  the  6th,  13th  and  20st  of  February  for  a  course  on  First  Aid. 

There  being  no  further  business  the  meeting  was  adjourned  with  the 
Lord's  Prayer. 

Alan  Culp,  President 

Dot  Royal ,  Secretary 

Attendance:  Ronnie  Shoaf,  Alan  Culp.  Randy  Bingham,  Tony  Misenheimer, 
Shearin  Teague,  Jean  Puckett,  John  Linker,  Ray  Brown,  Dot 
Royal ,  Pastor  Fi sher 


The  annual  congregational  meeting  of  Ursinus  Church  was  held  the  fourth 
Sunday  of  January  in  the  fellowship  hall  at  6:00  p.m.    The  meeting  began  with 
a  covered  dish  supper. 

After  calling  the  meeting  to  order,  Alan  Culp  explained  his  duties  as 
a  board  member  of  Homeland  Ministries.    Then  he  reported  on  the  National 
Meeting  of  the  Ministries. 

Next,  the  meeting  was  turned  over  to  the  newly  elected  President, 
Randy  Bingham.    Randy  asked  for  the  help  and  cooperation  of  everyone  to  make 
1 978  a  good  year. 

Pastor  Fisher  reviewed  the  1977  year  booklet  and  presented  the  new 
cemetery  rules  and  regulations.    After  some  discussion  and  minor  changes, 
they  were  approved  by  the  congregation. 

There  being  no  further  business,  the  meeting  was  adjourned  with  a 
prayer  by  Pastor  Fisher. 

Respectfully  submitted, 
Randy  Bingham,  President 
Dot  Royal ,  Secretary 

MINUTES  OF  THE  CONSISTORY  -  January  15,  1978 

The  Consistory  held  its  January  meeting  in  the  Conference  Room.  Pres- 
ident Randy  Bingham  called  the  meeting  to  order  and  offered  a  prayer.  The 
minutes  of  the  last  meeting  were  read  and  approved.  Mr.  Ray  Brown,  Treas., 
presented  a  statement  of  the  total  expenditures  for  1977.  This  amounted  to 
$26,728.48.  Total  collections  amounted  to  $28,933.67,  leaving  a  balance  of 
$2,178.25  in  the  checking  account  as  of  January  1,  1978. 

Alan  Culp  reported  that  hearing  aids  have  been  ordered  and  will  be 
installed  in  the  sanctuary  as  soon  as  possible.    Also,  new  plants  have  been 
planted  in  the  Memorial  Garden.    Hugh  Bost  will  run  a  water  line  to  the 

Pastor  Fisher  reported  on  the  Trustees  Meeting.    Repair  work  on  the 
roof  covering  the  walkway  will  begin  immediately. 

The  Consistory  voted  to  help  with  expenses  if  Pastor  Fisher  decides 
to  attend  the  Family  Life  Conference  at  Elon  College  February  28  -  March  1. 

To  aid  us  in  a  program  for  Lent,  the  Consistory  has  decided  to  buy 
materials  entitled  "Journey  to  Jerusalem". 

There  being  no  further  business,  the  meeting  was  adjourned  with  the 
Lords  Prayer. 

Respectfully  submitted, 
Randy  Bingham,  President 
Dot  Royal ,  Secretary 

Attendance:    Randy  Bingham 
Ray  Brown 
Ed  Augustyn 
John  Linker 
Ronnie  Shoaf 
Harold  Earnhardt 
Marguerite  Misenheimer 
Dot  Royal 
Pastor  Fisher 

MINUTES  OF  THE  CONSISTORY  -  February  19,  1978 

The  Consistory  held  its  February  meeting  in  the  Conference  Room. 
President  Randy  Bingham  called  the  meeting  to  order  and  read  verses  from 
the  book  of  Luke.    The  minutes  of  the  last  meeting  were  read  and  approved. 

The  Community  Services  during  Holy  Week  will  be  held  as  follows: 

Wednesday,  March  22  -  St.  James  Lutheran  Church 

Thursday,  March  23  -  Lowerstone  United  Church  of  Christ 

Friday,  March  24  -  Ursinus  United  Church  of  Christ 

EASTER  SUNRISE  SERVICE  -  Rockwell  Methodist 

EAST  SERVICE  -  11:00  a.m.  -  Each  church  will  have  its  own. 

The  Consistory  voted  to  help  sponsor  the  Pfeiffer  College  Choir  at 
Christiana  Lutheran  Church  on  Sunday,  April  9  with  a  contribution  of  $30.00. 

There  being  no  further  business,  the  meeting  was  adjourned. 

Respectfully  submitted, 

Randy  Bingham,  President 

Dot  Royal ,  Secretary 

Attendance:    Marguerite  Misenheimer 
Jean  Puckett 
Tony  Misenheimer 
Ed  Augustyn 
John  Linker 
Harold  Earnhardt 
Randy  Bingham 
Nancy  Miller 
Ronnie  Shoaf 
Dot  Royal 

MINUTES  OF  THE  CONSISTORY  -  March  19,  1978 

The  Consistory  held  its  March  meeting  in  the  Conference  Room.  Pres. 
Randy  Bingham  called  the  meeting  to  order  and  offered  a  prayer.    A  favorable 
financial  report  was  received  for  the  month  of  February. 

Pastor  Fisher  expressed  his  appreciation  for  the  support  and  love  given 
to  them  by  the  church  members  during  Jeffrey;s  illness.    Southern  Conference 
will  be  held  in  Virginia  Beach,  April  14  -  15.    John  Linker  was  voted  dele- 
gate and  Harold  Earnhardt  alternate. 

Pastor  Fisher  received  a  request  from  Immanuel  Lutheran  Church  for 
letters  of  transfer  of  membership  for  Harold,  Jennie,  Gray  and  Susan  Barrier. 
The  Consistory  voted  to  honor  the  request. 

There  was  some  discussion  on  ways  to  increase  church  membership,  but  no 
definite  procedure  was  set  up. 

The  Consistory  voted  to  ask  the  mens1  brotherhood  to  erect  new  United 
Chruch  of  Christ  signs  on  Highway  52  North  and  South,  and  on  152  West. 

There  being  no  further  business,  the  meeting  was  adjourned  with  the 
Lord's  Prayer. 

Respectfully  submitted, 
Randy  Bingham,  President 
Dot  Royal ,  Secretary 

Attendance:    Randy  Bingham 

Tony  Misenheimer 
Ronnie  Shoaf 
Jean  Puckett 
John  Linker 
Pastor  Fisher 
Dot  Royal 

MINUTES  OF  THE  CONSISTORY  -  April  15,  1978 

The  Consistory  held  its  April  meeting  in  the  Conference  Room.  Pres. 
Randy  Bingham  called  the  meeting  to  order  and  offered  a  prayer.    The  minutes 
of  the  last  meeting  were  read  and  approved. 

Pastor  Fisher  reviewed  the  first  quarter  financial  report.    He  also 
gave  the  trustee's  report: 

1.  The  roof  over  the  walkway  has  been  replaced. 

2.  Repairs  to  the  guttering  on  the  parsonage  and  the  Educational 
Building  are  presently  being  made. 

3.  Repairs  to  plaster  and  some  painting  are  being  done  in  the  Educa- 
tional Building  and  Sanctuary. 

Alan  Culp  reported  onthe  brotherhood  meeting.  They  will  continue  the 
cemetery  work  and  also  co-sponsor  an  ice  cream  and  cake  sale  on  the  first 
of  June. 

The  Consistory  gave  Marguerite  Misenheimer  permission  to  use  the 
fellowship  hall  on  May  27. 

The  Consistory  voted  to  receive  Tim  Linker,  Eddie  Morgan,  and  El i s ha 
Waddell  (is  she  wishes)  into  the  Ursinus  fellowship  by  confirmation  on 
May  14.    Barbara  Misenheimer  will  be  received  also  by  letter  of  transfer. 

The  Consistory  decided  to  ask  the  Adult  Sunday  School  Class  to  place 
identification  signs  throughout  the  church  building. 

There  being  no  further  business,  the  meeting  was  closed  with  the 
Lord's  Prayer. 

Respectfully  submitted, 
Randy  Bingham,  President 

Dot  Royal ,  Secretary 

Attendance:    Pastor  Fisher,  Randy  Bingha,  Ronnie  Shoaf,  Marguerite  Misenheimer, 
Jean  Puckett,  Harold  Earnhardt,  John  Linker,  Alan  Culp,  Dot  Royal 

MINUTES  OF  THE  CONSISTORY  -  May  21,  1978 

The  Consistory  held  its  May  meeting  in  the  Conference  Room.  Vice 
President  Ed  Augustyn  called  the  meeting  to  order,  and  Pastor  Fisher 
offered  a  prayer.    The  minutes  of  the  last  meeting  were  read  and  approved. 

The  financial  report  for  the  month  of  April  was  good.    The  Consistory 
voted  to  receive  into  the  church  fellowship  Linda  Linker,  by  letter  of 
transfer,  and  Lloyd  All  man,  by  reaffirmation  of  faith  on  May  14,  1978. 

Ed  Augustyn  reported  that  plans  for  ushers  have  been  completed. 

Pastor  Fisher  gave  the  following  Trustee's  report.    The  cemetery  work 
and  the  repairs  to  property  are  progressing.    Some  painting  has  been  done 
in  the  Educational  Building  and  in  some  parts  of  the  Sanctuary  will  begin 

Vacation  Bible  School  will  be  held  June  12  -  16.    Teachers  and  mate- 
rials have  been  lined  up.    Pastor  Fisher  also  explained  the  type  of  worship 
services  we  will  follow  for  the  next  seven  weeks.    These  will  be  a  conti- 
nuation of  our  theme  "To  Walk  Together". 

Pastor  Fisher  felt  Ursinus  Church  is  suffering  from  an  identify  crisis. 
After  some  discussion  the  Consistory  approved  the  following: 

1.  Road  signs  on  Highways  52  and  152 

2.  A  series  of  newspaper  ads 

3.  Letters  to  new  families  moving  into  our  area 

4.  Visitation  by  the  Pastor  with  a  follow-up  visit  by  a  lay  person 

5.  Letter  to  a  visitor  attending  the  worship  service 

6.  Study  program  for  new  members 

7.  Moments  of  concern  about  the  local  and  national  Church  of  Christ 
and  stewardship. 

There  being  no  further  business,  the  meeting  was  closed  with  the  Lord's  Prayer. 

Respectfully  submitted, 

Ed  Augustyn,  Vice  President 

Dot  Royal ,  Secretary 

Attendance:    Alan  Culp,  Ronnie  Shoaf,  Harold  Earnhardt,  Ed  Augustyn, 
Marguerite  Misenheimer,  Pastor  Fisher,  Dot  Royal 

MINUTES  OF  THE  CONSISTORY  -  June  18,  1978 

The  Consistory  held  its  June  meeting  in  the  fellowship  hall.  President 
Randy  Bingham  called  the  meeting  to  order  and  offered  a  prayer.    The  minutes 
of  the  last  meeting  were  read  and  approved.    The  financial  report  for  May  was 
very  good. 

Pastor  Fisher  gave  the  following  Trustee's  Report.    The  rate  of  pay  for 
mowing  the  cemetery  has  been  raised  to  $70.00  per  month.    This  covers  the 
months  previously  paid  $50.00. 

There  has  been  some  painting  in  the  Sanctuary  and  Educational  Building. 
There  will  be  more  to  follow.    A  new  furnace  has  been  ordered  for  the  parson- 
age.   The  Consistory  voted  to  begin  Building  Fund  Collections  the  first 
Sunday  of  July  to  help  pay  for  the  furance  and  painting. 

The  Consistory  voted  to  accept  August  27  as  Ursinus  Day  at  Blowing  Rock. 

The  Consistory  voted  to  accept  Jerry  Holshouser  into  the  Ursinus  Fellow- 
ship by  letter  of  transfer  from  St.  Matthew's  Lutheran  Church. 

Ed  Augustyn,  John  Linker,  and  Mrs.  Mary  Peeler  will  serve  as  contact 
people  with  the  Nazareth  Children's  Home. 

Rev.  Huett  Carpenter  will  be  our  guest  minister  July  16. 

Pastor  Fisher  explained  the  type  of  worship  services  we  will  follow 
through  December. 

There  being  no  further  business,  the  meeting  was  adjourned  with  the 
Lord's  Prayer. 

Respectfully  submitted, 
Randy  Bingham,  President 

Dot  Royal ,  Secretary 

Attendance:    Pastor  Fisher,  Randy  Bingham,  Ed  Augustyn,  Marguerite  Misen- 
heimer,  Jean  Puckett,  John  Linker,  Tony  Misenheimer,  Dot  Royal 

MINUTES  OF  THE  CONSISTORY  -  July  16,  1978 

The  Consistory  held  its  July  meeting  in  the  fellowship  hall.  President 
Randy  Bingham  called  the  meeting  to  order  and  read  scripture  passages  from 
the  book  of  Luke.    The  minutes  of  the  last  meeting  were  read  and  approved. 

Mr.  Ray  Brown  reviewed  the  financial  report  for  the  first  six  months. 
The  financial  condition  of  the  church  is  the  best  in  its  history. 

John  Linker  reported  on  the  activities  at  the  childrens'  home. 

Pastor  Fisher  expressed  his  and  Shirley's  appreciation  for  the  25th 
Anniversary  Celebration  honoring  them  with  a  covered  dish  dinner  following 
the  worship  service  Sunday,  June  10,  1978  by  the  congregation. 

The  Consistory  voted  to  accept  Mrs.  Penelope  Waddell  into  the  Ursinus 
fellowship  by  letter  of  transfer  from  the  United  Church  of  Christ,  Downer's 
Grove,  Ohio. 

Pastor  Fisher  reported  on  the  identify  ministry:    The  Consistory 
discussed  a  new  youth  program  and  asked  Pastor  Fisher  to  talk  with  Jan 
Gore  about  setting  up  a  program. 

There  being  no  further  business,  the  meeting  was  adjourned  with  the 
Lord's  Prayer. 

Respectfully  submitted, 
Randy  Bingham,  President 

Dot  Royal ,  Secretary 

Attendance:    Ed  Augustyn,  Harold  Earnhardt,  Pastor  Fisher,  Tony  Misenheimer, 
Marguerite  Misenheimer,  Alan  Culp,  John  Linker,  Dot  Royal, 
Randy  Bingham 

MINUTES  OF  THE  CONSISTORY  -  August  21,  1978 

The  Consistory  held  its  August  meeting  in  the  fellowship  hall.  President 
Randy  Bingham  called  the  meeting  to  order  and  offered  a  prayer.    The  minutes 
of  the  last  meeting  were  read  and  approved. 

John  Linker  reported  the  following  changes  at  the  Childrens'  Home.  Rev. 
Martin  Schaeffer  has  assumed  the  duties  as  Superintendent  of  the  home.  There 
have  been  some  other  personnel  changes  including  some  new  house  parents. 

The  Consistory  voted  to  pay  Jan  Gore  $15.00  per  week  to  work  with  the 
youth  group  for  the  last  quarter  of  the  year.    Then  the  program  will  be 
re-eval uated. 

Pastor  Fisher  reported  that  the  trustees  are  progressing  with  the  year's 


New  teachers  and  officers  of  the  Church  School  will  be  installed  Sunday, 
September  3. 

The  Consistory  voted  to  purchase  materials  for  the  classes  for  new 
members  to  be  held  this  fall  as  well  as  some  children's  pen  pads  for  kinder- 
garten children  to  use  during  worship  services.    The  total  cost  is  $37.00. 

Mr.  Bill  Waddell  was  accepted  into  the  Ursinus  fellowship  by  baptism 
Sunday,  July  23,  1978. 

There  being  no  further  business,  the  meeting  was  adjourned  with  the 
Lord's  Prayer. 

Respectfully  submitted, 
Randy  Bingham,  President 

Dot  Royal ,  Secretary 

Attendance:    John  Linker,  Jean  Puckett,  Nancy  Miller,  Marguerite  Misenheimer, 
Randy  Bingham,  Harold  Earnhardt,  Alan  Culp,  Tony  Misenheimer, 
Dot  Royal,  Pastor  Fisher 

MINUTES  OF  THE  CONSISTORY  -  September  17,  1978 

President,  Randy  Bingham,  called  the  meeting  to  order  and  read  scripture 
verses  from  the  first  chapter  of  Mark.    The  minutes  of  the  last  meeting  were 
read  and  approved. 

The  financial  report  for  August  was  received.    An  offering  of  $51.11 
was  received  for  the  upkeep  of  the  Little  White  Church. 

President  Randy  Bingham  appointed  the  following  committee  to  set  up  a 
flower  policy  for  the  Church:    Nancy  Miller,  Harold  Earnhardt,  and  Marguerite 
Mi  senheimer. 

The  new  pulpit  Bible  will  be  dedicated  and  the  old  one  placed  in  the 
history  room  on  Sunday,  October  15. 

Pastor  Fisher  gave  the  trustee's  report.    There  was  some  discussion 
about  the  moisture  in  the  fellowship  hall.    This  will  be  turned  over  to  the 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  A.  Bost  requested  the  use  of  the  fellowship  hall 
Sunday,  November  19. 

The  women's  fall  fellowship  dinner  will  be  held  Sunday  evening,  October  29. 

Pastor  Fisher  reported  on  the  Identify  Ministry  and  events  coming  up 
in  October.    New  confirmation  and  adult  classes  will  begin. 

Sunday,  October  22,  we  will  have  a  guest  minister  during  the  worship 

After  some  discussion,  the  Consistory  decided  not  to  sponsor  the 
Ursinus  College  Choir. 

Pastor  Fisher  read  a  letter  from  the  Superintendent  of  the  Children's 
Home  concerning  changes  in  their  present  Church  School  Program.    No  decision 
about  this  was  made.    There  being  no  further  business,  the  meeting  was 
adjourned  with  the  Lord's  Prayer. 

Respectfully  submitted, 

Randy  Bingham,  President 
Dot  Royal ,  Secretary 

MINUTES  OF  THE  CONSISTORY  -  October  15,  1978 

The  Consistory  held  its  regular  meeting  in  the  conference  room.  Pres- 
ident Randy  Bingham  called  the  meeting  to  order  and  offered  a  prayer.  The 
minutes  of  the  last  meeting  were  read  and  approved. 

Mr.  Brown  reviewed  the  treasurer's  report  for  September  as  well  as 
the  third  quarterly  report. 

The  Consistory  voted  to  accept  the  flower  policy  presented  by  the  com- 
mittee and  to  present  it  to  the  congregation  at  the  annual  meeting. 

Pastor  Fisher  reported  on  our  identify  ministry,  the  youth  ministry 
and  the  ass.  meeting. 

Alan  Culp  plans  to  attend  the  national  meeting  of  the  Board  of  Homeland 
Ministry  in  Grand  Rapids,  Michigan  in  November. 

The  Consistory  approved  the  following: 

1.  To  help  with  the  expenses  for  Pastor  Fisher  to  attend  a  Handicap 
Conference  in  Lancaster,  PA,  November  16-18.    He  will  represent 
the  Southern  Conference. 

2.  To  help  the  First  Church,  Salisbury  to  sponsor  the  Ursinus  Choir 
the  first  week  in  Lent  with  a  $100.00  contribution  and  attendance. 

3.  To  pay  fees  and  expenses  for  Ed  Augustyn  to  attend  a  mission's 
co-ordinator  workship.    Ed  will  serve  as  the  mission's  co-ordinator 
for  Ursinus. 

4.  To  accept  into  the  Ursinus  fellowship:    Jan  Gore  by  letter  of 
transfer  from  St.  Peter's  Lutheran  Church  and  David  Gore  by  letter 
from  First  Presbyterian  Church  in  Albemarle.    David  Shepard  was 
accepted  by  letter  of  transfer  from  St.  Matthew's  Lutheran  Church 
and  Diane  Shepard  by  reaffirmation  of  faith.    William  and  Gail 
Clontz  were  accepted  by  reaffirmation  of  faith. 

There  being  no  further  business,  the  meeting  was  adjourned  with  the 

Lord's  Prayer. 

Respectfully  submitted, 
Randy  Bingham,  President 

Dot  Royal ,  Secretary 

Attendance:  John  Linker,  Randy  Bingham,  Jean  Puckett,  Ed  Augustyn,  Alan  Culp, 
Marguerite  Misenheimer,  Dot  Royal,  Pastor  Fisher 

MINUTES  OF  THE  CONSISTORY  -  November  19,  1978 

The  consistory  held  its  November  meeting  in  the  conference  room. 
President  Randy  Bingham  offered  a  prayer.    The  minutes  of  the  last  meeting 
were  read  and  approved. 

John  Linker  presented  the  proposed  budget  for  1979.    The  Consistory 
voted  to  accept  the  budget. 

Pastor  Fisher  commented  on  our  identify  ministry.    He  also  reported  on 
the  workship  for  the  handicapped  persons.    This  program  comes  under  the 
Health  and  Welfare  Division  of  the  Board  of  Homeland  Ministries.    At  the 
present,  there  are  no  funds  and  only  part  time  help  provided.    The  purpose 
of  the  meeting  was  to  set  up  a  board  to  push  for  actions  from  the  Conference 
to  the  General  Synod. 

The  Consistory  voted  to  grant  a  letter  of  transfer  for  Debbie  Ridenhouse 
Chance  to  Gold  Hill  Methodist  Church.    Also,  Cindy  Miller's  name  will  be 
removed  from  the  church  membership  by  erasure. 

On  December  3,  a  new  advent  wreath  will  be  dedicated  in  memory  of  Joe  Frye. 

On  December  17  a  congregational  meeting  will  be  held  to  vote  on  the 
1979  budget  and  to  elect  new  officers. 

The  Christmas  programs  will  be  held  on  December  17  and  24.    There  being 
no  further  business,  the  meeting  was  adjourned  with  the  Lord's  Prayer. 

Respectfully  submitted, 
Randy  Bingham,  President 

Dot  Royal ,  Secretary 

Attendance:    John  Linker,  Ed  Augustyn,  Randy  Bingham,  Harold  Earnhardt, 
Nancy  Miller,  Dot  Royal,  Pastor  Fisher 

MINUTES  OF  THE  CONSISTORY  -  December  31,  1978 

The  Consistory  held  its  December  meeting  the  Church  Parsonage.  Randy 
Bingham,  President,  called  the  meeting  to  order  and  presented  a  prayer. 
The  minutes  of  the  last  meeting  were  read  and  approved. 

Mr.  Ray  Brown  reviewed  the  treasurer's  report  for  the  month  of  November 
as  well  as  the  annual  report  for  1978.    The  total  expenditures  amounted  to 
$30,529.44.    This  left  a  balance  of  approximately  $2,500.00. 

In  old  business,  Pastor  Fisher  reported  on  a  meeting  he  attended  with 
the  Board  of  Managers,  Superintendent  of  the  Nazareth  Children's  Home,  area 
pastors,  and  lay  persons  to  discuss  a  new  church  school  program  for  the 
children.    The  Consistory  voted  to  participate  in  the  new  program  on  a  trial 

In  new  business,  the  Consistory  voted  to  grant  letters  of  transfer  to 
the  following  persons:    Paula  Barringer  to  Wesleyan-Haines  Methodist  Church 
in  Winston-Salem;  and  Randy  Giessler  to  Lyerly  Memorial  Church.    The  Consis- 
tory voted  to  received  into  the  Ursinus  fellowship  by  reaffirmation  of  faith  - 
Jerry  and  Karen  Mintz  and  Mrs.  Virginia  Wiley. 

Pastor,  Fisher  reported  briefly  on  the  1978  church  statistics:  The 
number  of  members  attending  was  down  from  previous  years;  the  weekly  attendance 
was  down.    There  were  7  baptisms  and  12  new  members.    Nine  memhers  were  lost 
which  left  us  with  a  gain  of  three  members.    The  present  membership  stands  at 
214.    A  more  detailed  report  on  these  statistics  will  be  given  at  the  annual 
meeting  on  January  28,  1979. 

The  following  persons  were  elected  to  the  Consistory: 
Trustee  -  Jack  Taylor 

Elders  -  Shearin  Teague,  James  Bonds,  John  C.  Peeler 

Deacons  -  Pat  Holshouser,  Jackie  Taylor,  Phillip  Culp 

The  Consistory  also  elected  the  following  officers  for  1979: 

President  -  Randy  Bingham 

Vice-President  -  James  Bonds 

Secretary  -  Jackie  Taylor 

Treasurer  -  Ray  Brown 

Recording  Secretary  -  Ray  Barnhardt 

Memorial  Fund  Treasurer  -  Shearin  Teague 

There  being  no  further  business  the  meeting  was  adjourned.  Following 
the  meeting  Pastor  Fisher,  Shirley,  and  Randy  Bingham  served  refreshments. 

Respectfully  submitted, 

Randy  Bingham,  President 

Dot  Royal ,  Secretary 

Attendance:    Randy  Bingham 
Ronnie  Shoaf 
Harold  Eanrhardt 
Nancy  Miller 
Jean  Puckett 
Alan  Culp 

Marguerite  Misenheimer 

Ray  Brown 

Jack  Taylor 

Jackie  Taylor 

Pat  Holshouer 

James  Bonds 

Phillip  Culp 

John  C.  Peeler 

Shearin  Teague 

Pastor  Fisher 

MINUTES  OF  THE  CONSISTORY  -  January  21,  1979 

The  Consistory  of  Ursinus  United  Church  of  Christ  met  January  21,  1979 
in  the  Conference  Room.    The  meeting  was  ca-led  to  order  the  president, 
Randy  Bingham,  who  led  the  group  in  prayer. 

The  treasurer's  report  was  given  as  follows: 

Total  Receipts  and  Balance  Brought  Forward  $5,749.50 
Less  Total  Disbursements  3,233.25 
Balance  in  Checking  Account  January  1,  1979  $2,516.25 

Concerning  the  road  signs  for  Ursinus  Church  it  was  decided  that  John 
Linker  woulg  again  check  for  approval  for  placing  one  sign  at  the  mobile 
home  site  in  east  Rockwell.    Randy  Bingham  will  check  for  approval  of 
the  American  Legion  site. 

John  Linker  has  compiled  a  booklet  with  advertisements  and  other  items 
relating  to  our  Identity  Ministry  program.  This  booklet  will  be  placed  in 
the  History  Room. 

Shearin  Teague  asked  permission  for  the  Womrn's  Club  to  use  the  Fellow- 
ship Hall  February  27.    Permission  was  granted. 

A  discussion  was  held  concerning  effectiveness  of  the  ads  in  the  news- 
paper during  the  "Identity"  program.    The  group  generally  thought  they  were 
effective  and  would  like  to  place  ads  again,  possibly  using  some  other  form 
of  advertising  such  as  the  Fair  catalog.    John  Linker  will  check  on  a  better 
ad  rate. 

Pastor  Fisher  announced  the  Annual  Congregation  Meeting  will  be  January  28. 

The  pastor  announced  his  proposed  "Your  Nail"  Lenten  Program.    Plans  are 
that  each  family  would  receive  a  packet  containing  resource  materials  for 
Lent  at  the  Ash  Wednesday  service.    A  "Share  and  Prayer"  service  will  be 
held  every  Wednesday  night  during  Lent  in  the  Fellowship  Hall.    Members  of 

MINUTES  OF  THE  CONSISTORY  -  January  21,  1979  PAGE  TWO 

the  Consistory  will  lead  the  programs.    After  a  brief  discussion  a  motion 
was  made  by  Shearin  Teague,  and  seconded  by  John  Peeler  to  approved  the 
Lenten  Program  as  suggested.    A  motion  was  made  by  John  Peeler  that  money 
collected  in  the  Lenten  folders  be  given  to  John's  River  Camp,  bathhouse 
project.    The  Trustees  second  recommendation  is  that  the  money  be  raised 
through  the  Building  Fund. 

A  motion  was  made  by  John  Peeler  and  seconded  by  John  Linker  that  these 
two  recommendations  will  be  brought  to  the  congregation  for  a  vote. 

The  Trustees  also  plan  some  minor  repairs  to  stop  underground  water 
seepage  in  the  basement. 

After  praying  the  Lord's  Prayer,  the  meeting  was  adjourned. 

Randy  Bingham,  President 

Jackie  Taylor,  Secretary 

Attendance:    Marguerite  Misenheimer 
Pat  Holshouser 
Shearin  Teague 
John  Linker 
Ronnie  Shoaf 
Randy  Bingham 
James  Bonds 
Philip  Culp 
John  Peeler 
Jackie  Taylor 
Pastor  Fisher 

Treasurer's  Report  for  December,  1978 

Receipts : 

First  Sunday 
Second  Sunday- 
Third  Sunday 
Fourth  Sunday 
Fifth  Sunday 

Sub  Totals 

Total  Offering 

Disbursements : 


$  705.80 


%  2,859.^1 


Our  Christian  World  Mission  (OCWM) 

Designated  ( Pas tors  Christmas  Gift) 

Designated  (Poinsettias) 

Pastors  Group  Hospital  Ins. 

Pastors  Social  Security 

Church  School  Supplies 

Youth  Fellowship 

Delegate  Expense 


Music  Ministry 
Sextons  Salary 

Sales  Tax  to  be  refunded 

Total  Disbursements 

Balance  Brought  Forward 

Total  Receipts  for  the  month  of  December 

Total  Receipts  and  Balance  Brought  Forward 

Less  Total  Disbursements 

Balance  in  Checking  Account,  Jan  1,  1979 

$  1,125.00 

Pastors  Christmas  gift 


$  1,239.00 

I  U00.00 


260.  % 

I  3,233.25 

3  1,650.69 
$  5JU9.50 


Respectfully  submitted, 
Ray  ¥.  Brown-Treasurer 

Weekly  Requirement  f-519. 21+ 
Average  for  Deo.  $571.96 

MINUTES  OF  THE  CONSISTORY  -  February  25,  1979 

The  Consistory  of  Ursinus  United  Church  of  Christ  met  February  25,  1979 
in  the  Conference  Room.    The  meeting  was  called  to  order  by  President  Randy 
Bingham  who  read  scripture  from  Matthew.    The  Treasurer's  report  was  given 
as  follows: 

Total  Receipts  and  Balance  Brought  Forward  $5,201.47 
Less  Total  Disbursements  3,041 .55 

Balance  February  1,  1979  $2,159.92 

Both  sites  (American  Legion  and  mobile  home)  for  Ursinus  Church  signs 

were  approved  by  land  owners.    The  signs  will  be  placed  as  soon  as  weather 

permits . 

John  Linker  presented  the  completed  Identity  Emphasis  Booklet.    It  will 
be  placed  in  the  History  Room. 

Pastor  Fisher  reported  that  the  Lenten  Program  is  planned  and  ready  to 
start  this  week  on  Ash  Wednesday. 

Pastor  Fisher  presented  the  joint  Holy  Week  Services  schedule  for 

approval.    It  is  as  follows: 

Wednesday,  April  11,  7:30  p.m.  -  Rockwell  Methodist  Church 

Pastor  Edwin  Hedgepeth 
Maundy  Thursday,  April  12,  7:30  p.m.  -  Ursinus  United  Church  of  Christ 

Pastor  Guy  Fisher,  Musical  Tenebrae 
Service,  Holy  Communion 
Good  Friday,  April  13,  7:30  p.m.  -  Grace  (Lowerstone)  U.C.C. 

Pastor  Jones 

Easter  Sunrise  Service,  April  14,  6:30  a.m.  -  St.  James  Lutheran  Church 

Pastor  Fisher 

A  motion  was  made  by  Marguerite  Misenheimer  and  seconded  by  John  Peeler 
to  approve  the  Holy  Week  Program. 

Pastor  Fisher  announced  that  Rev.  Kenneth  Clapp  will  be  the  new  Execu- 
tive Director  of  the  Blowing  Rock  Assembly  Grounds.    This  will  be  a  year 
round  job  with  more  activities  planned  for  all  church  groups.    The  group 
expressed  desire  that  Pastor  Fisher  write  to  confirm  our  usual  date  at  the 
Assembly  Ground,  the  last  Sunday  in  August. 

MINUTES  OF  THE  CONSISTORY  -  February  25,  1979  PAGE  TWO 

Two  recommendations  from  the  Trustees  were  presented  by  Pastor  Fisher 
for  approval  by  the  Consistory.    The  first  recommendation  is  that  the 
Western  Waterproofing  Company  of  Charlotte  would  be  contracted  to  restore, 
clean  and  repair  the  church  building  from  ground  level  to  its  highest 
point.    Under  the  contract,  all  granite  will  be  cleaned,  brick  steam  cleaned, 
all  masonry  joints  repaired,  roof  repaired,  stucco  repaired  and  cleaned, 
and  a  waterproof  sealer  sprayed  over  the  entire  building.    This  comes  to  a 
total  of  $6,271 .00. 

Members  who  will  lead  in  the  Wednesday  sessions  are  Shearin  Teague, 
Philip  Culp,  John  Peeler,  Jackie  Taylor. 

The  meeting  was  adjourned  after  a  prayer  by  the  group. 

Randy  Bingham,  President 

Jackie  Taylor,  Secretary 

Attendance:    Pastor  Fisher 
James  Bonds 
Randy  Bingham 
John  Linker 
John  Peeler 
Shearin  Teague 
Marguerite  Misenheimer 
Pat  Holshouser 
Philip  Culp 
Jackie  Taylor 

Treasurer's  Report  for  January,  1979 


Undesignated  Deaigiat  ad 

First  Sunday               $    1,103.05  $  33.0? 

Second  Sunday                     591.10  Sales  Tax 

Third  Sunday                       1+98.  U5  Refunded 
Fourth  Sunday  ~                   U59 1 55 

Sub  totals           |    2,652.15  $  33.0?" 

Total  Receipts  $2, 685.22 

Disbursements : 

Church  World  Service  (missions)  §  150.00 

Nazareth  Children's  Home  200.00 

Pastor's  Salary  1,187.00 

Pastor's  Travel  Expense  170.00 

Pastor's  Annuity  35?. 35 

Pastor's  Family  Protection  Plan  32.03 

Church  Office  Expense  206.78 

Youth  Ministry  60.00 

Flowers  10.65 

Music  Ministry            ,  !  '  150.00 

Sexton's  Salary  73.85 

Utilities  329.92 

Misc.  11U.30 

Sales  Tax  to  be  refunded  U.67 

Total  Disbursements  0  3»0ijl  ,55 

Balance  Brought  Forward  $  2, 516.25 

Total  Receipts  for  the  month  of  January  2,665.22 

Total  Receipts  and  Balance  Brought  Forward  £  5»20i.U7 

Less  Total  Disbursements  3.0U1.55 

Balance  in  Checking  Account,  Feb.  1,  1979  $  2,159-92 

Respectfully  submitted, 
Ray  ¥.  Brown-Treasurer 

Weekly  Requirement  §576.92 

Average  for  Jan.  £671.30 





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Rookwell ,  North  Carolina 

March  18,  1979 

The  trustees  recommend  the  following  proposals  of  restoration, 
beautification  and  preservation  to  the  entire  exterior  of  the 
Sanctuary  from  grade  level  to  highest  point | 

Item  I.    Sandblast  all  granite 

Item  II.  All  masonry  steam  oleaned 

Item  III, All  loose,  missing,  deteriorated  mortor  joints  and 
granite  out  out  and  repointed 

Item  IV,  All  masonry  treated  with  water  repellent 

Item  V,    Stucco  repaired,  steam  cleaned,  and  two  coats  of  water 
repellent  applied 

Item  VI,  Roofing  mastio  applied  to  edge  of  roof  and  bell  towers 

If  above  items  are  approved,  the  trustees  will  oontract  with  the 
Western  Waterproofing  Company,  Sts  Louis,  Mo.— Price  $6,271,00, 

The  trustees  suggest  we  use  the  1st  Sunday  Building  Fund  Offerings 
to  pay  for  the  above  project. 

MINUTES  OF  THE  CONSISTORY  -  March  18,  1979 

The  Consistory  of  Ursinus  United  Church  of  Christ  met  March  18,  1979 
in  the  Conference  Room.    The  meeting  was  called  to  order  by  President  Randy 
Bingham.    The  minutes  of  the  previous  meeting  were  read  and  approved.  The 
treasurer's  report  was  given  as  follows: 

The  congregation  voted  for  the  improvement  program  as  the  Trustees 
proposed.    This  program  includes  the  following  items: 

1.  Sandblast  all  granite 

2.  All  masonry  steam  cleaned 

3.  All  loose,  missing,  deteriorated  mortar  joints  and  granite  cut 
out  and  repointed. 

4.  All  masonry  treated  with  water  repellent. 

5.  Stucco  repaired,  steam  cleaned,  and  two  coats  of  water  repellent 
appl ied. 

6.  Roofing  mastic  applied  to  edge  of  roof  and  bell  towers. 

This  contract  is  with  the  Western  Waterproofing  Company,  St.  Louis, 
Missouri,  at  the  price  of  $6,271.00. 

Pastor  Fisher  announced  that  August  26  is  the  date  for  worship  at  the 
Blowing  Rock  Assembly  Grounds.    The  Assembly  Grounds  invites  church  members 
for  overnight  and  meals  anytime.    Call  for  reservations. 

It  was  announced  by  Pastor  Fisher  that  a  Confirmation  Retreat  will  be 
held  May  11  -  14  at  the  Assembly  Grounds.    The  cost  is  $12.50/person.  We 
have  two  students  eligible  for  this  retreat.    A  motion  was  made  by  Jean 
Puckett  and  seconded  by  Philip  Culp  that  we  send  the  two  students,  Cyrus 
Cooper  and  Alicia  Waddell  with  advisors  Jan  and  David  Gore. 

Diane  Sheppard  will  be  assembling  the  booklet  for  the  "Your  Nail"  Lenten 

Total  Receipts  and  Balance  brought  forward 
Less  Total  Disbursements 
Balance  March  3,  1979 

1 ,979.61 
$1 ,849.65 

MINUTES  OF  THE  CONSISTORY  -  March  18,  1979  PAGE  TWO 

There  will  be  an  Easter  Sunday  Baptismal  Service,  with  the  Charles 
Misenheimer  infant  being  baptized. 

After  praying  the  Lord's  Prayer,  the  meeting  was  adjourned. 

Randy  Bingham,  President 

Jackie  Taylor,  Secretary 

Attendance:    Philip  Culp 

Marguerite  Misenheimer 

Randy  Bingham 

James  Bonds 

Ronnie  Shoaf 

Jean  Puckett 

Jackie  Taylor 

Pastor  Fisher 

MINUTES  OF  THE  CONSISTORY  -  April  22,  1979 

The  Consistory  of  Ursinus  United  Church  of  Christ  met  Apirl  22,  1979 

in  the  conference  room.    The  meeting  was  called  to  order  by  President  Randy 

Bingham.    The  minutes  of  the  previous  meeting  were  read  and  approved  by  the 

group.    The  treasurer's  report  was  given  as  follows: 

Total  Receipts  and  Balance  brought  forward  $4,940.50 
Less  Total  Disbursements  3,1 1 1 . 56 

Balance  in  checking  account  April  1,  1979  $1 ,828.94 

The  Quarterly  Treasurer's  Report  showed  that  $8,132.72  had  been  spent 
on  the  yearly  budget. 

It  was  announced  that  the  two  confirmands,  Cyrus  Cooper  and  Alicia 
Waddell,  will  be  attending  the  Confirmation  Retreat  May  11  -  14.  Expenses 
will  be  paid  by  the  church. 

Marguerite  Misenheimer  asked  permission  to  use  the  Fellowship  Hall  June  2. 
Permission  was  granted. 

It  was  brought  to  the  attention  of  the  Consistory  that  no  special  times 
had  been  set  up  for  the  lighting  of  the  brass  hurricane  lamps  in  the  windows. 
It  was  agreed  that  Pastor  Fisher  and  Jackie  Taylor  would  establish  these 
dates  and  the  ushers  would  light  the  candles  on  these  dates. 

The  "Your  Nail"  Lenten  Program  was  discussed.    It  was  decided  that  the 
program  was  generally  effective  with  good  participation.    Permission  was 
granted  for  the  cross  used  in  these  services  to  be  placed  in  the  History  Room. 

The  following  announcements  were  made  by  Pastor  Fisher. 

1.  The  Church  Men's  Fellowship  will  hold  their  spring  meeting  April  26 
at  the  Crystal  Lounge.    Men  were  urged  to  attend. 

2.  Nazareth  Children's  Home  will  hold  a  Spring  Festival  June  9. 

3.  May  6  there  will  be  a  Youth  Rally  for  the  Youth  Fellowship  in 
Al  bemarle. 

MINUTES  OF  THE  CONSISTORY  -  April  22,  1979  PAGE  TWO 

The  group  decided  to  put  one  advertisement  in  the  East  Rowan  Fair 
Booklet  at  a  cost  not  to  exceed  $20.00. 

A  report  from  the  Trustees  indicated  that  the  cleaning  and  improvement 
project  is  progressing  according  to  schedule.    The  Trustees  requested  to 
use  $1,000  out  of  the  regular  church  budget  since  there  is  a  $2,000  balance 
in  the  checking  account.    They  would  also  like  to  use  $500  from  the  Memorial 
Fund.    This  proposal  was  to  keep  from  borrowing  money.    After  discussion 
Shearin  Teague  made  a  motion  seconded  by  John  Peeler  that  the  $500  in  the 
Memorial  Fund  be  used  by  the  Trustees.    Ronnie  Shoaf  made  a  motion,  seconded 
by  Jean  Puckett,  that  $1,000  from  the  chruch  checking  account  be  used  if 
needed  to  pay  for  the  improvements. 

A  request  for  Letter  of  Transfer  of  Gary  and  Janice  Mull  to  Ascension 
Lutheran  Church,  Shelby  was  made  to  the  Pastor.    The  request  was  granted. 

The  meeting  was  adjourned  after  praying  together  the  Lord's  Prayer. 

Randy  Bingham,  President 

Jackie  Taylor,  Secretary 

Attendance:    John  Peeler 
James  Bonds 
Jean  Puckett 
Randy  Bingham 
Shearin  Teague 
Pat  Holshouser 
Marguerite  Misenheimer 
Ronnie  Shoaf 
Philip  Culp 
Jackie  Taylor 
Pastor  Fisher 

Treasurer's  Report  For  March,  1979 


First  Sunday 
Second  Sunday 
Third  Sunday 
Fourth  Sunday 

Total  Receipts 

4  581+.  55 

$  3,090.85 

Disbursements : 

Pastor's  Salary 
Our  Christian  World  Mission 
Rowan  Cooperative  Christian  Ministry  a 
Pastor's  Travel  Expense 
Pastor's  Group  Hospital  Ins. 
Church  Office  Expense 
Church  School  Expense 
Youth  Work 

Bonding  Treasurer 
Music  Ministry 
Sexton's  Salary 

Sales  Tax  to  he  Refunded 

Total  Disbursements 

Balance  Brought  Forward 
Total  Receipts  (March) 
Total  Receipts  and  Bal.  Bro,  For. 

Less  Total  Disbursements 

Balance  in  Checking  Account  1+/1/79 

1,271+. 00 

















t  1,828.91+ 

Weekly  Requirement  $576.92 
Average  for  March  $772.71 
First  Quarter  Weekly  Ave.        £620. 1+5 

Building  Fund  Challenge    Today  we  emphasize  the  Building 
Fund.    'There  are  envelopes  in  the  pews.    A  certain  member 
challenges  all  who  will  to  match  his  $100.00  gift.  Your 
offerings  will  go  to  pay  for  the  restoration  project. 


Treasurers  Report  for  April,  1979 



First  Sunday  $  570.75 

Second  Sunday                   672,00  $   1 89.80 

Third  Sunday                     59U.50  John's  River 

Fourth  Sunday                  629.20  Camp 
Fifth  Sunday  630.25 

Total  Receipts           I3Jc5oV70  #  189780 



Our  Christian  World  Mission  $  300.00 

Nazareth  Children1  s  Home  200.00 

World  Service  100.00 

Pastor* s  Salary  887.00 

Pastor's  Travel  Expense  166.00 

Pastor's  Annuity  1*08.67 

Pastor's  Life  Insurance  37*15 

Church  Office  Expense  U7.3? 

Youth  Ministry  75.00 

Flowers  5^.25 

Music  Ministry  200.00 

Sextons  Salary                     •  73*85 

Utilities  3U8.22 

Misc.  15.15 

Sales  Tax  to  be  refunded  \  2.73 

Total  Disbursements  $  2,917.89 

Balance  Brought  Forward  t  1,828.9k 

Total  Receipts  for  the  month   of  April  3.286.50 

*  i )  -  • 

Total  Receipts  and  Balance  Brought  Forward  %  5»H5«i& 

Less  Total  Disbursements  2.917.89 

Balance  in  Checking  Account   5/1/79  $2,197.55 

Respeotfully  submitted, 

Bay  W.  Brown-Treasurer  Weekly  Requirement  $576.92 

Average  for  April     $619. 3k 

MINUTES  OF  THE  CONSISTORY  -  May  20,  1979 

The  Consistory  of  the  United  Church  of  Christ  met  April  22,  1979  in  the 

conference  room.    President  Randy  Bingham  opened  the  meeting  with  a  prayer. 

The  minutes  of  the  previous  meeting  were  approved  as  read.    The  treasurer's 

report  was  given  as  follows: 

Total  Receipts  and  Balance  brought  forward  $5,115.44 
Less  Total  Disbursements  2,917.89 
Balance  in  Checking  Account  May  1,  1979  $2,197.55 

Jackie  Taylor  and  Pastor  Fisher  met  and  established  a  list  of  times  that 

the  hurricane  lamps  should  be  used.    The  ushers  will  be  informed  and  a  list 

posted  for  them. 

Pastor  Fisher  reminded  the  Consistory  of  the  Spring  Festival  at  Nazareth 
Children's  Home  June  9.    We  may  be  asked  to  provide  help  selling  food  but 
there  is  nothing  definite  yet. 

Cyrus  Cooper  and  Alicia  Waddell  attended  the  Confirmation  Retreat 
accompanied  by  Jan  and  David  Gore. 

Since  there  are  no  plans  for  a  Community  Fair  this  year,  we  will  not 
be  putting  an  advertisement  in  the  booklet.  The  group  discussed  putting  ads 
in  the  Post  again.    Pastor  Fisher  asked  for  ideas  for  a  unique  ad.    No  action 
was  taken  at  this  time. 

Signs  identifying  Sunday  School  classrooms  have  been  placed  throughout 
the  Educational  Building.    The  Adult  Sunday  School  Class  paid  for  these  signs. 

Bible  School  will  be  held  June  11  -  15. 

Pastor  Fisher  presented  the  names  of  Cyrus  Cooper  and  Alicia  Waddell  to 
be  confirmed  June  3.    The  Consistory  approved. 

James  Bonds  and  Rachel  Lapham  were  elected  as  delegates  to  Conference 
at  Catawba  College,  June  2-3. 


The  Consistory  voted  that  the  Youth  Fellowship  will  have  one  meeting 
per  month  in  July,  August  and  September.  This  meeting  will  be  a  special 
outing  or  trip  that  will  last  about  4  hours. 

Pastor  Fisher  asked  the  group  to  think  about  a  preparatory  service 
for  World  Wide  Communion,  the  first  Sunday  in  October.    This  service  would 
probably  be  held  on  Saturday,  perhaps  beginning  with  a  picnic  supper. 

There  being  no  further  business,  the  meeting  was  adjourned  with  the 
Lord's  Prayer. 

Randy  Bingham,  President 

Jackie  Taylor,  Secretary 

Attendance:    Pastor  Fisher 
James  Bonds 
Tony  Misenheimer 
John  Peeler 
Randy  Bingham 
Philip  Culp 

Marguerite  Misenheimer 

Treasurer's  Report  for  May,  1979 


First  Sunday 
Second  Sunday 
Third  Sunday 
Fourth  Sunday 
Total  Receipts 

Disbursements  % 

Western  H.  C.  Association  (UCC)  $  80.00 
Johns  River  Camp  200.00 
Johns  River  Camp  (Lenten  Offering)  189.80 
Pastor* s  Salary  887. 00 

Pastor's  Travel  Expense  166.00 
Church  Offioe  Expense  57.36 
Church  School  Expense  256.93 
Youth  Work  60.00 
Flower  ministry  3^00 
Music  Ministry  1^0.00 
Sexton1 8  Salary  73.85 
Utilities  309.56 
Misc.  (Western  Waterproofing  Co.  Inc.)  600.00 
Sales  tax  to  be  refunded  it. 82 

Total  Disbursements  $  3,060.32 

Balance  Brought  Forward  $  2,197.55 

Total  Receipts  for  the  month  of  May  fl  2.236a75 

Total  Receipts  and  Bal.  Bro.  Forward  $  U»U3U.30 

Less  Total  Disbursements  $  3.060.32 

Balance  in  Checking  Account    6/1/79  $   1» 373.98 

Respectfully  submitted, 
Ray  W,  Brown-Treasurer 

Weekly  Requirement  § 576. 92 
Averave  for  May  $559.19 

$  U63.UO 


MINUTES  OF  THE  CONSISTORY  -  June  17,  1979 

The  Consistory  of  the  Ursinus  United  Christ  of  Christ  met  June  17,  1979 

in  the  conference  room.    The  president  opened  the  meeting  by  having  Consistory 

members  read  from  Proverbs,  Chapter  27.    The  minutes  of  the  previous  meeting 

were  read  and  approved.    The  treasurer's  report  was  given  as  follows: 

Total  Receipts  and  Balance  brought  forward  $4,424.30 
Less  Total  Disbursements  3,060. 32 

Balance  in  Checking  Account  June  1,  1979  $1 ,373.98 

Advertisements  for  the  paper  were  discussed  again.    After  much  discus- 
sion it  was  decided  that  a  most  unique  ad  must  be  used  to  draw  attention. 
Members  were  to  bring  ideas  next  meeting. 

A  Building  Fund  Report  will  be  tallied  for  next  Sunday's  bulletin. 

Mike  and  Cindy  Yost  have  expressed  a  desire  to  transfer  from  Emmanuel 
Lutheran  Church  and  Shi  1  oh  Methodist  Church,  where  they  held  separate 
memberships,  to  Ursinus.    A  motion  was  made  by  John  Peeler  and  seconded  by 
Shearin  Teague  that  we  invite  the  Yosts  to  be  members. 

Marvin  Schaeffer  will  be  the  guest  pastor  June  25,  while  Pastor  Fisher 
is  on  vacation. 

The  Trustees  have  suggested  a  work  day  for  the  whole  congregation  on 
August  4.    A  work  sheet  will  be  provided  for  people  to  sign  up  for  specific 
duties.    The  hours  will  be  from  10:00  -  12:00  with  a  picnic  lunch  following. 

Randy  Bingham,  President 

Jackie  Taylor,  Secretary 

Attendance:    Philip  Culp 

Shearin  Teague 
John  Peeler 
Ronnie  Shoaf 
Marguerite  Misenheimer 
Randy  Bingham 
Jackie  Taylor 
Pastor  Fisher 

Rockwell,  North  Carolina 
Annual /Quarter  Budget  Report 



Our  Christian  World  Mission  (OCWM) 

World  Service  (OGHS  &  SOS) 

Western  NC  Association  (UCC) 

NC  Council  of  Churohes 

Nazareth  Childrens  Home  (UCC) 

Rowan  Cooperative  Christian  Ministry 

Church  Builders  Club  (For  UCC  Mission  Churches) 

United  Church  of  Christ  Retirement  Home 

Lancaster  Theological  Seminary  (UCC) 

John's  River  Camp  (UCC) 


Pastors  Salary 

Pastors  Vehicle  Allowance 

Pastors  Group  Hospital  Insurance 

Pastors  Annunity  Fund 

Vacation  Supply  and  Guest  Leadership 

Family  Protection  Plan  (Life  Insurance) 

Social  Security 

Parish  Program 

Church  Office  Expense  &  Supplies 

Church  School 

Youth  Ministry 


Church  Women 

Delegates  expense  to  Conference  &  Association 
Bonding  of  Financial  Secretary  &  Treasurer 
Music  Ministry 

Building  and  Grounds 

Sextons  Salary- 

Insurance  (Buildings) 
Items  not  Listed  Elsewhere 

Total  Budget 

Weekly  Budget 

$  2,625.00 



$10,6111+.  00 










Sales  Tax  to  be  refunded 
Total  Special  Collections 
Total  Received  for  Six 

ending,  {June  JOik,  /?7<? 

Treasurer's  Report  for  June,  1979 


First  Sunday  $  723.OO 

Second  Sunday  602.16 
Third  Sunday  578.60 
Fourth  Sunday  laO.OO 
Total  Receipts  t  2,313.76 


Our  Christian  World  Mission  (OCWM)  $  200.00 
Lancaster  Theological  Seminary  100.00 
Pastor's  Salary  887. 00 

Pastor's  Travel  Expense  166.00 
Pastor's  Group  Hospital  Ins.  261+.00 
C^-irch  School  Expense  23.75 
Youth  Ministry  60.00 
Flowers  7.50 
Music  Ministry  1+0.00 
Sexton's  Salary  IOI4.3O 
Utilities  381+.  87 

Misc.  15.U5 
Sales  Tax  to  be  refunded  .30 

Total  Disbursements  I  2,253.17 

Balance  Brought  Forward  $  lt 373.98 
Total  Receipts  for  the  month  of  June  2.313.76 

Total  Receipts  and  Balance  Brought  Forward  $  3,687,7U 
Less  Total  Disbursements  2.253.17 

Balance  in  Checking  Account  7 A/79  $  l,l+3U.57 

Respectfully  submitted,  _— 
Ray  W.  Brown-Treasurer 

Weekly  Requirement  $576.92 
Average  for  June  1578.14+ 


MINUTES  OF  THE  CONSISTORY  -  July  15,  1979 

The  Consistory  of  the  Ursinus  Church  of  Christ  met  July  15,  1979  in 

the  conference  room.    Randy  Bingham  opened  the  meeting  with  a  prayer.  The 

minutes  of  the  previous  meeting  were  read  and  approved  by  the  group.  The 

monthly  treasurer's  report  was  submitted  as  follows  by  Ray  Brown,  treasurer. 

Total  Receipts  and  Balance  brought  forward  $3,687.74 
Less  Total  Disbursements  2,253.1 7 

Balance  in  checking  account  July  1,  1979  $1 ,434.57 

The  Quarterly  treasurer's  report  was  also  given.    With  a  budget  of 
$30,000,  $16,364.10  has  been  paid  at  this  point.    Complete  figures  may  be 
found  attached  to  the  minutes. 

After  discussion  it  was  decided  that  helpers  on  the  church  work  day  would 
not  bring  lunches.    Concerning  the  work  day,  various  methods  were  discussed 
as  to  how  to  clean  the  brass  rail  on  the  church  front  steps. 

Diane  Sheppard  has  compiled  and  completed  the  "Your  Nail"  Booklet.  It 
will  be  placed  in  the  History  Room. 

Advertisements  for  the  newspaper  were  discussed  again.    After  much  dis- 
cussion no  new  ideas  were  offered.    Pastor  Fisher  planned  to  bring  some  of 
our  most  effective  ads  from  the  past  to  help  plan  for  new  ads.    Also  John 
Peeler  suggested  that  maybe  a  contest  for  members  of  the  congregation  may 
help  us  get  new  ads. 

It  was  announced  that  there  would  be  Bus  Tours  to  New  England  and  New 
Orleans  for  interested  persons  sponsored  by  the  United  Church  of  Christ. 
Dates  for  the  Tours  are  New  England  -  September  18-24;  New  Orleans  - 
October  19-26. 

MINUTES  OF  THE  CONSISTORY  -  July  15,  1979 


Blowing  Rock  Assembly  Grounds  has  announced  two  special  promotions  for 
this  fall.    One  is  the  Fall  Foliage  Package  at  a  special  rate  and  there  is 
to  be  a  special  event  for  the  elderly.    In  addition  to  these  there  is  the 
Brotherhood  Annual  Meeting  scheduled  for  August  24-26. 

It  was  announced  by  the  pastor  that  church  attendance  was  the  highest 
(except  on  one  occasion)  in  a  10-year  period  for  the  month  of  July. 

A  request  was  made  by  non-members  Robert  Hedonskog  and  Mary  Smith  to 
use  the  sanctuary  to  be  married.    A  motion  was  made  by  Shearin  Teague  and 
seconded  by  Marguerite  Misenheimer  to  grant  the  request  if  church  rules  are 
abided  by. 

Our  Annual  Blowing  Rock  Sunday  will  be  August  26.    The  congregation  is 
urged  to  attend. 

There  being  no  further  business,  the  meeting  was  adjourned. 

Randy  Bingham,  President 

Jackie  Taylor,  Secretary 

Attendance:    Philip  Culp 
John  Peeler 
John  Linker 
James  Bonds 
Shearin  Teague 
Marguerite  Misenheimer 
Pat  Holshouser 
Randy  Bingham 
Pat  Holshouser 

Treasurer's  Heport  for  July,  1979 

Receipts                 Undesignated  Designated 

First  Sunday            $     722. $0  ft  18. 1+6 

Second  Sunday                 811+. 00  Sales  tax 

Third  Sanday                  557.00  refunded 
Fourth  Sunday  1*39.00 
Fifth  Sunday  62L.10 

Totals                     £  3,156.60  ft  18.1+6 

Grand  Total  Receipts  #3,175.06 


Rowan  Cooperative  Christian  Ministry  ft  200.00 

Pastor's  Salary  887.00 

Pastor's  Travel  Expense  166.00 

Pastor's  Annuity  380.51 

Pastor's  Family  Life  Ins.  3U.59 

Church  Office  supplies  78.66 

Church  Sohool  156.33 

Youth  Ministry  83.50 

Flowers  50.25 

Musio  Ministry  133.10 

Sexton's  Salary  73.85 

Utilities  370.28 

Insurance  on  buildings  5M>.00 

Sales  Tax  to  be  refunded  'U.76 

Total  Disbursements  $3,16i+.83 

Balance  Brought  Forward  ftl,l+3U»57 

Total  Receipts  for  the  month  of  July  &3.175.06 

Total  Receipts  &  Bal.  Brought  Forward  $1+, 609.63 

Less  Total  Disbursements  ft3.l6h.83 

Balance  in  Checking  Account  8/1/79  ftl,l+l+l+.80 

Respectfully  submitted,  Weekly  Requirement  $576.92 

Ray  W.  Brown-Treasurer  Average  for  July  0635.01 

MINUTES  OF  THE  CONSISTORY  -  August  16,  1979 

The  Consistory  of  Ursinus  United  Church  of  Christ  met  August  16,  1979 

in  the  conference  room.    Randy  Bingham  opened  the  meeting  with  devotions. 

The  minutes  of  the  previous  meeting  were  read  and  approved.    The  treasurer's 

report  was  given  as  follows: 

Total  Receipts  and  Balance  brought  forward  $4,609.63 
Less  Total  Disbursements  3,164.83 
Balance  in  checking  account  August  1,  1979         $1 ,444.80 

The  Hedaskog  wedding  (permission  was  granted  at  the  last  meeting)  has 

been  cancelled. 

In  order  to  keep  the  brass  rail  shiny,  Consistory  members  have  consented 
to  take  turns  weekly  to  accomplish  this.    Jean  Puckett  agreed  to  clean  the 
rail  for  September.    Consistory  members  will  volunteer  monthly  for  this  duty. 

It  was  decided  that  the  extra  church  sign  that  we  have  will  be  altered 
so  it  can  be  used  at  the  cemetery.    Randy  Bingham  will  contact  Harwood  Signs 
about  this  alteration. 

The  entire  congregation  will  be  meeting  at  Blowing  Rock  next  Sunday 
(August  26).    The  youth  will  be  in  charge  of  the  program  of  devotions. 

It  was  discussed  that  the  Youth  Fellowship  and  the  Confirmation  Class 
may  be  able  to  meet  on  the  same  afternoon  (Tuesday).    This  may  help  some 
parents  driving  children  to  these  meetings  and  improve  attendance.    No  vote 
was  taken  on  this  suggestion. 

There  will  be  a  special  issue  of  A.D.  Magazine  at  60<£  a  copy  in  October. 
A  motion  was  made  by  Marguerite  Misenheimer  and  seconded  by  Jean  Puckett 
that  a  copy  be  purchased  for  every  family  in  the  church  of  this  special 

MINUTES  OF  THE  CONSISTORY  -  August  16,  1979  PAGE  TWO 

It  was  announced  by  Pastor  Fisher  that  the  Preparatory  Service  will 
be  held  October  6.    A  family  covered  dish  dinner  will  begin  at  6:00. 
The  service  will  begin  at  7:30  p.m. 

Nazareth  Children's  Home  has  announced  that  children  will  be  available 
to  visit  in  homes  on  holidays  and  weekends.    Families  desiring  children 
to  visit  should  contact  the  Children's  Home. 

There  being  no  further  business,  the  meeting  was  adjourned. 

Randy  Bingham,  President 

Jackie  Taylor,  Secretary 

Attendance:    James  Bonds 
Jean  Puckett 
Marguerite  Misenheimer 
John  Peeler 
Randy  Bingham 
Jackie  Taylor 
Pastor  Fisher 

' —  Treasurer's  Report  for  August,  1979 


First  Sunday  $  753.00 

Second  Sunday  5U3.80 
Third  Sunday  U39 .  50 

Fourth  Sunday  (Blowing  Rock,  no  regular  offering) 

Total  $1,736.30 

Pastor's  Salary 
Pastor's  Travel  Expense 
•Church  Office  Expense 
Youth  Ministry 
Church  Women 
Music  Ministry 
Sexton's  Salary 

Total  Disbursements 

"Balance  Brought  Forward 

ibtal  Receipts  for  the  month  of  Aug, 

Total  Reoeipts  and  Bal»  Brought  For. 
Less  Total  Disbursements 

Balance  in  Checking  Account  9A/79 

Respectfully  submitted, 
Ray  W,  Brown-Treasurer 

Weekly  Requirement  $576.92 
August  Average  $U3U.70 
Eight  month  weekly  average  $598.50 

$  887.00 





MINUTES  OF  THE  CONSISTORY  -  September  16,  1979 

The  Consistory  of  the  Ursinus  United  Church  of  Christ  met  September  16, 

1979  in  the  conference  room.    The  meeting  was  opened  with  a  prayer  by  the 

president,  Randy  Bingham.    The  minutes  of  the  previous  meeting  were  read 

and  approved.    The  treasurer's  report  was  given  as  follows: 

Total  Receipts  and  Balance  brought  forward  $3,181.10 
Less  Total  Disbursements  1 ,944.53 

Balance  in  checking  account  9/1/79  $1 ,236.57 

Shearin  Teague  volunteered  for  the  job  of  polishing  the  rail  for  the 

month  of  October. 

The  sign  previously  made  to  identify  the  church  has  been  renovated  to 
identify  the  cemetery. 

The  Youth  Fellowship  will  continue  to  meet  on  Sunday  and  the  Confirmation 
Class  will  begin  meeting  in  October. 

The  Consistory  gave  its  consent  that  homemade  bread  could  be  used  for 
the  October  communion. 

It  was  announced  that  there  would  be  a  Hunger  Run  in  Salisbury  October  6 
and  7  to  benefit  CROP.    It  is  hoped  that  Ursinus  will  have  participants. 

The  Trustees  reported  that  there  is  still  some  leaking  of  the  roof  and 
some  water  still  coming  in  the  basement.    They  would  like  for  help  on 
Saturday,  September  29  to  complete  some  unfinished  work  from  the  work  day. 

Cindy  Yost  asked  for  permission  to  use  the  Fellowship  Hall  on  September 
23.    A  motion  was  made  by  John  Peeler  and  seconded  by  Marguerite  Misenheimer 
that  permission  be  granted. 

Jackie  Taylor  and  Marguerite  Misenheimer  were  named  as  delegates  to 
the  Fall  Association  Meeting  at  Mt.  Zion  Church  October  9. 

MINUTES  OF  THE  CONSISTORY  -  September  16,  1979  PAGE  TWO 

The  youth  group  will  be  selling  Halloween  candy  several  Sundays  in 

The  Ursinus  College  Choir  will  be  in  the  area  March  1-2.    They  will  be 
singing  in  our  church  on  Saturday,  March  1.    We  will  provide  a  fellowship 
supper  before  the  service.    Also  we  will  provide  overnight  accommodations 
for  20  students.    Our  cost  will  be  $250. 

A  motion  was  made  by  John  Peeler  that  the  Advent  kit  "God's  Yes"  be 
ordered  for  use  during  the  coming  Advent  season. 

A  film  concerning  the  plight  of  Refugee  Families  will  be  shown  at  St. 
James  Lutheran  Church  September  23  at  7:00  p.m.    Congregations  in  the  East 
Rowan  Church  area  are  incited  to  view  this  film  to  see  if  there  is  any 
interest  in  sponsoring  a  Refugee  Family. 

There  being  no  further  business,  the  meeting  was  adjourned. 

Randy  Bingham,  President 

Jackie  Taylor,  Secretary 

Attendance:    Randy  Bingham 
Jean  Puckett 
John  Peeler 
Shearin  Teague 
Pat  Hoi shouser 
Marguerite  Misenheimer 
Jackie  Taylor 
Pastor  Fisher 

MINUTES  OF  THE  CONSISTORY  -  October  21,  1979 

The  Consistory  of  Ursinus  Church  met  October  21,  1979  immediately 
following  the  church  service  in  the  conference  room.    The  change  in  meeting 
time  was  necessary  to  meet  a  previous  commitment  of  the  pastor.  Randy 
Bingham,  President,  called  the  meeting  to  order.    The  treasurer's  report 
was  given. 

The  Pastor  reported  that  we  will  not  be  using  the  material  "God's 
Yes"  for  Advent.    On  closer  examination,  this  material  was  not  suitable. 

The  subject  of  resettling  refugees  has  been  dropped  for  the  present 
time  because  of  lack  of  interest. 

The  present  yough  schedule  is  as  follows:    Youth  will  be  meeting  on  the 
2nd  and  4th  Sundays.    One  hour  will  be  devoted  to  music  training  and  one 
hour  for  youth  meeting. 

The  Consistory  would  like  an  immediate  response  from  the  Trustees 
regarding  the  installation  of  the  new  furnace  at  the  parsonage.    The  furn- 
ace has  been  here  two  years  and  needs  to  be  installed.    If  the  first  company 
is  unable  to  install  this  furnace  another  company  should  be  contacted. 

A  committee  composed  of  the  following  members  will  meet  November  4  to 
nominate  persons  to  fill  vacated  seats  of  deacons  and  elders  whose  terms 
will  be  expiring  this  year.    The  committee  is  composed  of  Philip  Culp.  Pat 
Holshouser,  John  Peeler,  James  Bonds,  Shearin  Teague,  and  Jackie  Taylor. 

The  Deacons  will  be  meeting  October  28  at  6:00  to  consider  the  budget 
for  the  coming  year. 

The  Home  Demonstrations  Club  asked  permission  to  use  the  Fellowship 
Hall  on  December  3.    A  motion  was  made  by  Marguerite  Misenheimer  that  per- 
mission be  granted. 

Treasurer's  Report  for  October,  1979 


First  Sunday  $     695. $0 

Second  Sunday  702.2$ 

Total  Receipts  $  2, 687.65 

Disbursements : 

Our  Christian  World  Mission  (OCWM)  $  200.00 

Nazareth  Children's  Home  200.00 
Church  Builder's  Club  (For  mission  churches)  100.00 

United  Church  of  Christ  Retirement  Home  100.00 

Pastors  Salary  887. 00 

Pastors  Travel  Expense  166.00 

Pastors  Annuity  Fund  380.51 

Pastors  Family  Life  Insurance  3U.59 

Church  Office  Expense  9.50 

Church  School  Expense  13.50 

Youth  Ministry  170.00 

Flowers  33.75 

Music  Ministry  100.00 

Sexton's  Salary  73.85 

Jtilities  1+27.52 

Misc.  1U.30 

Sales  Tax  to  be  returned    2.23 

Total  Disbursements  $  2,912.75 

Balance  Brought  Forward  $  1,762.07 

Total  Receipts  2.687.05 

Total  Receipts  and  Bal.  Bro.  Forward        $  U,UU9.12 

Less  Total  Disbursements  $  2.  912.75 

Balance  in  Checking  account,  11/1/79        ft  1,536.37 

Respectfully  submitted, 
Ray  W.  Brown-Treasurer 

Weekly  Requirement  $576.92 
October  Average  $671.76 

MINUTES  OF  THE  CONSISTORY  -  November  18,  1979 

The  Consistory  of  the  Ursinus  United  Church  of  Christ  met  in  the 
conference  room  November  18,  1979.    Randy  Bingham  opened  the  meeting  with 
the  Lord's  Prayer. 

More  discussion  was  held  concerning  the  replacement  of  the  furnace  in 
the  parsonage.    A  motion  was  made  by  Tony  Misenheimer  that  a  30-day  dead- 
line be  placed  on  the  contractor  (Rockwell  Radio  and  Electric)  for  the 
installation.    The  motion  was  seconded  by  Shearin  Teague. 

It  was  agreed  by  the  group  that  an  advertisement  be  placed  in  the  Post 
to  secure  a  secretary  for  the  church. 

The  budget  for  the  year  1980  was  presented  to  the  Consistory  by  Tony 
Misenheimer,  chairman  of  the  Deacon's  Committee  on  the  budget.    A  motion 
was  made  by  Shearin  Teague  and  seconded  by  John  Peeler  that  the  1980  budget 
be  accepted.    (A  copy  of  this  budget  follows  this  page).    This  budget  will 
be  published  in  the  bulletin  two  weeks  prior  to  the  congregational  meeting 
at  which  time  the  budget  will  be  presented  to  the  congregation  for  approval. 
This  is  in  accordance  with  the  constitution  of  the  church. 

The  following  slate  of  officers  were  presented  by  the  nomination 
committee : 

Trustees  -  Rena  Bost,  Marguerite  Misenheimer 

Deacons  -  Tony  Misenheimer,  Sue  Hall,  David  Gore,  Alice  Linker,  Paula 

Kepley,  Rachel  Lapham 
Elders  -  Ed  Augustyn,  Nancy  Miller,  Harold  Earnhardt,  Jean  Puckett, 

Dot  Royal ,  Ronnie  Shoaf 

The  congregation  will  vote  on  this  slate  of  officers  on  December  9. 

It  was  announced  that  the  choir  Christmas  program  will  be  December  23, 
followed  by  the  children's  program.    Candlelight  service  will  be  on 
December  24. 

MINUTES  OF  THE  CONSISTORY  -  November  18,  1979 


Ronnie  Shoaf  was  appointed  to  take  care  of  the  rail  in  December. 

The  treasurer's  report  was  given  as  follows: 

Total  Receipts  and  Balance  brought  forward  $3,938.47 
Less  Total  Disbursements  2,335 . 36 

Balance  in  checking  account  12/1/79  $1 ,61 3.1 1 

There  being  no  further  business,  the  meeting  was  adjourned. 

Randy  Bingham,  President 

Jackie  Taylor,  Secretary 

Attendance:    Randy  Bingham 
Shearin  Teague 
James  Bonds 
Tony  Misenheimer 
Philip  Culp 
Ronnie  Shoaf 
Marguerite  Misenheimer 
Jackie  Taylor 
Pat  Holshouser 
Pastor  Fisher 

Rockwell,  North  Carolina 


1979  11§0 

Our  Christian  World  Mission  (OCWM)                                  $    2,625.00  $  2,625.00 

World  Service    (OGHS  &  SOS)  2j0.00  250.00 

Western  NC  Association  (UCC)  80.00  80.00 

NC  Council  of  Churches  30.00  30.00 

Nazareth  Childrens  Home  (UCC)  600.00  600.00 

Rowan  Cooperative  Christian  Ministry  1+00.00  ilOO.OO 

Church  Builders  Club  (For  UCC  Mission  Churches)  100.00  100,00 

United  Church  of  Christ  Retirement  Center  100.00  100.00 

Lancaster  Theological  Seminary  (UCC)  100.00  500.00 

John's  River  Camp  (UCC)  200.00  200.00 


Pastors  Salary                                                               $  10,6UU.OO  $  12,000.00 

Pastors  Vehicle  Allowance  2,000.00  2,500.00 

Pastors  Group  Hospital  Insurance  1,100.00  1,100.00 

Pastors  Annunity  Fund  1,522.09  1,720.00 

Vacation  Supply  and  Guest  Leadership  200,00  200.00 

Family  Protection  Plan  (Life  Insurance)  130,00  130.00 

Social  Security  600,00  735.00 

Parish  Program 

Church  Office  Expense  and  Supplies                                 $       600.00  $  800.00 

Church      School  600.00  600.00 

Youth  Ministry  900.00  1,000.00 

Flowers  200.00  200,00 

Church  Women  100.00  100.00 

Delegates  expense  to  Conference  and  Association  100.00  100.00 

Bonding  of  Fianaoial  Secretary  and  Treasurer  10.00  25.00 

Music  Ministry  .  lfi|00.00  2,000.00 

Church  Seoretary  1,378.00 

Newsle  .tter  supplies  200.00 

Building  and  Grounds 

Sextons  Salary                                                               $    1,000.00  $  1,200,00 

Utilities  3,500.00  U, 500.00 

Insurance  (Buildings)  600.00  600,00 

Items  not  listed  elsewhere  308.91  i 

Total  Budget  30,000.00  $  35,973.00 

Weekly  Budget                                                               %       576.92  $  691.79 

Treasurer's  Report  for  November,  1979 

Receipts  Undesignated  Designated 

First  Sunday                   3    718.05  Family- 
Second  Sunday                       1+81+.25  Theiik- 
Third  Sunday                       565.55  $  199.00 
Fourth  Sunday                      liu5»2^  Offering 

$2,213.10  $    199. Ou 

Total  Receipts   $2,1+12.10 


Our  Christian  World  Mission  (OCWM) 

NC  Council  of  Churches 

Pastors  Salary 

Church  Office  Expense 

Pjntors  Travel  Expense 

Youth  Ministry 


Music  Ministry 
Sextons  Salary 

Sales  Tax  to  be  refunded 
Thank  Offering  (Designated) 

Total  Disbursements •••••••••••  •  «•  $2,335.36 

Balance  Brought  Forward  $1,536.37 
Total  Receipts  for  November  S2.U12.10 

Total  Receipts  and  Bal.  Bro.  Forward  I3,9U8.U7 
Less  Total  Disbursements  $2, 335*36 

Balance  in  Checking  Account    12/1/79  Sl.6i3.ll 

Respectfully  submitted,  Weekly  Requirement  $576.92 
Ray  W,  Brown-Treasurer        November  Average  $553*27 







MINUTES  OF  THE  CONSISTORY  -  December  16,  1979 

The  Consistory  of  the  Ursinus  United  Church  of  Christ  met  at  the  home 
of  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Jack  Taylor,  December  16,  1979  at  7:30  p.m.  with  Randy 
Bingham  presiding. 

A  secretary  has  been  hired  by  the  Pastor  to  serve  on  a  trial  basis 
until  the  first  of  the  year.    The  Pastor  requested  that  a  contract  be  drawn 
up  by  the  Consistory. 

Further  concern  was  shown  about  the  installation  of  the  heating  system 
in  the  parsonage.    After  discussion,  it  was  decided  that  Harold  Earnhardt 
and  Shearin  Teague  would  approach  Hugh  Bost  with  the  wishes  of  the  Consistory. 

Officers  for  the  coming  year  were  elected  as  follows: 

President  Jean  Puckett 

Vice  President  Shearin  Teague 

Recording  Secretary  Jackie  Taylor 
Financial  Secretary  Ray  Barnhardt 
Treasurer  Ray  Brown 

Memorial  Fund  Treas.    Ed  Augystyn 

The  Pastor  announced  that  all  Christmas  Programs  were  prepared.  The 
annual  meeting  of  the  church  is  scheduled  for  January  20,  1980  at  6:30  p.m. 
This  will  be  a  covered  dish  supper. 

A  motion  was  made  and  seconded  that  Consistory  would  meet  January  13 
to  avoid  conflict  with  the  annual  meeting. 

Nancy  Miller  was  appointed  delegate  to  the  RCCM  with  Harold  Earnhardt 
as  an  alternate. 

A  motion  was  made  by  Harold  Earnhardt  and  seconded  by  Ed  Augustyn  that 
a  special  offering  be  received  at  the  Christmas  Eve  Service  for  the  United 
Church  Christmas  Fund.    This  fund  helps  retired  ministers  and  offers  help 
in  emergencies. 

MINUTES  OF  THE  CONSISTORY  -  December  16,  1979  PAGE  TWO 

A  copy  of  the  proposed  newsletter  was  shown  to  the  Consistory.  More 
recipients  are  needed  to  comply  with  the  bulk  rate  mailing  permit. 

The  Trustees  reported  that  they  will  weather  strip  doors  around  the 
church.    They  requested  that  a  committee  be  appointed  to  consider  replacing 
carpet  in  the  educational  building  including  stairs,  halls,  nursery  and 
possibly  the  office.    The  following  were  appointed  by  the  president:  John 
Linker,  Jackie  Taylor  and  Philip  Culp. 

There  being  no  further  business  the  meeting  was  adjourned  with  the 
Lord's  Prayer. 

The  Consistory  thanked  Randy  Bingham  for  his  years  of  service  as  presi- 
dent and  the  incoming  and  outgoing  members  were  served  refreshments. 

Randy  Bingham,  President 

Jackie  Taylor,  Secretary 

Attendance:    Ronnie  Shoaf 

Marguerite  Misenheimer 
John  Linker 
David  Gore 
Shearin  Teague 
Harold  Earnhardt 
Jean  Puckett 
Tony  Misenheimer 
Randy  Bingham 
Alice  Linker 
Ed  Augustyn 
Jack  Taylor 
Jackie  Taylor 
Pastor  Fisher 

Treasurer's  Report  for  November,  1979 


First  Sunday- 
Second  Sunday- 
Third  Sunday 
Fourth  Sunday 

Total  Receipts 


Our  Christian  World  Mission  (OC¥M)  $  L00.00 

NC  Council  of  Churches  30.00 

Pastors  Salary  887. 00 

Church  Office  Expense  5U.75 

Pastors  Travel  Expense  166.00 

Youth  Ministry  US. 00 

Flowers  12.00 

Music  Ministry  100.00 

SWtons  Salary  73.85' 

Utilities  318.28 

Misc.  U9.00 

Sales  Tax  to  be  refunded  ,U8 

Thank  Offering  (Designated)  199.00 

Total  Disbursements  $2,335.36 

Balance  Brought  Forward  $1, 536.37 

Total  Receipts  for  November  32.U12.10 

Total  Receipts  and  Bal.  Bro.  Forward  $3,9U8.U7 

Less  Total  Disbursements  $2. 335.36 

Balance  in  Checking  Account  12/1/79  $1,613.11 

Respectfully  submitted,  Weekly  Requirement  3576.92 
Ray  W,  Brown-Treasurer        November  Average  $553.27 

Undesignated  Designated 

%    718.05  Family- 

U8U.25  Thank- 

565.55  %  199.00 

UU5.25  Offering 

$2,213.10  %  199.OO 

MINUTES  OF  THE  CONSISTORY  -  January  13,  1980 

The  Consistory  of  the  Ursinus  United  Church  of  Christ  met  January  13 

in  the  conference  room.    The  meeting  was  called  to  order  by  President 

Jean  Puckett,  after  a  brief  devotional.    The  quarterly  budget  report  showing 

a  completed  budget  total  of  $32,224.21  was  presented.    (A  complete  report 

follows).    The  monthly  treasurer's  report  was  given  as  follows: 

Total  Receipts  and  Balance  brought  forward  $4,912.59 
Less  Total  Disbursements  2,911  .49 

Balance  in  checking  account  1/1/80  $2,001 .10 

It  was  announced  that  Mr.  Brown  and  Mr.  Barnhardt  agreed  to  keep  their 
positions  as  Treasurer  and  Financial  Secretary. 

Concerning  the  furnace,  Shearin  Teague  spoke  to  Hugh  Bost  about  beginning 
this  work.    Volunteers  will  be  needed  on  the  day  the  work  is  to  be  done. 
The  work  will  be  done  on  the  first  good  day. 

The  time  of  the  annual  meeting  will  be  changed  to  5:00  instead  of  6:00. 

The  Trustees  did  complete  the  weatherstri pping  job. 

Pastor  Fisher  announced  that  the  Ursinus  College  Choir,  with  about  40 
members,  will  be  giving  a  concert  at  our  church  Saturday,  March  1.  The 
congregation  will  provide  a  covered  dish  supper  for  the  group.    The  Women's 
Guild  will  be  in  charge  of  this.    Homes  will  be  needed  to  house  about  half 
of  the  group  for  the  night  and  transportation  will  be  needed  to  Salisbury 
for  the  ones  staying  in  Rockwell.    An  offering  will  be  taken  to  help  defray 
the  traveling  expense  of  $250. 

A  motion  was  made  by  Tony  Misenheimer  and  seconded  by  Philip  Culp  to 
accept  Rosemary  Lowery's  Letter  of  Transfer  from  the  United  Methodist  Church. 

A  motion  was  made  by  Ed  Augustyn  and  seconded  by  Shearin  Teague  to  hire 
Betty  Alexander  as  Church  Secretary.    Mrs.  Alexander  had  been  working  on  a 
trial  basis. 

MINUTES  OF  THE  CONSISTORY  -  January  13,  1980  PAGE  TWO 

The  Ash  Wednesday  Service  will  be  held  February  20  in  the  church 
sanctuary.    Other  Lenten  Services  will  be  scheduled  at  a  later  date. 

Jean  Puckett  will  be  cleaning  the  rail  in  January  and  Ed  Augustyn  will 
take  February. 

Tony  Misenheimer  and  Ed  Augustyn  volunteered  to  place  the  sign  for 
the  cemetery. 

Members  of  the  Sanctuary  and  Altar  Guild  were  announced  as  follows: 

Baptism  -  Marguerite  Misenheimer 
Altar  Cloths  -  Carolyn  Puckett  and  Helen  Earnhardt 
Communion  -  Marvin  and  Sue  Hall,  Hugh  and  Rena  Bost 
Pew  Cards  -  Anita  Berger 

The  meeting  was  then  adjourned  after  prayer. 

Jean  Puckett,  President 

Jackie  Taylor,  Secretary 

Attendance : 

Jean  Puckett 
Philip  Culp 
Tony  Misenheimer 
Pat  Holshouser 
Shearin  Teague 
David  Gore 
Ed  Augustyn 
Alice  Linker 
Harold  Earnhardt 
Jackie  Taylor 
Pastor  Fisher 

Rockwell,  North  Carolina 
Annual /Quarter  Budget  Report 



Our  Christian  World  Mission  (OCWM)                               $  2,625.00  -J  c  ° 

World  Service  (OGHS  &  SOS)  2^0.00  ?l2S 

Western  NC  Association  (UCC)  80.00  -  <{Of 

NC  Council  of  Churches  30.00  js, 

Nazareth  Childrens  Home  (UCC)  600.00  ^  7-0 

Rowan  Cooperative  Christian  Ministry  lj.00.00  w/T  O 

Clxuroh  Builders  Club  (For  UCC  Mission  Churches)  100.00  /  (>  r. 

United  Church  of  Christ  Retirement  Home  100.00  ,  r  C 

Lancaster  Theological  Seminary  (UCC)  100.00  //V^y 

John's  River  Camp  (UCC)  200.00  3QC' 


Pastors  Salary  $10, 614]+. 00  / ;    6  ^  4  CK 

Pastors  Vehicle  Allowance  2,000.00  p  n  c)  O 

Pastors  Group  Hospital  Insurance  1,100.00    ■  ,  /  • '? 

Pastors  Annunity  Fund  1,522.C9  1  2-<T 

Vacation  Supply  and  Guest  Leadership  200.00 

Family  Protection  Plan  (Life  Insurance)  130,00 

Social  Security  600.00 
Parish  Program 

Church  Office  Expense  &  Supplies  600.00 

Church  School  600.00  V^hT^" 

Youth  Ministry  900.00  SBpS  E 

Flowers  200.00  Q^UjScf 

Church  Women  100.00   ,  2  1 

Delegates  expense  to  Conference  &  Association  100.00  .  ni 

Bonding  of  Financial  Secretary  &  Treasurer  10.00  X?  T,  OO 

Music  Ministry  1,1+00.00  /  ^5~3f  (  0 

Building  and  Grounds 

Sextons  Salary  1,000.00  / C'Oo 

Utilities  3,500,00  SSSS^ 

Insurance  (Buildings)  600,00  '"'   "  f  4(J. 

Items  not  Listed  Elsewhere  308.91  y  21/]  l>  I 

Total  Budget                     /  $30,000.00  3^^g<*- 

Weekly  Budget  /  Sales  Tax  to  be  refunded    „       „ ,  . 

•^76.92  Total  Special  Collections  ZZZZSSZJs^ 

Total  Received  for_  _  ^  3-2-+.') 

Treasurer's  Report  December,  1979 

al  Receipts  |3»299.U8 

Our  Christian  World  Mission  (OCWM)  $1,125.00 

Pastors  Group  Hospital  Ins.  26U.00 

Pastors  Social  Security  (Partial)  300.00 

Church  Office  Expense  I67.IO 

Church  School  Expense  352. 35 

Youth  Ministry  75.00 

Church  Women  70.63 

Flowers  20.00 

Music  Ministry  125.00 

Sextons  Salary  96.30 

Utilities  19U.15 

Misc.  39.36 

Sales  Tax  to  be  refunded  5.50 
Christmas  Fund,  Pension  Boards  (Special)  77.10 

Total  Disbursements  $2,911.1*9 

Balance  Brought  Forward  $1,613.11 

Total  Receipts  for  December  $3.299.U8 

Total  Receipts  &  Bal.  Bro.  Forward  $1+,  912. 59 

Less  Total  Disbursements  $2.911.U9 

i    .lance  in  Checking  Account  l/l/Q0  $2,001.10 

Respectfully  Submitted, 
Ray  W.  Brown-Treasurer 

Weekly  Requirement  $576.92 
December  Average  $6I|i|.U8 

MINUTES  OF  THE  CONSISTORY  -  February  17,  1980 

The  Consistory  of  Ursinus  United  Church  of  Christ  met  in  the  conference 

room  February  17,  1980.    The  meeting  was  begun  with  a  devotional  by  Jean 

Puckett.    The  minutes  of  the  previous  meeting  were  read  and  approved.  The 

monthly  treasurer's  report  was  given  as  follows: 

Total  Receipts  and  Balance  brought  forward  $5,410.25 
Less  Total  Disbursements  3,351 .70 

Balance  in  checking  account  2/1/80  $2,058.55 

It  was  announced  that  the  furance  had  been  placed  in  the  basement  of 
the  parsonage  but  it  has  not  been  installed. 

Tony  Misenheimer  will  assume  responsibility  for  polishing  the  rail  in 
March  and  Jackie  Taylor  will  be  responsible  in  April. 

Preparations  have  been  made  for  the  Ursinus  Choir's  visit  on  March  1. 
Homes  are  available  for  the  students  and  the  meal  is  being  planned  by  the 
Women's  Guild.    Announcements  of  the  program  will  be  mailed  out  to  churches 
in  the  community  and  box  holders  in  Rockwell. 

The  Ash  Wednesday  Service  is  scheduled  for  February  20.    This  will  be 
a  service  of  The  Imposition  of  Ashes.    The  Young  Adult  Sunday  School  Class 
will  present  a  drame. 

A  motion  was  made  by  Tony  Misenheimer  and  seconded  by  John  Peeler  that 
the  offering  be  given  to  the  fund  that  is  being  raised  for  a  trip  to  Hawaii 
for  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Ed  Alcorn. 

The  Pastor  will  be  participating  in  the  community  Lenten  Services. 

Heart  Fund  Sunday  will  be  observed  February  24  conducted  by  the  Women's 

The  meeting  was  adjourned  after  praying  the  Lord's  Prayer. 

Jean  Puckett,  President 

Jackie  Taylor,  Secretary 

ATTENDANCE:    Philip  Culp 

Tony  Misenheimer 
Harold  Earnhardt 
John  Peeler 
Pat  Holshouser 
Jean  Puckett 
James  Bonds 
Jackie  Taylor 
Pastor  Fisher 

Treasurer's  Report 
Total  Receipts 


Church  World  Service  $  200.00 

Nazareth  Children1 s  Home  200.00 
Pastors  Salary  1,090.00 

Pastors  Travel  Expense  230.00 

Pastors  Annuity  Fund  3^0  .51 
Pastors  Family  Life  Insurance  3U.59 

Church  Office  Expense  282.88 
Youth  Ministry  75.00 
Flowers  30. 35 

Music  Ministry  1 50.00 

Church  Secretary  131.65 
Newsletter  supplies  7&.20 
Sextons  Salary  91.10 

Utilities  37U.10 
Sales  Tax  to  be  refunded  5. 32 

Total  Disbursements  &3» 3&.70 

Balance  Brought  Forward  $2,001.10 
Total  Receipts  for  January  $3.U09.l5 

Total  Receipts  &  Bal.  Bro.  Forward  $$,l£:0.2$ 
Less  Total  Disbursements  S3, 351.70 

Balance  in  Checking  Account  2/L/80       $2, 058.55 

Respectfully  Submitted, 
Ray  W,  Brown— Treasurer 

We  olrl  y  He     i  voi  ivoi  1 1  §  6->1  .'('J 
January  Average  $852.28 

MINUTES  OF  THE  CONSISTORY  -  March  16,  1980 

The  Consistory  of  Ursinus  United  Church  of  Christ  met  in  the  conference 
room  March  16,  1980.    The  meeting  was  begun  with  a  devotional  by  Harold 
Earnhardt.    The  minutes  of  the  previous  meeting  were  read  and  approved.  The 
treasurer's  report  was  given  as  follows: 

Rockwell  Radio  and  Electric  will  be  contacted  again  concerning  the 
placement  of  the  furnace  in  the  parsonage. 

The  Committee  on  Educational  Building  Improvement  will  meet  March  24. 

The  Trustees  reported  that  they  are  still  cautiously  watching  the  leak 
in  the  Adult  Sunday  School  Class.    The  leak  appears  to  be  fixed. 

A  request  for  a  work  day  for  the  church  on  May  3  was  granted  by  the 

The  Trustees  reported  that  Howard  Hill  was  hired  to  mow  the  cemetery 
at  $150/month. 

The  Holy  Week  schedule  was  announced  by  the  Pastor  as  follows: 

Wednesday  -  April  2  -  Grace  Lowerstone 

Thursday  -  April  3  -  St.  James  Lutheran  -  Communion 

Friday  -  April  4  -  Rockwell  United  Methodist 

Sunday  -  April  6  -  Sunrise  Service  -  Ursinus  U.C.C. 

Sunday  -  April  6  -  11:00  Worship  and  Communion  -  Ursinus  U.C.C. 

David  Gore  has  been  appointed  as  the  official  church  photographer.  He 
will  be  making  pictures  of  special  events  and  services  of  the  church. 

Ed  Augustyn  discussed  the  usher  program.    The  current  program  is  not 
adequate.    No  action  was  taken  at  this  time. 

The  following  committees  were  appointed: 

Total  Receipts  and  Balance  brought  forward 

Less  Total  Disbursements 

Balance  in  checking  account  3/1/80 



MINUTES  OF  THE  CONSISTORY  -  March  16,  1980  PAGE  TWO 

Bible  School:    Penny  Waddell,  Ray  Peeler,  Paula  Haynes 
Christmas  Decorating:    David  and  Diane  Shepard,  Ronnie  and  Susan  Shoaf, 
Rena  Bost,  Shirley  Fisher,  Shearin  and  Ann  Teague 

A  motion  was  made  by  Harold  Earnhardt  and  seconded  by  John  Peeler  that 
responsibilities  will  be  typed  and  given  to  these  committees. 

It  was  brought  to  the  attention  of  the  Consistory  that  the  flower 
committee  is  not  functioning  as  intended.    The  Consistory,  after  discussion, 
decided  that  a  list  of  duties  of  this  committee  would  be  presented  to  the 
Church  Women.    The  Church  Women  then  will  be  responsible  for  the  proper 
administration  of  this  committee. 

After  some  discussion  concerning  using  Lay  Readers,  a  motion  was  made 
by  Harold  Earnhardt  and  seconded  by  John  Peeler,  that  we  begin  using  readers 
in  April.    John  Peeler  will  be  Lay  Reader  the  first  two  weeks  in  April  and 
Harold  Earnhardt  will  read  the  last  two  weeks  of  the  month. 

After  prayer,  the  meeting  was  adjourned. 

Jean  Puckett,  President 

Jackie  Taylor,  Secretary 

ATTENDANCE:    Jean  Puckett 

Harold  Earnhardt 
Pat  Holshouser 
John  Peeler 
Phil ip  Culp 
David  Gore 
Ed  Augustyn 
Jackie  Taylor 
Pastor  Fisher 

-usurer  *s  He  port 

Total  Receipts  $2,6£U.?2 

Our  Christian  World  MIssion(OCWM)  %    200. OC 

World  Service  50. OC 

Pastor's  Salary  1,091.0C 

Pastor's  Travel  Expense  227. OC 

Church  Office  83.6B 

Church  School  Expense  112.60 

Youth  Work  75. OC 

Music  Ministry  100. OC 

Church  Secretary  33»8c 

News  Letter  Supplies  68, 2C 

Sexton's  Salary  91. 

Misc.  17.45 

Sales  Tax  to  be  refunded  3«3^ 

Specials  (Alcorn  Tour  Fund)  28. 0C 

Total  Disbursements  $2,663.£ 

Balance  Brought  Forward 


Total  Receipts  for  February  82.65U.7^ 

Total  Receipts  &  Bal.  Bro.  Forward  $i+»713.27 

Less  Total  Disbursements  Mi^3i^ 

Balance  in  Checking  Account  3 A/80  $2,0U9.& 

Respectfully  Submitted, 

Ray  W.  Bromi-Treaouxer 

Weekly  Requirement  &69L75L 

February  Average  $663. 

MINUTES  OF  THE  CONSISTORY  -  April  20,  1980 

The  Consistory  of  Ursinus  United  Church  of  Christ  met  in  the  conference 
room  April  20,  at  7:30.  The  meeting  was  presided  over  by  Shearin  Teague  in 
the  absence  of  the  president.    A  devotion  from  Romans  12  was  given  by  Mr. 

Teague.    ^        Brown  presented  the  Quarterly  Report  (see  attached  sheet) 
and  the  monthly  report.    Balances  for  the  monthly  report  are  as  follows: 

Total  Receipts  and  Balance  brought  forward  $5,308.15 
Less  Total  Disbursements  3,180.21 
Balance  in  checking  account  4/1/80  $2,127.94 

Rules  concerning  the  flower  committee  should  be  drawn  up  before  the 
next  Consistory  meeting. 

May  3  has  been  set  as  Clean  Up  Day  for  the  church.    Volunteers  may 
come  from  9:00  -  12:00.    Various  jobs  of  cleaning,  painting  and  washing 
windows  will  be  performed. 

The  committee  on  church  improvement  met  and  reported  the  following: 
Carpet  should  be  replaced  in  the  following  areas  -  church  office  and  confe- 
rence room,  educational  building  stairs  and  upstairs  hall  connecting  the 
main  building.    Also  carpet  could  be  used  from  the  outside  entrance  near 
the  office,  connecting  the  stairs.    This  area  now  has  asphalt  tile.  Carpet 
grades  suitable  to  the  traffic  situation  will  be  used. 

Lay  Readers  for  the  month  were  appointed.    Shearin  Teague  and  Philip 
Culp  will  be  filling  these  positions.    Pat  Holshouser  will  be  in  charge  of 
polishing  the  rail  in  May. 

Permission  was  granted  to  Alice  Linker  to  use  the  Fellowship  Hall  for 
an  evening  meal  May  3.    Permission  was  also  granted  to  Jan  Gore  to  use  the 
Fellowship  Hall  June  1,  3:30  p.m.  for  a  piano  recital. 

MINUTES  OF  THE  CONSISTORY  -  April  20,  1980  PAGE  TWO 

It  was  announced  that  the  Church  Men's  Fellowship  would  be  meeting 
Thursday,  April  24  at  Nazareth  Children's  Home. 

Correspondence  was  received  from  Lancaster  Seminary  asking  for  a  con- 
tact person  in  the  congregation  to  receive  special  items  of  information 
about  the  seminary  and  keep  the  church  members  informed.    Dot  Royal  was 
appointed  to  the  position  upon  her  approval. 

A  motion  was  made  by  John  Peeler  and  seconded  by  David  Gore  to  dis- 
continue the  use  of  the  Family  Devotion  Booklet  and  to  use  "These  Days" 
devotional  booklets  altogether.  "Family  Devotion"  had  a  price  increase 
and  a  new  format  that  was  not  desirable. 

Thank  you  notes  were  received  from  the  Al corns  for  our  help  in  making 
their  trip  possible,  and  the  parents  of  Nancy  South  for  receiving  the  news- 
letter.   The  Souths'  expressed  their  appreciation  with  a  check  to  defray  the 
cost  of  the  newsletter. 

Delegates  to  Conference,  June  6-7  at  Elon  College,  will  be  Shearin 
Teague  and  Pastor  Fisher. 

A  Pentecost  Celebration  will  be  held  May  25  at  6:00.    This  will  be  a 
covered  dish  supper  and  the  guest  speaker  will  be  Robert  Misenheimer  of 

C.  A.  Cozart  and  Marvin  Hall  are  qualified  and  will  be  considered  to 
be  given  Elders  Emeritus  honors  at  the  May  meeting  of  Consistory. 

There  being  no  further  business,  the  meeting  was  adjourned  after  prayer. 

Jean  Puckett,  President 

Jackie  Taylor 

ATTENDANCE:    David  Gore     pat  Holshouser      Alice  Linker 
John  Peeler    Harold  Earnhardt  Pastor  Fisher 
James  Bonds    Shearin  Teague 
Philip  Culp    Jackie  Taylor 


MAR0H  1980 

Receipts 1 

Firet  Sunday 
Second  Sunday 
Third  Sunday 
Fourth  Sunday 
Fifth  Sunday 

i  3,258.U7 



Our  Christian  World  Mission  (OCWM) 

John's  River  Camp 

Pastor1 s  Salary 

Pastor's  Travel  Expense 

Pastor's  Group  Hospital 

Church  Office  Expense 

Youth  Ministry 


Bonding  Treasurer 
Music  Ministry 
Church  Secretary 
Sexton's  Salary 

Sales  Tax  to  be  Refunded 
Total  Disbursements 

Balance  Brought  Forward 
Total  Receipts  for  March 

Total  Receipts  &  Bal«  Brought  Forward 
Less  Total  Disbursements 

Balance  in  Checking  Account  U/1/80 

Respectfully  Submitted, 
Ray  V.  Brown,  Treasurer 

$  200.00 





%  2,01*9.68 

%  5t 308*15 
%  3.180,21 

$  2,127.91+ 

Weekly  Requirement  0  691.79 
Mar  (h  Average  $  651.69 

Rockwell,  North  Carolina 
Annual  Quarter  Budget  Report 



Our  Christian  World  Mission  (OCWM)  $  2,625.00 

World  Service    (OGHS  &  SOS)  250.00 

Western  NC  Association  (UCC)  80.00 

NC  Council  of  Churches  30.00 

Nazareth  Childrens  Home  (UCC)  600.00 

Rowan  Cooperative  Christian  Ministry  U00.00 

Church  Builders  Club  (For  UCC  Mission  Churches)  100.00 

United  Church  of  Christ  Retirement  Center  100.00 

Lancaster  Theological  Semi  nary  (UCC)  500.00 

John's  River  Camp  (UCC)  200.00 


Pastor's  Salary  812,000.00 

Pastor's  Vehicle  Allowance  2, £00.00 

Pastor's  Group  Hospital  Insurance  1,100.00 

Pastor's  Annunity  Fund  1,720.00 

Vacation  Supply  and  Guest  Leadership  200.00 

Family  Protection  Plan  (Life  Insurance)  130.00 

Social  Seourity  735.00 

Parish  Program 

Church  Offioe  Expense  and  Supplies  $  800.00 

Church  School  600.00 

Youth  Ministry  1,000.00 

Flowers  200.00 

Church  Women  100.00 

Delegates  expense  to  Conference  and  Association  100.00 

Bonding  of  Financial  Secretary  and  Treasurer  25.00 

Music  Ministry  2,000.00 

Church  Secretary  1,378.00 

Newsletter  supplies  200,00 

Building  and  Grounds 

Sexton's  Salary  $  1,200.00 

Utilities  Ut 500.00 

Insurance  (Buildings)  600.00 
Items  not  listed  elsewhere 

TOTAL  BUDGET  $35,973.00 

Weekly  Budget 

Sales  Tax  to  be  refunded 
Total  Special  Collections 
Total  Received  for  

MINUTES  OF  THE  CONSISTORY  -  May  18,  1 980 

The  Consistory  of  Ursinus  United  Church  of  Christ  met  May  18  in  the 

conference  room.    The  meeting  was  opened  by  a  prayer  led  by  President  Jean 

Puckett.    The  monthly  treasurer's  report  was  given  as  follows: 

Total  Receipts  and  Balance  brought  forward  $4,895.14 
Less  Total  Disbursements  3,316.92 
Balance  in  checking  account  5/1/80  $1 ,578.22 

The  Consistory  approved  a  set  of  guidelines  for  the  flower  committee 
of  the  church.    Copies  of  these  guidelines  will  go  to  the  new  committee 
named  by  the  church  women  in  September. 

Discussions  were  held  concerning  the  awarding  of  Elder  Emeritus  Honors. 
After  lengthy  debate,  a  motion  was  made  by  Shearin  Teague  to  defer  the 
awards.    The  motion  did  not  carry.    A  motion  was  made  by  Harold  Earnhardt, 
seconded  by  Pat  Holshouser,  to  give  recognition  and  honor  to  Mr.  Marvin  Hall 
with  the  office  of  Elder  Emeritus.    The  motion  carried.    A  second  motion 
made  by  Harold  Earnhardt,  seconded  by  John  Peeler,  was  that  a  like  award  be 
presented  to  Mr.  C.  A.  Cozart. 

After  a  discussion  concerning  audio  systems  to  aid  persons  with  impaired 
hearing  in  the  congregation,  a  motion  was  made  by  John  Peeler  to  ask  Hugh 
Bost,  Jr.  to  look  into  the  most  economicaland  efficient  system  available. 

The  Pastor  mentioned  that  the  city  zoning  fued  was  having  an  effect  on 
the  spiritual  life  of  the  church. 

It  was  announced  that  the  Conference  on  Evangelism  will  be  held  May  23 
and  24  at  Blowing  Rock  Assembly  Grounds.    The  cost  is  $18. 


A  motion  was  made  by  Pat  Holshouser  and  seconded  by  Jackie  Taylor  to 
give  permission  to  Cindy  Miller  to  hold  a  wedding  reception  in  the  Fellow- 
ship Hall  November  15.    The  wedding  of  Hugh  Bost,  Jr.  and  Shirley  Hildebran 
will  be  held  in  the  Sanctuary  July  26. 

David  Gore  will  be  lecturer  the  first  three  Sundays  in  June,  with 
John  Peeler  acting  as  lecturer  the  last  two  Sundays. 

Ed  Augustyn  will  be  in  charge  of  polishing  the  rail  in  June. 

The  church  will  recognize  graduates  with  flowers  on  the  altar  June  8. 

There  being  no  further  business  the  meeting  was  adjourned  with  the 
Lord's  Prayer. 

Jean  Puckett,  President 
Jackie  Taylor,  Secretary 

Attendance:    David  Gore 
John  Peeler 
Pat  Holshouser 
Harold  Earnhardt 
Jean  Puckett 
Jackie  Taylor 
Shearin  Teague 
Pastor  Fisher 

MINUTES  OF  THE  CONSISTORY  -  June  15,  1980 

The  Consistory  of  Ursinus  United  Church  of  Christ  met  June  15  in  the 
conference  room.    The  meeting  was  opened  with  a  prayer  by  the  president. 
The  minutes  of  the  previous  meeting  were  read  and  approved.    The  treasurer's 
report  was  given  as  follows: 

Information  on  Audio  Systems  was  discussed.    One  system  was  highly 
recommended,  but  the  group  felt  that  microphones  would  not  be  suitable  for 
our  sanctuary.    After  some  discussion  it  was  decided  that  Doug's  Electronics 
should  be  contacted.    Mr.  C.  A.  Cozart  will  contact  this  firm. 

The  furance  project  has  been  completed.    The  bill  is  not  yet  available. 

Philip  Culp  will  contact  members  of  the  carpet  renovation  committee. 

The  Pastor  gave  highlights  of  the  conference  held  at  Elon.    It  was 
noted  that  Blowing  Rock  Assmebly  Grounds  is  operating  in  the  black  for  the 
first  time  in  many  years.    Conference  approved  $150,000  for  new  churches. 
Catawba  and  Elon  struggle  with  the  economy.    The  second  Retirement  Home 
will  be  built  in  Thomasville,  with  the  third  home  proposed  for  the  East 
N.C.  and  Virginia  area. 

Tony  Misenheimer  asked  if  a  gate  in  the  fence  near  the  back  of  the 
church  would  not  be  helpful  to  the  Fishers  for  unloading  groceries,  etc. 
This  suggestion  will  be  referred  to  the  Trustees. 

A  motion  was  made  by  Tony  Misenheimer  and  seconded  by  John  Peeler 
that  a  letter  of  transfer  for  Jay  and  Betsy  Culp  be  accepted  from  Bethlehem 
United  Methodist  Church. 

Total  Receipts  and  Balance  brought  forward 

Less  Total  Disbursements 

Balance  in  checking  account  6/1/80 

$1  ,519.98 

MINUTES  OF  THE  CONSISTORY  -  June  15,  1980  PAGE  TWO 

Bible  School  will  begin  June  16  and  run  through  June  20. 

The  Youth  Fellowship  will  spend  the  day  at  Carowinds  June  24.  Jan 
and  David  Gore  will  be  .supervising  along  with  the  Pastor. 

The  Pastor's  vacation  will  be  June  23  -  29.    Huitt  Carpenter  will 
be  the  visiting  pastor. 

Lecturers  for  July  will  be  Ed  Augustyn,  6  and  13;  and  Jean  Puckett, 
20  and  27.    A.  L.  and  Alice  Linker  will  polish  the  rail. 

It  was  brought  to  the  attention  of  the  Consistory  that  a  suggestion 
box  may  be  helpful.    After  some  discussion,  it  was  decided  that  the  Con- 
sistory would  welcome  suggestions  made  through  individual  members  of  the 
Consistory,  but  that  a  box  as  such  might  be  used  for  gripes. 

After  praying  the  Lord's  Prayer,  the  meeting  was  adjourned. 

Jean  Puckett,  President 

Jackie  Taylor,  Secretary 

Attendance:    Alice  Linker 
John  Peeler 
Tony  Misenheimer 
Ed  Augustyn 
David  Gore 
Harold  Earnhardt 
Jean  Puckett 
Jackie  Taylor 
Pastor  Fisher 

TREASURER'S  REPORT  ^        MAY,  1980 

Total  Receipts  $2,888.88 

Rowan  Cooperative  Christian  Ministry    %  200.00 

UOC  ^Jtirement  Home  100.00 

Lancaster  Theological  Seminary  100.00 

Pastor's  Salary  1,091.00 

Pastor's  Travel  Expense  227.00 

Church  Office  Expense  15L76 

Church  School  Expense  71 »7U 

Youth  Ministry    ~  75.00 

Church  Women  25.00 

Delegate  Expense  50.00 

Hovers  37.00 

Music  Ministry  150.00 

Church  Secretary  U2.95 

Sexton's  Salary  91.10 

Utilities  35U.52 

Misc.  10.^0 

Sales  Tax  to  be  refunded  12.05 

Specials  (Easter  lilies)  157.50 


Balance  Brought  Forward  $1,578.22 



Less  Total  Disbursements  S2.9U7.12 

Balance  in  Checking  Account  6/1/80  $1,519.98 

Respectfully  submitted, 
Ray  W.  Brown-Treasurer 

$691.79   Weekly  Requirement 

$7??.??  ft  ■  ■  May  Avarngp 

ubsinus  tncrasD  chough  of  christ 

Rockwell,  ITorth  Carolina 
Annual  (Quarter  Budget  Report 



Our  Christian  World  Mission  (OCWM)  $  2,625.00 

World  Servioe    (OGHS  &  SOS)  250.00 

Western  NC  Association  (UCC)  80.00 

NC  Council  of  Churches  30.00 

Nazareth  Childrens  Home  (UCC)  600.00 

Rowan  Cooperative  Christian  Ministry  U00.00 

Church  Builders  Club  (For  UCC  Mission  Churches)  100.00 

United  Church  of  Christ  Retirement  Center  100.00 

Lancaster  Theological  Seminary  (UCC)  500.00 

John's  River  Camp  (UCC)  200.00 


Pastor1 s  Salary  #12,000.00 

Pastor's  Vehiole  Allowance  2,500.00 

Pastor's  Group  Hospital  Insurance  1,100.00 

Pastor's  Annunity  Fund  1,720.00 

Vacation  Supply  and  Guest  Leadership  200.00 

Family  Protection  Plan  (Life  Insurance)  130.00 

Social  Security  735.00 

Parish  Program 

Church  Offioe  Expense  and  Supplies  %  800.00 

Church  School  600.00 

Youth  Ministry  1,000.00 

Flowers  200.00 

Church  Women  100.00 

Delegates  expense  to  Conference  and  Association  100.00 

Bonding  of  Financial  Secretary  and  Treasurer  25*00 

Music  Ministry  2,000.00 

Church  Secretary  1,378.00 

Newsletter  supplies  200.00 

Building  and  Grounds 

Sexton's  Salary  %  1,200.00 

Utilities  U, 500.00 

Insurance.  (Buildings)  600.00 
Items  not  listed  elsewhere 

TOTAL  BUDGET  $35,973.00 

Weekly  Budget 

Sales  Tax  to  be  refunded 
Total  Special  Collections 
Total  Received  for  

MINUTES  OF  THE  CONSISTORY  -  July  20,  1980 

The  Consistory  of  Ursinus  United  Church  of  Christ  met  June  15  in  the 

conference  room.    The  meeting  was  opened  with  a  prayer  by  the  President, 

Jean  Puckett.    Minutes  of  the  previous  meeting  were  read  and  approved. 

The  Quarterly  Treasurer's  report  was  presented  (see  attached  sheet).  The 

treasurer's  report  was  given  as  follows: 

Total  Receipts  and  Balance  brought  forward  $4,724.86 
Less  Total  Disbursements  3,036.96 
Balance  in  checking  account  7/1/80  $1  ,687.90 

Contact  has  not  been  made  with  Doug's  Electronics  concerning  the 
audio  system.    Pastor  Fisher  will  try  to  make  this  contact. 

The  Trustees  decided  that  a  gate  for  the  fence  in  back  of  the  Fishers 
will  not  be  necessary  since  it  is  seldom  used. 

A  discussion  was  held  about  "Passing  the  Peace".    Tony  Misenheimer 
recommended  that  some  type  of  badge  be  made  for  members  of  the  Hospitality 
Committee  to  use. 

A  motion  was  made  by  John  Peeler  and  seconded  by  Ad  Augustyn  to  bring 
Shirley  Hildebran  into  our  church  fellowship  through  reaffirmation  of  faith. 

The  Choir  Committee  requested  funds  for  new  robes  totaling  approximately 
$1,700.    Permission  was  asked  to  present  this  to  the  congregation.  Permis- 
sion was  granted.    A  motion  was  made  by  Tony  Misenheimer  and  seconded  by 
John  Peeler  that  the  congregation  be  presented  the  idea  of  families  donating 
a  robe  in  honor  or  memory  of  a  loved  one.    This  could  be  done  by  a  special 
offering  envelope. 

MINUTES  OF  THE  CONSISTORY  -  July  20,  1980  PAGE  TWO 

Lectors  for  August  are  Tony  Misenheimer  -  1st  Sunday  and  Ed  Augustyn 
remaining  Sundays  (Except  Blowing  Rock  Sunday).  Philip  Culp  will  polish 
the  rail . 

There  being  no  further  business,  the  meeting  was  adjourned. 

Jean  Puckett,  President 

Jackie  Taylor,  Secretary 

Attendance:    Jean  Puckett 
John  Peeler 
Tony  Misenheimer 
Phil ip  Culp 
Ed  Augustyn 
David  Gore 
Pat  Holshouser 
Pastor  Fisher 


Total  Receipts  $3,20l+.88 

Our. Christian  World  Mission  (OCWM)       %  300.00 

Hazareth  Children's  Home  200.00 

Pastor's  Salary  1,091.00 

Pastor.'.s  Travel  Expense  227.00 

Pastor's  Group  Hospital  261+.00 

— Church  Office  Expense  28.22 

Youth  Ministry  75.00 

Church  Women  5.10 

Blowers  1+2.00 

Music  Ministry  50.00 

Church  Secretary  50.28 

Sexton's  Salary    ✓  117.80 

[JtilitieB  537.1+6 

Sales  32ax  to  be  refunded  1.68 

H  DISS IJR&MTS  $3,036.96 

L  B&lsBOe  Brought  Jbrward  •  -..«,         $1 , 51 9 . 98 

TOTAI.  RECEIPTS;  FOR  JuTffi  ,f  ft3.20U.88 

$6tal  Disbursements      "  i  $3.036.96 

Bala&b©  in  Checking  Account  7/1/80  $1,687.90 

Hespeotfully  submitted, 
Say  W«  '  3rovm-^|cea8urer 

June  weekly  average.... $6i+0. 98 
Weekly  reqT±cemment....,$691 .79 

MINUTES  OF  THE  CONSISTORY  -  August  17,  1980 

The  Consistory  of  Ursinus  United  Church  of  Christ  met  August  17  in 

the  conference  room.    The  meeting  was  opened  by  a  prayer  led  by  President 

Jean  Puckett.    The  minutes  of  the  previous  meeting  were  read  and  approved. 

The  treasurer's  report  was  given  as  follows: 

Total  Receipts  and  Balance  brought  forward  $4,724.86 
Less  Total  Disbursements  3,036.96 
Balance  in  checking  account  7/1/80  $1 ,687.90 

A  new  audio  system  has  been  installed  in  the  Sanctuary  to  aid  persons 
with  hearing  impairments.    The  installation  cost  was  $100  and  the  total 
bill  was  $552.40.    A  motion  was  made  by  Shearin  Teague  and  seconded  by 
Alice  Linker  that  the  system  be  paid  for  through  the  Building  Fund. 

Concerning  the  choir  robes  that  are  now  being  purchased,  these  funds 
will  be  held  in  a  special  fund  by  Mr.  Brown.    Persons  may  give  robes  in 
memory  or  honor  of  loved  ones  with  this  information  being  given  to  the 
Pastor.    Special  envelopes  will  be  avilable  in  the  pews  for  persons  wishing 
to  contribute. 

Permission  was  granted  for  the  Fellowship  Hall  to  be  used  for  honoring 
Dr.  and  Mrs.  J.  A.  Oliver  with  a  shower  on  September  7.    A  request  was  made 
by  Cindy  Miller  to  use  the  Sanctuary  for  her  wedding  in  November  with  Pastor 
James  Cress  officiating.    A  motion  was  made  by  Harold  Earnhardt , seconded  by 
Ed  Augustyn  to  approve  this  request  provided  all  rules  and  regulations  of 
the  church  be  observed  and  followed  as  described  in  the  guidelines  of  the 
church  constitution. 

MINUTES  OF  THE  CONSISTORY  -  August  17,  1980  PAGE  TWO 

A  request  for  membership  into  the  church  was  made  by  Mrs.  Amy  May. 
A  motion  was  made  by  Alice  Linker  and  seconded  by  Pat  Holshouser  to  write 
for  Mrs.  May's  Letter  of  Transfer  from  Bethlehem  United  Methodist  Church, 
Gold  Hill ,  North  Carolina. 

A  discussion  was  held  by  Pastor  Fisher  concerning  the  possibility  of  an 
outdoor  church  service  on  the  lawn  between  the  church  and  Citizen's  Savings 
and  Loan  with  possibly  a  covered  dish  meal.    No  definite  date  was  set. 

There  being  no  further  business,  the  meeting  was  adjourned. 

Jean  Puckett,  President 

Jackie  Taylor,  Secretary 

Attendance:    Jean  Puckett 
Ed  Augustyn 
Alice  Linker 
Pat  Holshouser 
Shearin  Teague 
Harold  Earnhardt 
James  Bonds 
David  Gore 
Pastor  Fisher 

David  Wagner  Gore        Jan  Lookabill  Gore 

P.O.  BOX  892  •  ROCKWELL,  N.C.  28138  •  704-279-7456 

August  31,  1980 

Members  of  the  Consistory, 

After  many  weeks  of  prayer  and  soul-searching,  I  have  come  to  the 
decision  to  accept  the  position  as  Organist/Choir  Director  at  St.  Peters 
Lutheran  Church.    This  decision  has  come  with  many  heartaches,  as  my 
emotions  tell  me  to  remain  at  this  church  which  T  have  grown  to  love  in  the 
past  5  years.    My  professional  need  as  a  church  musician  was  the  primary 
influence  in  my  decision  to  change.    My  work  with  children  and  youth  both 
musically  and  otherwise  is  of  great  interest  to  me,  and  the  size  of  the  St. 
Peters  congregation  offers  me  the  opportunity  to  expand  this  interest  and 
to  spread  my  ministry  in  this  field.    Additionally,  the  new  Casavant  organ 
being  installed  this  month  offers  new  challpngps  to  me. 

These  alone  are  the  reasons  I  feel  I  must  try  the  new  opportunities 
that  St.  Peters  offers,  not  because  I  want  tb  leave  my  friends  at  Ursinusi 
The  kindness  and  generosity  shown  to  me  here  far  exceeds  any  expectations 
I  have  had  or  ever  will  have.    I  love  everyone  here,  and  feel  so  fortunate 
to  have  worked  with  the  best  choir  in  town. 

I  pray  my  decision  is  the  right  one.  I  not  only  ask  your  acceptance 
of  my  resignation,  but  your  understanding  and  support  as  well.  My  resig- 
nation takes  effect  October  1st. 

Thank  you  for  your  friendship  and  love.    These  wonderful  years  at 
Ursinus  will  never  be  forgotten! 

Your  friend  in  Christ, 

Jan  L.  Gore 

Addendum : 

I  feel  both  thp  desire  and  obligati  on  to 
inform  the  members  of  the  choir  individually,  and 
for  this  reason,  I  ask  that  my  resignation  remain 
confidential  with  you  until  such  time  as  I  am 
able  to  do  so. 


A  special  meeting  of  the  Consistory  of  Ursinus  Church  was  called  on 
Sunday,  August  31,  1980  after  the  church  service  in  the  conference  room. 
This  meeting  was  to  have  a  Letter  of  Resignation  presented  to  the  Consistory 
from  organist  Jan  Gore.    This  resignation  will  become  effective  October  1. 

With  much  regret  a  motion  was  made  by  Ed  Augustyn  and  seconded  by 
Shearin  Teague  to  accept  this  resignation. 

A  Search  Committee  of  the  following  persons  was  appointed  by  the 
president:  Shearin  Teague,  Helen  Earnhardt,  Marguerite  Misenheimer, 
Jean  Puckett,  president  of  the  Consistory  and  Pastor  Fisher. 

It  was  decided  by  the  group  that  a  covered  dish  dinner  will  be  held 
Sunday  October  5  after  church  in  honor  of  Jan.  Jean  Puckett  will  be  in 
charge  of  obtaining  a  gift  for  Jan  on  that  occasion. 

Jean  Puckett,  President 
Jackie  Taylor,  Secretary 

MINUTES  OF  THE  CONSISTORY  -  September  21,  1980 

The  Consistory  of  Ursinus  United  Church  of  Christ  met  September  21  in 

the  conference  room.    The  meeting  was  opened  with  the  Lord's  Prayer.  The 

minutes  of  the  previous  meeting  were  read  and  approved.    The  treasurer's 

report  was  given  as  follows: 

Total  Receipts  and  Balance  brought  forward  $4,346.28 
Less  Total  Disbursements  2,903.77 
Balance  in  checking  account  9/1/80  $1 ,442.51 

Lecturer  for  October  will  be  John  Peeler,  5  and  22;  and  Alice  Linker, 

19  and  26. 

Jackie  Taylor  will  polish  the  rail. 

Porter  Siewell  will  be  visiting  the  pulpit  on  September  28  in  the 
absence  of  the  Pastor. 

A  motion  was  made  by  John  Peeler  and  seconded  by  Alice  Linker  to  receive 
Kim  Hatley  into  the  church. 

The  Western  Association  Meeting  will  be  held  Saturday,  October  11  in 
Ramseur,  North  Carolina.    A  motion  was  made  by  Ed  Augustyn  and  seconded  by 
John  Peeler  to  send  Jean  Puckett  and  Pastor  Fisher  as  delegates. 

A  discussion  was  held  as  to  the  salary  of  the  prospeftive  organist.  It 
was  decided  by  the  group  that  the  salary  should  stay  within  the  budget  if 
at  all  possible. 

A  job  description  for  the  position  of  organist  was  presented  by  Pastor 
Fisher.    A  motion  was  made  by  John  Peeler  and  seconded  by  Philip  Culp  to 
approve  this  contract. 

MINUTES  OF  THE  CONSISTORY  -  September  21,  1980  PAGE  TWO 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  James  Winter,  missionaries  to  Togo,  will  be  guest  speakers 
for  a  mission  emphasis  program  October  26.    This  will  be  a  family  night 
covered  dish  supper. 

The  meeting  was  closed  with  a  prayer. 

Jean  Puckett,  President 

Jackie  Taylor,  Secretary 

Attendance:    Shearin  Teague 
Alice  Linker 
John  Peeler 
James  Bonds 
Jean  Puckett 
Jackie  Taylor 
Pastor  Fisher 


TOTAL  JffiCEIPTS  •  $  2,997.U2 
Disbursements  \( 

Our  Christian  World  Servioe  (OCWM)  $  UOO.OO 
Lancaster  Theological  Seminary  100.00 
Pastor's  Salary  1,091.00 
Pastor's  Travel  Expense  227.00 
.  Church.  Off  ice  Expense  59.  1U 

,:  Youth  Ministry  n\  ■■  Ti>*00 
Church  Women  5.J+2 
MuBic  Ministry  17^*00 
Church  Secretary  1 
Se^+on's  Salary  91.10 
Utilities  525.20 


Balance  Brought  Forward  $  1,3lj.6#0j 

Total  Receipts  for  August  $  2.997.U2 

Total ,  Reoeipts  &  Sal.  Bro.  Forward  &l|.f3U5.2Q 

Less  Total  Disbursements  $2,903*77 

'  Balaiice  ■  in  Checking  Account  9/1/80  $1,  L}1|2..>1 

Respectfully  •  submitted,' 
Ray  W,  Brown,  Treasurer 

'  August  Weekly  Avg.  §$9%U$ 

Weekly  Requirement  $551.79 

MINUTES  OF  THE  CONSISTORY  -  October  18,  1980 

The  Consistory  of  Ursinus  United  Church  of  Christ  met  October  18  in 

the  conference  room.    The  meeting  was  opened  by  a  prayer  by  the  President, 

Jean  Puckett.    The  minutes  of  the  previous  meeting  were  read  and  approved. 

Mr.  Ray  Brown  presented  the  quarterly  report  of  the  treasury.    The  monthly 

report  was  presented  as  follows: 

Total  Receipts  and  Balance  brought  forward  $4,152.47 
Less  Total  Disbursements  2,891 .45 

Balance  in  checking  account  9/1/80  $1 ,261 .02 

Lecturers  for  November  are  Harold  Earnhardt,  2  and  9;  and  Carolyn 
Puckett  16  and  30.    Ed  Augustyn  will  polish  the  rail. 

A  motion  was  made  by  John  Peeler  and  seconded  by  Harold  Earnhardt  to 
erase  Helen  Lowery's  name  from  the  church  roll.    Mrs.  Lowery  is  not  a 
member  of  First  Baptist  Church,  Salisbury. 

Plans  are  made  for  Mr.  and  Mrs.  James  Winter,  missionaries  to  Togo, 
to  fisit  us  October  29.    There  will  be  a  covered  dish  supper  in  the  Fellow- 
ship Hall.    Ed  and  Suzanne  Augustyn  will  be  hosts  for  the  evening.  A 
motion  was  made  by  Ed  Augustyn  and  seconded  by  Alice  Linker  to  give  the 
speakers  a  $50  honorarium. 

The  carpet  committee  composed  of  Philip  Culp,  John  Linker  and  Jackie 
Taylor  and  the  Trustees  recommended  that  approximately  $3,500  be  spent 
carpeting  the  church  office,  the  conference  room,  stairs  and  upstairs  hall. 
Also  the  committee  recommended  that  the  hall  by  the  church  office  be  carpeted. 
(A  complete  copy  of  this  recommendation  follows  the  minutes). 

Pastor  Fisher  presented  materials  that  he  would  like  to  use  for  Thanks- 
giving and  Christmas.    A  motion  was  made  by  John  Peeler  and  seconded  by  Alice 
Linker  that  these  materials  be  ordered. 

MINUTES  OF  THE  CONSISTORY  -  October  18,  1980  PAGE  TWO 

A  committee  was  appointed  by  the  president  to  present  a  slate  of  church 
officers  to  be  elected  in  December.    The  committee  to  make  these  nominations 
is  as  follows:    Harold  Earnhardt,  Alice  Linker,  and  Philip  Culp. 

The  church  budget  totaling  $36,952  for  1981  was  presented  by  the  Deacons. 
A  motion  was  made  by  Harold  Earnhardt  and  seconded  by  John  Peeler  that  the 
budget  be  adopted.    (  A  complete  copy  of  the  budget  is  filed  with  the  minutes.) 

The  meeting  was  closed  with  the  Lord's  Prayer. 

Jean  Puckett,  President 

Jackie  Taylor,  Secretary 

Attendance:    Ed  Augustyn 
John  Peeler 
Ray  Brown 
Harold  Earnhardt 
Philip  Culp 
Jackie  Taylor 
Pastor  Fisher 
Jean  Puckett 


Total  Receipts 


Pastor's  Salary 
Pastor's  Travel  Expense 
Pastor's  Group  Hospital 
Vacation  Supply 
Church  Office  Expense 
Youth  Ministry 

Music  Ministry 
Churoh  Secretary 
Sexton's  Salary 

Sales  Tax  to  be  refunded 

Balance  Brought  Forward 
Total  Receipts  for  September 

September  1980 
%  2,709.96 

%  1,091.00 




%  2f89lli*5 

*  1,14*2.51 
&  2.709.96 

Total  Receipts  &  Bal.  Bro, 
Less  Total  Disbursements 

Balance  in  Checking  Account 
September  1,  1980 

xiespectfully  submitted, 
Ray  W.  Brovrn-Troasurdr 
September  Weekly  Average 
Weekly  Requirement 


%  1,261.02 


MINUTES  OF  THE  CONSISTORY  -  November  16,  1980 

The  Consistory  of  Ursinus  United  Church  of  Christ  met  November  16  in 

the  conference  room.    The  meeting  was  opened  with  a  prayer  by  the  President 

The  minutes  of  the  previous  meeting  were  read  and  approved.    The  treasurer' 

report  was  given  as  follows: 

Total  Receipts  and  Balance  brought  forward  $3,672.07 
Less  Total  Disbursements  2,816.77 
Balance  in  checking  account  11/1/80  $  855.30 

It  was  noted  that  the  weekly  average  has  been  short  of  the  weekly  requi 

ment  for  several  weeks.    If  the  trend  continues,  an  appeal  may  be  made  to 

the  congregation. 

Philip  Culp  will  polish  the  rail.    Suzanne  Augustyn  will  be  lector  on 
the  7th  and  14th  and  Jean  Puckett  on  the  21st  and  28th  of  December. 

Rachel  Lapham  was  appointed  by  the  president  to  fill  the  unexpired  term 
of  David  Gore  on  the  Consistory.    (Mrs.  Lapham  was  next  high  in  votes  on 
the  ballot).    A  motion  was  made  by  Ed  Augustyn  and  seconded  by  John  Peeler 
that  we  approve  the  appointment. 

The  following  slate  of  officers  was  presented: 

Elders  -  Alan  Culp,  Dot  Royal,  John  Peeler,  Hugh  Bost,  James  Bonds  and 
Shearin  Teague 

Deacons  -  Pat  Holshouser  -  Gary  Hall,  Philip  Culp.  Nancy  Miller,  Randy 

Bingham  and  Jackie  Taylor 
Trustee  -  Ray  Peeler,  Marvin  Hall 

A  motion  was  made  by  John  Peeler  and  seconded  by  James  Bonds  that  the 
slate  be  accepted.    The  slate  will  appear  in  the  bulletin,  November  23. 
The  election  will  be  held  December  7. 

MINUTES  OF  THE  CONSISTORY  -  November  16,  1980 


Also  at  the  congregational  meeting  on  December  7,  the  budget  for  1981 
will  be  voted  on  for  approval  and  a  recommendation  by  the  Trustees  and 
the  carpet  committee  will  be  presented  for  approval. 

The  date  for  the  next  Consistory  meeting  was  set  for  December  28,  since 
the  third  Sunday  would  conflict  with  the  Christmas  programs.    A  report 
from  the  organ  search  committee  indicated  that  they  have  no  prospects  in 
view  at  the  present  time.    Advertisements  have  been  placed  in  the  paper. 
Becky  Deal  continues  to  be  the  interim  organist. 

It  was  announced  that  Ursinus  Church  will  host  the  Community  Thanksgiving 
Service  November  26,  at  7:30  p.m. 

The  Christmas  Program  will  be  held  December  21.    The  Consistory  approved 
a  Communion  Service  for  Christmas  Eve.    Church  wide  caroling  will  be  held 
December  14. 

The  meeting  was  adjourned  after  prayer. 

Jean  Puckett,  President 

Jackie  Taylor,  Secretary 

Attendance:    James  Bonds 
John  Peeler 
Pat  Holshouser 
Shearin  Teague 
Philip  Culp 
Jean  Puckett 
Harold  Earnhardt 
Jackie  Taylor 
Alice  Linker 
Pastor  Fisher 


OCTOBER,  1980 

Total  Receipts  $  2,1*11.05 

Ooo.  minors 


Pastor's  Salary  $  1,091.00 

Pastor's  Travel  Expense  227.00 

Pastor's  Annunity  U29.00 

Pastor's  Family  Insuranoe  39.00 

Vacation  Supply  §0.00 

Church  Offioe  1+U.06 

Church  Sohool  Supplies  5.00 

Youth  Ministry  20.00 

Delegate  Expense  25.00 

Flowers  21 .00 

Music  Ministry  170.00 

Church  Seoretary  50.69 

Sexton's  Salary  91.10 

Utilities  51+3.28 

Miso.  9.00 

Sales  Tax  to  be  refunded  1  «6U 

Balanoe  Brought  Forward  $  1,261.02 

Total  Receipts  for  Ootober  $  2tU1*.Q5 

Total  Receipts  &  Bal.  Bro.  Frwd.  $  3,672.07 

Less  Total  Disbursements  8  2.816.77 

Balanoe  in  Ck.  Acot.  1 ./1/80  $  855.30 

Respeotfully  submitted, 
Ray  W.  Brown  -  Treasurer 

October  Weekly  Average  $  602,51 

Weekly  Requirement  $     691 .79 

MINUTES  OF  THE  CONSISTORY  -  December  28,  1980 

The  Consistory  of  Ursinus  United  Church  of  Christ  met  December  28 
at  the  home  of  Jean  Puckett.    The  meeting  was  opened  with  a  prayer  by 
the  President.    Consistory  members  of  both  outgoing  and  new  members  were 

The  Consistory  asked  that  a  detailed  budget  report  be  made  before 
January  4  to  see  if  additional  funds  will  be  needed  to  complete  the  1980 
budget.    An  appeal  will  be  made  on  that  Sunday  if  the  budget  is  short. 

Pat  Holshouser  will  polish  the  rail.  Lectors  will  be  Philip  Culp, 
1st  and  2nd  second  Sundays,  and  Harold  Earnhardt,  3rd  and  4th  Sundays. 

A  report  from  the  organ  search  committee  said  that  more  advertisements 
had  been  placed  in  the  paper.  The  interim  organist,  Becky  Deal,  is  consi- 
dering becoming  the  permanent  organist,  but  has  given  no  definite  answer. 

The  Pastor  noted  that  there  had  been  a  drop  in  attendance  during  the 
year.    This  decline  also  had  its  effect  on  the  collections. 

The  Youth  Program  needs  leaders  at  this  time.  Pastor  Fisher  has  volun- 
teered to  lead  this  group  until  something  can  be  worked  out. 

The  annual  congregational  meeting  will  be  held  January  18.    As  is  the 
custom,  this  will  be  a  covered  dish  supper. 

The  Consistory  will  meet  January  11  so  as  not  to  conflict  with  the 
annual  meeting. 

An  election  of  officers  was  held  with  the  following  persons  elected 
to  serve  for  the  year  1981: 

MINUTES  OF  THE  CONSISTORY  -  December  28,  1980 


President  Jean  Puckett 

Vice  President  -Shearin  Teague 

Treasurer  Ray  Brown 

Financial  Secretary  Ray  Barnhardt 

Recording  Secretary  Jackie  Taylor 

Memorial  Fund  Treas.  Ed  Augustyn 

The  Treasurer's  report  was  given  as  follows: 

Total  Receipts  and  Balance  brought  forward  $4,704.87 
Less  Total  Disbursements  3,568.57 
Balance  in  checking  account  12/1/80  $1 ,1 36.38 

The  meeting  was  then  adjourned  with  a  prayer  and  members  were 

invited  for  refreshments. 

Jean  Puckett,  President 

Jackie  Taylor,  Secretary 

Attendance:    Pat  Holshouser 
John  Peeler 
Shearin  Teague 
Philip  Culp 
Harold  Earnhardt 
Jackie  Taylor 
Jean  Puckett 
Pastor  Fisher 


Hover  Pedestals  (memorial) 

Total  Reoeipts 


Western  N,  C»  Association 
Nazareth  Children's  Rome 
Church  Builders  Club 
Pastor's  Salary 
Pastor's  Travel  Expense 
Church  Office  Expense 
Church  School  Expense 
Youth  Ministry 

Music  Ministry 
Church  Secretary 
Sexton's  Salary 

Sales  Tax  to  be  Refunded 
Flower  Pedestals  (memorial) 

Balance  Brought  Forward 
Total  Receipts  for  November 

Total  Receipts  &  Bal.  Bro.  Frwd. 
Less  Total  Disbursements 

Balance  in  Ck.  Acct.  12/1/80 

Respectfully  submitted  , 
Ray  W.  Brown,  Treasurer 

November  Weekly  Average 
Weekly  Requirement 

NOVEMBER,  1980 
%  817.11 




%  3,$68.U9 
%  85S.30 

%  U,70U.87 
%  3,^68. U9 

%  1,136.38 

606.  [.9 

y  569 

i.  e  i.